2016-08-14 49 views

我正在想放一段时间的循环,所以这样的比赛停止时,您或计算机必须小于或等于0的健康和之后显示一条消息,说有人赢了,但无论我如何尝试或我把他们放在哪里,我似乎无法得到一个while循环工作。如果您尝试使用在JavaScript中while循环这个程序就会陷在while循环永远请帮我:)希望把JavaScript代码在while循环,这样,当cphealth或球员的健康是<= 0时,游戏停止

$(document).ready(function() { 
    var health = 100; 
    var cphealth = 100; 
    var lightAttacks = -20; 
    var block = 10; 
    var Ties = 0; 

    function randomGen() { 
     var max = 3; 
     var min = 1; 
     var answer = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; 
     return answer; 
     //sets up the random number generator 
    var name = ""; 
    var userChoice = ""; 
    var compChoice = 99; 
    $("#lightAttack").click(function() { 
     userChoice = "lightAttack" 
     compChoice = randomGen(); 
     whoWon(userChoice, compChoice); 
    $("#block").click(function() { 
     userChoice = "block" 
     compChoice = randomGen(); 
     whoWon(userChoice, compChoice); 
    $("#heal").click(function() { 
     userChoice = "heal" 
     compChoice = randomGen(); 
     whoWon(userChoice, compChoice); 
     //sets up the random number generator 

    function whoWon(user, comp) { 
     var winnerMessage = "ERROR"; 
     if (user == 'lightAttack') { 
      if (comp == 1) { //developer says 1 = attack back 
       winnerMessage = "Computer attacked back"; 
       (health = health + lightAttacks) && (cphealth = cphealth + lightAttacks) 
      } else if (comp == 2) { //developer says 2 = block next attack 
       winnerMessage = "Computer blocked your attack and reflected some damage"; 
       health = health - 5 
      } else { //developer says 3 = heal and its just else 1 or 2 ot must be 3 
       winnerMessage = "Computer heals back part of your attack damage"; 
       cphealth = cphealth - 10 
     if (user == 'block') { 
      if (comp == 1) { //developer says 1 = lightAttack 
       winnerMessage = "You blocked the computer attack and reflected some damage"; 
       cphealth = cphealth - 5 
      } else if (comp == 2) { //developer says 2 = block 
       winnerMessage = "Nothing happened because you both blocked"; 
       health = health + 0 
      } else { //developer says 3 = heal and if its not 1 or 2 ot must be 3 
       winnerMessage = "Computer heals 10 health"; 
       cphealth = cphealth + 10 
      //sets up the results for if the user picks block 
     if (user == 'heal') { 
      if (comp == 1) { //developer says 1 = lightAttack 
       winnerMessage = "Computer attacked"; 
       health = health - 10 
      } else if (comp == 2) { //developer says 2 = block 
       winnerMessage = "Computer blocked"; 
       health = health + 10 
      } else { //developer says 3 = heal and if its not 1 or 2 ot must be 3 
       winnerMessage = "You both picked heal"; 
       health = health + 10; 
       cphealth = cphealth + 10; 
     if (comphealth <= 0) { 
      alert("You Win!") 
     document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = winnerMessage; 
     document.getElementById("myhealth").innerHTML = health; 
     document.getElementById("comphealth").innerHTML = cphealth; 

你在你的代码中没有while循环,它完美的作品,你并不需要添加一个。你有几个选择:(1)从按钮中删除所有的听众。这是最简单的。 (2)检查每个函数调用/事件侦听器之前是否赢得了 – MayorMonty



。 Javascript只有一个执行线程,因此无法与游戏其余部分并行运行while循环。你可以考虑做,而不是



非常感谢您好先生,但是看到这个项目很快就会到期,所以我可能没有时间去做这件事 –