2016-03-04 116 views


9510.0  5880.0  8923.0  21849.0  3295.0  17662.0  23931.0  31401.0  13211.0  18942.0  
11034.0  9002.0  4162.0  4821.0  4217.0  7849.0  22837.0  19178.0  24492.0  14838.0  
7895.0  7337.0  18115.0  8949.0  28492.0  22067.0  12714.0  21234.0  26497.0  18003.0  
846.0  29493.0  21868.0  26037.0  27137.0  28630.0  20373.0  8274.0  21280.0  11475.0  
26069.0  21295.0  16883.0  4448.0  20317.0  21063.0  3540.0  23934.0  14843.0  2757.0  
19348.0  32207.0  7833.0  5495.0  26138.0  20905.0  16135.0  19840.0  10829.0  5993.0  
12538.0  16205.0  18997.0  29450.0  6740.0  970.0  7004.0  17142.0  677.0  23509.0  
5243.0  14107.0  24050.0  8179.0  20050.0  24130.0  13494.0  22593.0  3032.0  7580.0  


import java.io.*; 
import java.nio.file.Files; 
import java.nio.file.Paths; 
import java.util.*; 

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 

import java.io.*; 
import java.util.*; 

public class MainThread { 

    public static int rows, cols; 
    public static int[][] cells; 
    * main reads the file and starts 
    * the graphical display 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 

     // Read the entire file in 
     List<String> myFileLines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("bigMatrix.txt")); 

     // Remove any blank lines 
     for (int i = myFileLines.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 
      if (myFileLines.get(i).isEmpty()) { 

     // Declare you 2d array with the amount of lines that were read from the file 
     double[][] intArray = new double[myFileLines.size()][]; 

     // Iterate through each row to determine the number of columns 
     for (int i = 0; i < myFileLines.size(); i++) { 
      // Split the line by spaces 
      String[] splitLine = myFileLines.get(i).split("\\s"); 

      // Declare the number of columns in the row from the split 
      intArray[i] = new double[splitLine.length]; 
      for (int j = 0; j < splitLine.length; j++) { 
       // Convert each String element to an integer 
       intArray[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[j]); 

     // Print the integer array 
     for (double[] row : intArray) { 
      for (double col : row) { 
       System.out.printf("%5d ", col); 





由于异常的名称暗示,9510.0例如不是正确的整数格式,因为.0部分意味着一个浮点数或一个double。使用Float.parseFloat()float数组或者如果你真的想要,铸造与intArray[i][j] = (int) Float.parseFloat(splitLine[j]);




