2017-09-02 41 views

如果使用iPhone(实际设备)的用户第一次登录我的网站,“汉堡包菜单”根本无法打开菜单,导航栏也不会显示在滚动栏上。它似乎在Android设备上运行得很好(除了可能是相信responsinator的纵向模式下的Nexus 4)和Win台式机。为什么用Javascript制作的响应式导航栏只能在iPhone浏览器刷新后才能使用?




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<div id="navigation-main"> 
    <h2 class="logo"> 
     <a href="#"> 
        <img src="images/white-logo.png" alt=""> 
    <div id="menu-icon"> 
     <span class="icon-menu-hamburguer"></span> 
    <nav id="menu-main"> 
      <li><a class="scroll" href="#about-anchor">About us</a></li> 
      <li><a class="scroll" href="#agenda-anchor">Agenda</a></li> 
      <li><a class="scroll" href="#gallery-anchor">Gallery</a></li> 
      <li><a class="scroll" href="#sponsors-anchor">Sponsors</a></li> 
      <li><a class="scroll" href="#contact-anchor">Contact</a></li> 
      <li><a href="login.html">Log in <img src="images/login_icon.png" alt=""></a></li> 


#navigation-main { 
    min-height: 60px; 
    z-index: 9; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s linear; 
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    transition: all 0.5s linear; 

#navigation-main:active { 
    background-color: #000000; 

#navigation-main .logo { 
    float: left; 

#navigation-main .logo img { 
    display: none; 

#navigation-main nav { 
    position: relative; 
    top: 20px; 

#navigation-main nav ul { 
    margin: 0; 
    padding-left: 0; 

#navigation-main nav ul li { 
    list-style: none 

#navigation-main nav ul li a { 
    color: #FFFFFF; 
    text-decoration: none 

#navigation-main #menu-icon { 
    display: none; 

#navigation-main.active { 
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    top: 0; 
    height: 60px; 
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    -moz-transition: all 0.5s linear; 
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    transition: all 0.5s linear; 

#navigation-main.active img { 
    display: inline-block; 

#navigation-main.active #menu-icon { 
    top: 10px; 

#navigation-main.active .logo img { 
    max-width: 50%; 

#navigation-main.active nav li a { 
    color: #FFFFFF 

#navigation-main nav ul li img { 
    vertical-align: middle; 

@media (max-width: 768px) { 
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     max-width: 80% 
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     margin: 2px 0; 
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     top: 20px; 
     display: block; 
     float: right; 
     z-index: 10; 
     cursor: pointer; 
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     background: #ff0000; 
     width: 30px; 
     height: 4px; 
     margin: 2px 0; 
     display: block; 
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     width: 30px; 
     height: 4px; 
     display: block; 
     margin: 2px 0; 
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     bottom: 8px; 
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     top: 2px; 
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     display: none; 
     width: 100%; 
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     top: 15%; 
     width: 100%; 
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@media (min-width: 768px) { 
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     display: inline-block; 
    #navigation-main nav ul li a { 
     padding: 0 5px; 
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(function() { 

    ////////// Sticky navbar and hamburger icon 

    var headerScroll = getId('navigation-main'), 
     scrollHeight = 250, 
     menuIcon = getId('menu-icon'), 
     menuMain = getId('menu-main'), 
     classMenu = 'menu-active', 
     classHeader = 'active'; 

    // Scroll 
    window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollOn); 

    function scrollOn() { 
     animatedScroll(headerScroll, classHeader, scrollHeight); 

    // Responsive menu 
    menuIcon.onclick = function() { 
     toggle(menuMain, classMenu); 

    menuMain.onclick = function() { 
     toggle(menuMain, classMenu); 

    // Moving the element after scrolling 
    function animatedScroll(element, classN, height) { 
     y = pageYOffset; 
     if (y > height) { 
      element.className = classN; 
     } else { 
      element.className = ''; 

    // Change the element's class 
    function toggle(element, classe) { 
     element.className = element.className ? '' : classe; 

    // Return the element 
    function getId(id) { 
     return document.getElementById(id); 

    ////////// Sticky navbar and hamburger icon 

    // Feature Test 
    if ('querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in window && Array.prototype.forEach) { 

     // Function to animate the scroll 
     var smoothScroll = function(anchor, duration) { 

      // Calculate how far and how fast to scroll 
      var startLocation = window.pageYOffset; 
      var endLocation = anchor.offsetTop; 
      var distance = endLocation - startLocation; 
      var increments = distance/(duration/16); 
      var stopAnimation; 

      // Scroll the page by an increment, and check if it's time to stop 
      var animateScroll = function() { 
       window.scrollBy(0, increments); 

      // If scrolling down 
      if (increments >= 0) { 
       // Stop animation when you reach the anchor OR the bottom of the page 
       stopAnimation = function() { 
        var travelled = window.pageYOffset; 
        if ((travelled >= (endLocation - increments)) || ((window.innerHeight + travelled) >= document.body.offsetHeight)) { 
      // If scrolling up 
      else { 
       // Stop animation when you reach the anchor OR the top of the page 
       stopAnimation = function() { 
        var travelled = window.pageYOffset; 
        if (travelled <= (endLocation || 0)) { 

      // Loop the animation function 
      var runAnimation = setInterval(animateScroll, 16); 


     // Define smooth scroll links 
     var scrollToggle = document.querySelectorAll('.scroll'); 

     // For each smooth scroll link 
     [].forEach.call(scrollToggle, function(toggle) { 

      // When the smooth scroll link is clicked 
      toggle.addEventListener('click', function(e) { 

       // Prevent the default link behavior 

       // Get anchor link and calculate distance from the top 
       var dataID = toggle.getAttribute('href'); 
       var dataTarget = document.querySelector(dataID); 
       var dataSpeed = toggle.getAttribute('data-speed'); 

       // If the anchor exists 
       if (dataTarget) { 
        // Scroll to the anchor 
        smoothScroll(dataTarget, dataSpeed || 500); 

      }, false); 





欢迎堆栈溢出!你的问题的全部内容必须在**你的问题中**,而不仅仅是链接。链接腐烂,使问题及其答案在未来的人们中毫无用处,人们不应该离开现场去帮助你。在**问题中放置一个[mcve] **,最好使用Stack Snippets('<>'工具栏按钮)使其可运行。更多:[*我如何问一个好问题?*](/帮助/如何问) –




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