2017-07-06 165 views

enter image description here如何绘制一个多堆栈,多对多的关系图,如附图所示,使用JavaScript?


  1. 这些框(例如业务架构>过程>解决投诉)可能有多达四个内部级别。
  2. 任何箱子都可以连接(内部与内部组和外部 - 与其他组中的节点)任何箱子
  3. 关系可以是单向和双向的(单侧和双侧)箭头)并且应该有关系类型(例如过程)。
  4. 每箱(各级)应该有四个可点击的热点
  5. 可以保存为模板以供将来修改
  6. 数据饲料是JSON




结果如下。对不起,我不想输入截图中的所有数据,所以我只做了前两个组。而且我也没有打扰造型的东西。 nested relationships drawn using GoJS


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<title>Simple Nested Relationships in GoJS</title> 
<!-- Copyright 1998-2017 by Northwoods Software Corporation. --> 
<meta charset="UTF-8"> 
<script src="go.js"></script> 
<script id="code"> 
    function init() { 
    var $ = go.GraphObject.make; 

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    function makePort(id, spot) { 
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     $(go.Shape, { strokeWidth: 2 }), 
     $(go.Shape, { fromArrow: "Standard", visible: false }, 
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     "nodeDataArray": [\ 
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      { "key": 22, "text": "Organization", "color": "lightgray", "isGroup": true, "group": 2, "loc": "842 55" },\ 
      { "key": 221, "text": "Complaints \\nCall Handler", "color": "lightskyblue", "group": 22, "loc": "852 65.6" },\ 
      { "key": -18, "text": "Complaints \\nClient", "color": "lightskyblue", "group": 22, "loc": "854 142" },\ 
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      { "key": 231, "text": "Manage \\nComplaints", "color": "lightskyblue", "group": 23, "loc": "550 247" }\ 
      "linkDataArray": [\ 
      { "from": 111, "to": 123, "fp": "R", "tp": "L" },\ 
      { "from": 121, "to": 123, "fp": "B", "tp": "T", "text": "Process" },\ 
      { "from": 121, "to": 122, "fp": "B", "tp": "T", "text": "Process" },\ 
      { "from": 121, "to": 211, "fp": "R", "tp": "L", "text": "Process" },\ 
      { "from": 121, "to": 231, "fp": "R", "tp": "L", "text": "Process" },\ 
      { "from": 211, "to": 213, "fp": "B", "tp": "T", "text": "Process type:\\nProcess" },\ 
      { "from": 231, "to": 213, "fp": "T", "tp": "B", "text": "Process" },\ 
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      { "from": 212, "to": -19, "fp": "B", "tp": "L", "text": "Process" },\ 
      { "from": 212, "to": -18, "fp": "B", "tp": "L", "text": "Process" },\ 
      { "from": 212, "to": 221, "fp": "R", "tp": "L", "text": "Process" }\ 
<body onload="init()"> 
    <div id="myDiagramDiv" style="border: solid 1px black; width:100%; height:600px"></div> 

感谢WN!它非常符合我的要求。我之前也尝试过GoJs,但我无法像以前那样正确使用它,但仍然无法在图中添加任何可点击的节点/元素。你能帮我实现这个目标吗? – kumling


一旦熟悉使用面板添加对象时,以及在对象上声明事件处理程序时,这很容易实现。阅读http://gojs.net/latest/intro/panels.html和http://gojs.net/latest/intro/events.html –