2010-05-27 65 views
global $user; 
$userId = $user->uid; 

/* start with default */ 
$myresult = ""; 

/* All Includes - start */ 

/* All Includes - end */ 

/* Build All required Variables - start */ 

$alias    = $_GET['alias']; 
$product    = $_GET['product']; 
$product    = strtolower(substr($product,0,-1)); 
$master_table  = $product.'_master'; 
$rating_master_table = $product.'_rating_master'; 
$rating_table  = $product.'_rating'; 
$numProperties  = 15; 

/* Build All required Variables - end */ 

/* Add all Styles required - start */ 

$myresult .= '<link href="/jquery.rating.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>'; 

/* Add all Styles required - end */ 

/* Show Hide Variables/parameters - start */ 


/* Show Hide Variables/parameters - end */ 

/* All Javascript - start */ 
//$myresult .= '<script src="/jquery.rating.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>'; 
#tabs { 
//font-size: 90%; 
//margin: 20px 0; 
margin: 2px 0; 
#tabs ul { 
float: right; 
background: #E3FEFA; 
width: 600px; 
//padding-top: 4px; 
#tabs li { 
margin-left: 8px; 
list-style: none; 
* html #tabs li { 
display: inline; /* ie6 double float margin bug */ 
#tabs li, 
#tabs li a { 
float: left; 
#tabs ul li a { 
text-decoration: none; 
//padding: 8px; 
color: #0073BF; 
font-weight: bold; 
#tabs ul li.active { 
background: #CEE1EF url(/all_include_files/img/nav-right.gif) no-repeat right top; 
#tabs ul li.active a { 
background: url(/all_include_files/img/nav-left.gif) no-repeat left top; 
color: #333333; 
#tabs div { 
//background: #CEE1EF; 
clear: both; 
//padding: 20px; 
min-height: 200px; 
#tabs div h3 { 
text-transform: uppercase; 
margin-bottom: 10px; 
letter-spacing: 1px; 

#tabs div p { 
line-height: 150%; 

<script src="/jquery.rating.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> 

<script src="/jquery.metadata.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> 
<script type='text/javascript'> 

function openComment(number) 
callback: function(value, link){ 
$(document).ready(function() { 

//$('#tabs div').hide(); 
//$('#tabs div:first').show(); 
$('#tabs ul li:first').addClass('active'); 
$('#tabs ul li a').click(function() 
$('#tabs ul li').removeClass('active'); 
var currentTab = $(this).attr('href'); 
$('#tabs div').hide(); 
return false; 

    $("#clickit").click(function() { 
$.post("/mobile/tablechange.php",{ p1:'<?php echo $brand ?>',p2:'<?php echo $model ?>',userid:'<?php echo $userid ?>' } ,function(data){ 

$('div.expandable p').expander({ 
    slicePoint:  200, // default is 100 
    expandText:   'more &raquo;', // default is 'read more...' 
    collapseTimer: 0, // re-collapses after 5 seconds; default is 0, so no re-collapsing 
    userCollapseText: '[^]' // default is '[collapse expanded text]' 

/* All Javascript - end */ 

/* Form Processing after submit - start */ 
/* Form Processing after submit - end */ 

/* Actual Form or Page - start */ 

/*fetch all data needed */ 

/* initial query */ 

$result_product = query_product_table($product,$alias); 

/*fetch property names of product */ 
$product_properties = master_table($master_table); 

/*rating table query */ 
$master_rating_properties = master_rating_table($rating_master_table); 

/*get user ratings*/ 
$user_ratings = user_ratings($userId,$alias,$rating_table); 

$myresult .= '<div class=\'Services\'>'; 
//$myresult .="<form name ='form1' id='form1' method = 'POST' action='".$_SERVER['php_self'] ."'>"; 

{ header('Location: /page-not-found'); } 
$row_product = mysql_fetch_array($result_product); 

