2011-08-27 87 views


public class A 
    public string test; 
    public A() 
     B b = new B(); 
     test = "I am A class of test."; 

    public void hello() 
     MessageBox.Show("I am A class of hello."); 

    class B 
     public B() 
      //How can I get A class of test and call A class of hello method 
      //base.test or base.hello() are not working. 

如果这个例子在Java中,我可以使用A.this.test或A.this.hello(),但是在C#中我该怎么办?除了传递A到B的引用? – Jasper


你会怎么做?您在B类的实例中没有获得类A的实例。 – Carsten






public class A 
    string name = "Class A"; 

    public A() 
     var b = new B(this); 

    class B 
     public B(A a) 
      a.name.Dump(); // Write out the property of a.name to some stream. 

谢谢,但除此之外,还有其他方法吗? – Jasper


据我所知除了传递对象A的引用没有其他的方式。在C#中的嵌套类不像在C++中那样工作..例如.. –


好吧,谢谢你的回答。 – Jasper



namespace Example 
    class A 
     string Name = "test"; // access restricted only to this class 
     public string Type; // global access 
     internal string Access; // within defining namespace 
     protected string Code; // this class and subclass 

     // When you create a nested class like C, you can create instances of C within this class(A). 

     C c = new C(); 

     class C 
      string name; 
      public C() 
       //this is a nested class and you cannot call A as its base 
       name = "test success"; 

    class B : A 
     public string Type { get { return base.Type; } set { base.Type = value; } } // You can use base when you hide a base class member 
     public B() 
      Type = "test"; 
      Code = "nothing"; 
      Access = "success"; 
      //Cannot Access 'Name' Here as it is private 
