2017-07-30 75 views
var async = require('async'); 
var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); 

var util = require('util'); 
var im = require('imagemagick'); 
var fs = require('fs'); 

// constants 
var MAX_WIDTH = 100; 
var MAX_HEIGHT = 100; 

var s3 = require('s3'); 

var client = s3.createClient({ 
    maxAsyncS3: 20,  // this is the default 
    s3RetryCount: 3, // this is the default 
    s3RetryDelay: 1000, // this is the default 
    multipartUploadThreshold: 20971520, // this is the default (20 MB) 
    multipartUploadSize: 15728640, // this is the default (15 MB) 
    s3Options: { 
    accessKeyId: "xx", 
    secretAccessKey: "xx", 


exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) { 
    // Read options from the event. 
    console.log("Reading options from event:\n", util.inspect(event, {depth: 5})); 
    var srcBucket = event.Records[0].s3.bucket.name; 
    // Object key may have spaces or unicode non-ASCII characters. 
    var srcKey = decodeURIComponent(event.Records[0].s3.object.key.replace(/\+/g, " ")); 
    var dstBucket = srcBucket + "resized"; 
    var dstKey = "resized-" + srcKey; 

    // Sanity check: validate that source and destination are different buckets. 
    if (srcBucket == dstBucket) { 
     callback("Source and destination buckets are the same."); 

    // Infer the image type. 
    var typeMatch = srcKey.match(/\.([^.]*)$/); 
    if (!typeMatch) { 
     callback("Could not determine the image type."); 
    var imageType = typeMatch[1]; 
    if (imageType != "jpg" && imageType != "png") { 
     callback('Unsupported image type: ${imageType}'); 

    // Download the image from S3, transform, and upload to a different S3 bucket. 
     function download(next) { 

      var params = { 
       localFile: "/tmp/"+srcKey, 

       s3Params: { 
       Bucket: srcBucket, 
       Key: srcKey, 

      var downloader = client.downloadFile(params); 
      downloader.on('error', function(err) { 
       console.error("unable to download:", err.stack); 
      downloader.on('progress', function() { 
       console.log("progress", downloader.progressAmount, downloader.progressTotal); 
      downloader.on('end', function() { 
       console.log("done downloading"); 

      //upload a file 
      var uploadparams = { 
       localFile: "/tmp/"+srcKey, 

       s3Params: { 
       Bucket: dstBucket, 
       Key: dstKey, 
      var uploader = client.uploadFile(uploadparams); 
      uploader.on('error', function(err) { 
       console.error("unable to upload:", err.stack); 
      uploader.on('progress', function() { 
       console.log("progress", uploader.progressMd5Amount, 
         uploader.progressAmount, uploader.progressTotal); 
      uploader.on('end', function() { 
       console.log("done uploading"); 

    ], function (err) { 
      if (err) { 
        'Unable to resize ' + srcBucket + '/' + srcKey + 
        ' and upload to ' + destBucket + '/' + destKey + 
        ' due to an error: ' + err 
      } else { 
        'Successfully resized ' + srcBucket + '/' + srcKey + 
        ' and uploaded to ' + destBucket + '/' + destKey 

我试图从s3桶下载文件并将其上传到不同的s3存储桶。我需要在上传之前对其他转换进行一些操作。所以,只想尝试下载并首先上传。在执行时,它表示完成了下载。但我无法上传文件。不确定是什么问题。我遵循https://github.com/andrewrk/node-s3-client/blob/master/README.md 的建议上传并不奏效。你能帮忙吗?谢谢。s3桶上传不起作用






这个答案对我来说确实管用上传。 Thx UXDart – Chandramohan