    $myresult .= "<h3 class='newstyle'>".$row_product['alias']." <a style='float:right;padding-right:20px;color:white;text-decoration:underline;' href='/'>Back</a> </h3>"; 

/* start actual product display - start*/ 
$myresult .= "<div class=\"product\">"; 

/* start table 1*/ 
$myresult .= '<table border=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\' style=\'width:580px; table-layout:fixed;\'>'; 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .='<td valign=\'top\'>'; 

/* start table 2*/ 
$myresult .='<table width=\'100%\' border=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\'>'; 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<td valign=\'top\' style=\'width:164px;\'>'; 

/* start table 3*/ 
$myresult .= '<table style=\'width:164px;\' border=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\'>'; 

$myresult .= "<tr>"; 

/* start of the pic row */ 
$myresult .= '<td align=\'center\' class=\'various_product\'>'; 
if($row_product['pic'] != "") 
$myresult .= '<ul id=\'mycarousel\' style=\'display:\';>'; 

$myresult .= '<li><a href=\'/all_image_scripts/origpicdisplay.php?product='.rawurlencode($product).'&alias='.rawurlencode($alias).'&picid=pic&p= \'rel=\'lightbox[roadtrip]\'><img src=\'/all_image_scripts/picdisplay1.php?product='.rawurlencode($product).'&alias='.rawurlencode($alias).'\'></img></a></li>'; 

for($p = 1; $p <= 4; $p++) 
if($row_product['pic'.$p] != "") 

$myresult .= '<li><a href=\'/all_image_scripts/origpicdisplay.php?product='.rawurlencode($product).'&alias='.rawurlencode($alias).'&picid=pic'.rawurlencode($p).'&p='.rawurlencode($p).'\' rel=\'lightbox[roadtrip]\'><img src=\'/all_image_scripts/thumbpicdisplay.php?product='.rawurlencode($product).'&alias='.rawurlencode($alias).'&picid=pic'.rawurlencode($p).'\'></img></a></li>'; 

$myresult .= '</ul>'; 

$myresult .= "<img width='50' height='70' src='/images/no-image.gif'></img>"; 
jcarousel_add('#mycarousel', array('horizontal' => TRUE,'scroll' => 1,'visible' => 1)); 

$myresult .= "</td>"; 
/* end display of pic td*/ 

$myresult .= "</tr>"; 
/* end display of pic tr*/ 
$myresult .= "</table></td>"; 

/* end display of pic table and earlier td - Still 1 open TR td table tr -hint*/ 

$myresult .= '<td style=\'width:450px;\'>'; 

/*table - 4*/ 
$myresult .= '<table width=\'100%\' border=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\' style=\'display:block;\'>'; 

/* Start showing property and values */ 
$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'tick\'><img src=\'/images/ul_li_bg.gif\' width=\'12\' height=\'12\' /></td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'leftText\'>'.ucfirst($product).':</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'rightText\'>'.$row_product['alias'] .'</td>'; 

$myresult .= "</tr>"; 

for($j = 3; $j <= 5 ; $j++){ 

if($product_properties['property'.$j.'_name'] != "") 

if($row_product['property'.$j] != "") 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'tick\'><img src=\'/images/ul_li_bg.gif\' width=\'12\' height=\'12\' /></td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'leftText\'>'.$product_properties['property'.$j.'_name'].':</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'rightText\'>'.$row_product['property'.$j] .'</td>'; 

$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
/* end if*/ 
/* end if*/ 
/* end for*/ 

/* show hide block */ 
$myresult .= '<tbody id=\'extra_properties\' style=\'display: none;\'>'; 

for($j = 6; $j <= 15 ; $j++){ 

if($product_properties['property'.$j.'_name'] != "") 

if($row_product['property'.$j] != "") 
$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'tick\'><img src=\'/images/ul_li_bg.gif\' width=\'12\' height=\'12\' /></td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'leftText\'>'.$produtc_properties['property'.$j.'_name'].':</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'rightText\'>'.$row_product['property'.$j] .'</td>'; 

