2016-12-31 60 views

我试图迭代查询作为DAO.Recordset,我的问题是,我的记录集从不打印任何东西。如果我看看我的表格,并且我的查询都具有我之后的数据,但VBA不生成我期望的数据。下面是synatx - 为什么这不写我的数据?使用查询作为DAO.Recordset

Option Compare Database 
Sub Test() 

Dim query1 As String, rs1 As DAO.Recordset 
Dim qryDef As QueryDef, strSQL As String 

query1 = "qryPullData" 

strSQL = "SELECT fl1 As [Field With Spaces One],fl2 As [Field With Spaces Two], " & _ 
    "fl3 As [Field WIth Spaces Three], fl4 As [Field With Spaces Four] " & _ 
    "FROM smallsubset ORDER BY fl1 ASC;" 

Set qryDef = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(query1, strSQL) 

Set rs1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(query1) 

If Not rs1.EOF Then 
    While Not rs1.EOF 
      Debug.Print rs1("Field With Spaces One") 
      Debug.Print rs1("Field With Spaces Two") 
      Debug.Print rs1("Field With Spaces Three") 
      Debug.Print rs1("Field With Spaces Four") 
      Debug.Print rs1("[Field With Spaces One]") 
      Debug.Print rs1("[Field With Spaces Two]") 
      Debug.Print rs1("[Field With Spaces Three]") 
      Debug.Print rs1("[Field With Spaces Four]") 
End If 
End Sub 

'rsExportExcel'没有声明 - 你有错字吗?你也错过了'MoveNext',除非你想*无限循环 –


@TimWilliams - 是的,我的错误应该是rs1 –


做你的代码进入'While'循环吗? –




Sub Test() 
    Dim query1 As String, rs1 As DAO.Recordset 
    Dim qryDef As QueryDef, strSQL As String 

    If CheckQuery("qryPullData") = "Yes" Then 
     DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, "qryPullData" 
    End If 

    query1 = "qryPullData" 

    strSQL = "SELECT fl1 As [Field With Spaces One],fl2 As [Field With Spaces Two], " & _ 
    "fl3 As [Field WIth Spaces Three], fl4 As [Field With Spaces Four] " & _ 
    "FROM smallsubset ORDER BY fl1 ASC;" 

    Set qryDef = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(query1, strSQL) 

    Set rs1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(query1) 

    While Not rs1.EOF 
     Debug.Print rs1("Field With Spaces One") 
     Debug.Print rs1("Field With Spaces Two") 
     Debug.Print rs1("Field With Spaces Three") 
     Debug.Print rs1("Field With Spaces Four") 

End Sub 


Function CheckQuery(queryName As String) 
    Dim qryLoop As QueryDef 
    Dim dbs As Database 
    Dim exists As String 

    exists = "No" 
    For Each qryLoop In CurrentDb.QueryDefs 
     If qryLoop.Name = queryName Then 
      exists = "Yes" 
      Exit For 
     End If 
    CheckQuery = exists 
End Function 




Public Sub Test() 
    Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset 
    Dim qryDef As QueryDef 
    Dim query1 As String 
    Dim strSQL As String 
    Dim lngRecordNum As Long '(how many records are you expecting?) 

    query1 = "qryPullData" 

    If QueryExists(query1) Then 
     DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, query1 
    End If 

    strSQL = "SELECT fl1 As [Field With Spaces One], fl2 As [Field With Spaces Two], " & _ 
    "fl3 As [Field WIth Spaces Three], fl4 As [Field With Spaces Four] " & _ 
    "FROM smallsubset ORDER BY fl1 ASC;" 

    Set qryDef = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(query1, strSQL) 

    Set rs1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(query1) 

    lngRecordNum = 1 
    Do While Not rs1.EOF 
     Debug.Print "Record " & lngRecordNum & ":" 
     Debug.Print " " & rs1("Field With Spaces One") 
     Debug.Print " " & rs1("Field With Spaces Two") 
     Debug.Print " " & rs1("Field With Spaces Three") 
     Debug.Print " " & rs1("Field With Spaces Four") 

    Set rs1 = Nothing 
    Set qryDef = Nothing 

End Sub 

Public Function QueryExists(queryName As String) As Boolean 

    Dim qryLoop As QueryDef 

    For Each qryLoop In CurrentDb.QueryDefs 
     If qryLoop.Name = queryName Then 
      QueryExists = True 
      Exit For 
     End If 
    Set qryLoop = Nothing 

End Function 