2015-02-07 68 views


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<body id="dienstenpage" onload="design()"> 
<div id="wrapper" > 

     <div id="topnav" > 
         <li><a href="index.html" title="Welkom e">WELKOM</a></li> 
         <li><a href="diensten.html" title="de diensten " class="currentLink">DIENSTEN</a></li> 
         <li><a href="contact.html" title=" contacteren >CONTACT</a></li> 
         <li><a href="referenties.html" title="Algemene voorwaarden >REFERENTIES</a></li> 

     <!-- "content" --> 
     <div id="content" > 

       <h2>webdesign stappenplan</h2> 

      <ul id = "issues"> 
         <a class="next" href="#">next</a> 
         <a class="next" href="#">next</a><a class="previous" href="#">prev</a> 
         <a class="next" href="#">next</a><a class="previous" href="#">prev</a> 
         <a class="next" href="#">next</a><a class="previous" href="#">prev</a> 
         <a class="previous" href="#">prev</a> 


function design() { 
    var theImage = $('#issues li'); 
    var theWidth = theImage.width(); 
    var theHeight = theImage.height(); 
    var count = $('#issues').children().length; 

    //wrap into mother div 
    $('#issues').wrap('<div id="mother" />');     
    //assign height width and overflow hidden to mother 
     width: function() { 
     return theWidth; 

     height: function() { 
     return theImage.height(); 

     position: 'relative', 
     overflow: 'hidden' , 
     //get total of image sizes and set as width for ul 

    var totalWidth = count * theWidth; 
    $('#issues li').width(theWidth); 

    $('#issues li').on("swipeleft",function(){ 
     var ind = $(this).index() ; if (ind +1 < count) { 
     $(this).parent('ul').animate({marginLeft: (-(ind + 1) * theWidth)}, 500);} 

     $('#issues li').on("swiperight",function(){ 
     var ind = $(this).index() ; if (ind > 0) { 
     $(this).parent('ul').animate({marginLeft: (-(ind -1) * theWidth)}, 500);} 

    $('#issues li a').click(function() { 

     var ind = $(this).closest('li').index() ; 
      $(this).parent('li').parent('ul').animate({marginLeft: (-(ind + 1) * theWidth)}, 1000); 
     else if($(this).is(".previous")){ 
      $(this).parent('li').parent('ul').animate({marginLeft: (-(ind - 1) * theWidth)}, 1000) ; 
     else if($(this).is(".startover")){ 
      $(this).parent('li').parent('ul').animate({marginLeft: (0) }, 1000) 





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fieldset, form, label, legend, 
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, 
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menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, 
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/* --------------------------- */ 

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#content ul   { padding-top:10px;} 
#issues    { } 
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.style6    { margin-top: 20px; margin-left:0; width:50%; } 
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#issues li a.previous { border-top: 30px solid transparent; 
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@media screen and (max-width: 480px) 
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#indexpage   { background-image:url(../images/compmob5.png); } 
#dienstenpage  { background-image:url(../images/compmob3.png); } 
#contactpage  { background-image:url(../images/compmob2.png); } 
#referentiepage  { background-image:url(../images/compmob1.png); } 
#topnav    { padding-top: 5px;padding-bottom : 0px;} 
#gdigit h4   { font-size: 70px ; padding : 0px 40px; } 
#content   { margin-top:10px;padding-top : 0;margin-bottom :30px;} 
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label    { width:100% ; } 
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#footer h4   { font-size: 50px ; font-weight:bold; text-align: center;height :60px;} 
#issues li a.next { border-top: 30px solid transparent; 
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#issues li a.previous { border-top: 30px solid transparent; 
         border-right: 20px solid #85D1DD; 
         border-bottom: 30px solid transparent;  } 


你能否提供你的CSS文件? – morha13 2015-02-07 14:21:45


,并且只有在滑块上单击orswiping一次后才会启动该问题。 IK只是在页面上,而不是使用滑块,顶部导航正常工作 – Griet 2015-02-07 15:04:09


这是jQuery的东西? – Griet 2015-02-07 15:39:39



当您添加引导与jQuery Mobile的会造成一些冲突,这可能会干扰你的CSS或一些jQuery的事件,所以建议你,当只使用自定义功能使用jQuery Mobile在您的模板,


您可以创建自定义jQuery Mobile的文件,只检查这些功能你想在您的手机。