$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
/* end if*/ 
/* end if*/ 
/* end for */ 
$myresult .= '</tbody>'; 
/* end show/hide tbody */ 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<td>'; 
$myresult .= '&nbsp;'; 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td>'; 
$myresult .= '&nbsp;'; 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td align=\'right\' style=\'text-align:right;text-decoration:underline;\'>'; 

$myresult .= '<a class=\'right_link\' href=\'javascript:showMore()\'>Show Additional Details...</a>'; 

$myresult .= '</td>'; 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 

/* End showing property and values */ 

$showreview = 'display:'; 
/* review show hide */ 
/*$myresult .= '<tbody '.$showreview.'>'; 
$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<td colspan=\'2\'><span class=\'reviews\'>'; 

//$numreviews = getreviewcount($brand,$model,'mobile_user_reviews'); 
if($numreviews > 0) 
$myresult .= '<a href=\'mobilereviews?alias='.rawurlencode($alias).'\'> <span>$numreviews Reviews</span></a>'; 
$myresult .= " $numreviews Reviews"; 
$myresult .= "</span></td>"; 

$myresult .= "</tr>"; 
$myresult .= "</tbody>"; 
/* review show hide - end */ 

/* count show hide */ 
$myresult .= '<tbody '.$showcount.'>'; 
$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<td colspan=\'2\'><span class=\'reviews\'>'; 

//$totalvotes = gettotalvotes($row['property1'],$row['property2'],'mobile_rating'); 

$myresult .= "</td>"; 
$myresult .= "</tr>"; 
$myresult .= "</tbody>"; 
/* count show hide - end */ 

$myresult .= "</table></td>"; 
/* end table 4 */ 

$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
/* end 1 row and remaining tr , td ,table */ 

$myresult .= '</table></td>'; 

$myresult .= '</tr>'; 

/* remianing only 1 table */ 

/* ratings - positive last section starts here */ 
$max= array(); 
for ($l = 1 ; $l < 15; $l++){ 
$maxarray = 0; 
$maxarray = $row_product['property'.$l.'_avg']; 

$max['rating'.$l.'_name'] = $maxarray; 

if(count($max) >0) 

if(($row_product['freshness'] <= strtotime("-3 month"))) 
{ $image_type= 'old'; } 

else if(($row_product['freshness'] <= strtotime("-2 month"))) 
{ $image_type= 'bitold'; } 

else if(($row_product['freshness'] <= strtotime("-1 month")) || ($row_product['freshness'] > strtotime("-1 month"))) 

{ $image_type= 'new'; } 

$img_name = $image_type; 

$myresult .= "<tr>"; 
$myresult .= "<td>"; 
$myresult .= "<table width='100%' border='0'>"; 

$myresult .= "<tr>"; 

$myresult .= "<td width='170' class=\"ratingz\"><span><u>Overall rating</u></span></td>"; 

$myresult .= "<td width='150' class=\"ratingz\"><span><u>Positive</u></span></td>"; 

$myresult .= "<td width='150' class=\"ratingz\"><span><u>Negative</u></span></td>"; 

if($img_name == 'new'){ 
$images = "<img src='/sites/default/files/battery-discharging-100.png' width='40' height='40'></img>"; 
else if($img_name == 'bitold'){ 
$images = "<img src='/sites/default/files/battery-discharging-80.png' width='40' height='40'></img>"; 
else if($img_name == 'old'){ 
$images = "<img src='/sites/default/files/battery-discharging-0.png' width='40' height='40'></img>"; 
else { 
$images = ""; 

$myresult .= "<td rowspan='2'><p ".$showbattery.">". $images ."</p></td>"; 

$myresult .= "</tr>"; 

$myresult .= "<tr>"; 
$myresult .= "<td>"; 

     for($k = 0.5; $k <= 10.0; $k+=0.5) 
     $overall = roundOff($row_product['overall_rating']); 
       if($overall == $k) 
         $chk ="checked"; 
         $chk = ""; 
$myresult .= '<input class=\'star {split:2}\' type=\'radio\' value=\''. $k .'\' '.$chk.' title=\''. $k.' out of 10 \' disabled />'; 


$myresult .= '</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td ><span>'.$positive.'</span></td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td ><span>'.$negative.'</span></td>'; 

$myresult .= '</tr>'; 

$myresult .= '</table></td>'; 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 

/* ratings - positive last section ends here */ 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

if($row_product['description'] != ""){ 

if(words_count($row_product['description']) > 8){ 

$myresult .= '<td><p><span class=\'description\'><strong><u>Description</u>:</strong></span>&nbsp;&nbsp; <div class=\'expandable\'><p>'.$row_product['description'].'</div></p></p></td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td><p><span class=\'description\'><strong><u>Description</u>:</strong></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;'. $row_product['description'] .'</p></td>'; 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 

$myresult .= '</table>'; 
/* end 1st table */ 

$myresult .= '</div>'; 
/* start actual product display - end*/ 

/*start the form to take ratings */ 
$myresult .= '<div id=\'tabs\'>'; 

$myresult .= '<ul>'; 
$myresult .= '<li><a href=\'#tab-1\'>Ratings</a></li>'; 
$myresult .= '<li><a href=\'#tab-2\'>Click here to rate</a></li>'; 
$myresult .= '</ul>'; 

$myresult .= '<div id=\'tab-1\'>'; 

/* actual rating table - start - jsut display ratings */ 

$myresult .= '<table id=\'rounded-corner\'>'; 

/* thead - start */ 
$myresult .= '<thead>'; 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<th width=\'30%\' class=\'rounded-company\' scope=\'col\'><span style=\'font: normal 18px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FFF;\'>Ratings</span></th>'; 

$myresult .= '<th width=\'70%\' colspan=\'2\'class=\'rounded-q4\' scope=\'col\'><a href=\'#rounded-corner\' id=\'clickit\' style=\'color:white;text-decoration:underline;\' $disabled ></a></th> 

/*$myresult .= '<th width=\'70%\' colspan=\'2\'class=\'rounded-q4\' scope=\'col\'><a href=\'#rounded-corner\' id=\'clickit\' style=\'color:white;text-decoration:underline;\' $disabled >Click here to rate</a></th> 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
$myresult .= '</thead>'; 

/* thead - end */ 

/* tbody - start */ 
$myresult .= '<tbody>'; 

/*start printing the table wth feature and ratings */ 
for ($i = 1 ; $i < $numProperties; $i++){ 


$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<td width=\'22%\'>'; 

$indfeature = 0; 
$indfeature = $row_product['property'.$i.'_avg']; 
$myresult .= $master_rating_properties['rating'.$i.'_name'].' ('.$indfeature .')'; 

$myresult .= '</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td colspan=\'0\' width=\'38%\' >'; 

$tocheck = $indfeature; 

for($k = 0.5; $k <= 10.0; $k+=0.5){ 

$tocheck = roundOff($tocheck); 
if(($tocheck) == $k) 
{ $chk = "checked"; } 


{ $chk = ""; } 

$myresult .= '<input class=\'star {split:2}\' type=\'radio\' name=\'drating'.$i.'\' id=\'drating'.$i.''.$k.'\' value=\''. $k .'\' '.$chk.' title=\''. $k.' out of 10 \' disabled \'/>'; 


/* for k loop end */ 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
/* end if loop */ 
/* end i for loop */ 

$myresult .= '</tbody>'; 
/* end tbody */  

/* footer round corner start */ 
$myresult .= '<tfoot>'; 
$myresult .= '<tr>'; 
$myresult .= '<td class=\'rounded-foot-left\'>&nbsp;</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'rounded-foot-right\' colspan=\'4\' >'; 

$myresult .= '</td>'; 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
$myresult .= '</tfoot>'; 

$myresult .= '</table>'; 
/*round corner table end */ 

$myresult .= '</div>'; 
/*end 1st tab */ 

/*start 2nd tab */ 
$myresult .= '<div id=\'tab-2\'>'; 

$myresult .= '<form name =\'form1\' id=\'form1\' method = \'POST\' action=\''.$_SERVER['php_self'] .'\'>'; 

/* actual rating table - start - actual rate/update */ 

$myresult .= '<table id=\'rounded-corner\'>'; 

/* thead - start */ 
$myresult .= '<thead>'; 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<th width=\'30%\' class=\'rounded-company\' scope=\'col\'><span style=\'font: normal 18px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FFF;\'>Ratings</span></th>'; 

$myresult .= '<th width=\'70%\' colspan=\'2\'class=\'rounded-q4\' scope=\'col\'></th>'; 

$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
$myresult .= '</thead>'; 

/* thead - end */ 

/* tbody - start */ 
$myresult .= '<tbody>'; 
/*start printing the table wth feature and ratings */ 
for ($i = 1 ; $i < $numProperties; $i++){ 


$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

/*fetch ratings and comments - 1st make it to null */ 
$indfeature = 0; 
$comment = ''; 

$indfeature = $user_ratings['rating'.$i]; 
if($indfeature == NULL){ $indfeature = 0; } 
$comment = $user_ratings['rating'.$i.'_comment']; 

$myresult .= '<td width=\'22%\'>'; 

$myresult .= $master_rating_properties['rating'.$i.'_name'].' ('.$indfeature.')'; 

$myresult .= '</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td colspan=\'0\' width=\'38%\' >'; 

if(($userId != '0') && (is_array($user_ratings))) 
$tocheck = $indfeature; 
$tocheck = '0'; 

for($k = 0.5; $k <= 10.0; $k+=0.5){ 

$tocheck = roundOff($tocheck); 
if(($tocheck) == $k) 
{ $chk = "checked"; } 


{ $chk = ""; } 

$myresult .= '<input class=\'star {split:2}\' type=\'radio\' name=\'rating'.$i.'\' id=\'rating'.$i.''.$k.'\' value=\''. $k .'\' '.$chk.' title=\''. $k.' out of 10 \' '.$disabled.' \' />'; 


/* for k loop end */ 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 
$myresult .= '<td width=\'40%\'>'; 
$myresult .= '<input title=\'Reason for this Rating.. \'type=\'text\' size=\'25\' name=\'comment'.$i.'\' id=\'comment'.$i.'\' style=\'display:;\' maxlength=\'255\' value="'.$comment.'">'; 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
/* end if loop */ 
/* end i for loop */ 

$myresult .= '</tbody>'; 
/* end tbody */  

/* footer round corner start */ 
$myresult .= '<tfoot>'; 
$myresult .= '<tr>'; 
$myresult .= '<td class=\'rounded-foot-left\'>&nbsp;</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td class=\'rounded-foot-right\' colspan=\'4\' >'; 

if(($userId != '0') && (is_array($user_ratings))) 
$myresult .= '<input type=\'button\' id=\'update_form\' value=\'Update\'>'; 
$myresult .= '<input type=\'button\' id=\'save_form\' value=\'Save\'>'; 

$myresult .= '</td>'; 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
$myresult .= '</tfoot>'; 

$myresult .= '</table>'; 
/*round corner table end */ 

$myresult .= '</form>'; 
/*end the form to take ratings */ 
$myresult .= '</div>'; 
/*end 2nd tab */ 

$myresult .= '</div>'; 

/*end tabs div */ 

/* actual rating table - end */ 
/* 1st form ends here id- ratings_form */ 
/* end of if loop result_product loop */ 

/* start table 3 - overall comment*/ 
$myresult .= '<table border=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\' style=\'width:580px; table-layout:fixed;\' id=\'rounded-corner\'>'; 
$myresult .= '<tbody>'; 
/* thead - start */ 
$myresult .= '<thead>'; 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<th width=\'100%\' colspan=\'2\' class=\'rounded-company\' scope=\'col\'><span style=\'font: normal 18px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FFF;\'>Overall Comments</span></th>'; 

$myresult .= '<th colspan=\'3\' class=\'rounded-q4\' scope=\'col\'></th>'; 

$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
$myresult .= '</thead>'; 

/* thead - end */ 
$myresult .= '<tr>'; 
$myresult .= '<td colspan=\'4\'>'; 
$myresult .= '<textarea title=\'OverAll Comment\' name=\'overall_comment\' cols=\'65\'></textarea>'; 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
$myresult .= '<tbody>'; 
$myresult .= '</table>'; 
/* end table 3 - overall comment*/ 

/* start table 4 - summary*/ 

$myresult .= '<table border=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\' style=\'width:580px; table-layout:fixed;\' id=\'rounded-corner\'>'; 
$myresult .= '<tbody>'; 
/* thead - start */ 
$myresult .= '<thead>'; 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<th colspan=\'2\' class=\'rounded-company\' scope=\'col\'><span style=\'font: normal 18px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FFF;\'>Your Opinion</span></th>'; 
$myresult .= '<th colspan=\'2\'class=\'rounded-q4\' scope=\'col\'></th>'; 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
$myresult .= '</thead>'; 

/* thead - end */ 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 
$myresult .= '<td colspan=\'2\'>'; 
$myresult .= 'Do you Agree with the Ratings'; 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td colspan=\'2\'>'; 
$myresult .= 'Was the Information Helpful'; 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<tr>'; 

$myresult .= '<form name=\'form2\' id=\'form2\' method=\'post\'>'; 
$myresult .= '<td>'; 
$myresult .= '<input type=\'button\' class=\'agree\' value=\'agree\'>'; 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td>'; 
$myresult .= '<input type=\'button\' class=\'disagree\' value=\'disagree\'>'; 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 
$myresult .= '<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'agree_disagree\' id=\'agree_disagree\'>'; 
$myresult .= '</form>'; 

$myresult .= '<form name=\'form3\' id=\'form3\' method=\'post\'>'; 
$myresult .= '<td>'; 
$myresult .= '<input type=\'button\' class=\'helpful\' value=\'Helpful\'>'; 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<td>'; 
$myresult .= '<input type=\'button\' class=\'nothelpful\' value=\'Not Helpful\'>'; 
$myresult .= '</td>'; 

$myresult .= '<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'help_nohelp\' id=\'help_nohelp\'>'; 
$myresult .= '</form>'; 
$myresult .= '</tr>'; 
$myresult .= '</tbody>'; 
$myresult .= '</table>'; 
/*end table 4 summary table */ 

$myresult .= '</div>'; 
/* Actual Form or Page - end */ 
echo $myresult; 
//echo 'Product: '.$product; 
//echo '<br/>Alias: '.$alias; 

嘿,这代码工作对我罚款。按要求。明星类代码是从 http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/star-rating/采取...它的工作原理以及..但是当我插入代码添加标签内容中,开始是不可见的。但是当我检查源代码。星星实际上在那里。 dono最新的概率。在这个2 JavaScript的问题


$('#tabs div').hide(); 
('#tabs div:first').show(); 
$('#tabs ul li:first').addClass('active'); 
$('#tabs ul li a').click(function() 
$('#tabs ul li').removeClass('active'); 
var currentTab = $(this).attr('href'); 
$('#tabs div').hide(); 
return false; 

是缺少'$'于您的标签代码一个错字? – 2010-05-27 20:40:58


抱歉的错误。在马代码$退出。我已经错过了它,而其复制 – Hacker 2010-05-28 05:06:16




('#tabs div:first').show(); 


$('#tabs div:first').show(); 

$现在是一个运营商,实际上它是一个功能.___。 – 2010-05-27 20:55:46


是你的权利,我应该说功能。 :) – dalton 2010-05-27 20:59:02


抱歉的错误。 ma代码中的$ exit在复制时错过了它。 – Hacker 2010-05-28 04:49:13