2014-10-28 72 views


package edu.rcc.hand; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Collections; 
import java.util.Comparator; 

import edu.rcc.deck.Card; 

public class Hand implements Comparable<Object> { 

//Card[] theCards = new Card[10]; 
private ArrayList<Card> theCards = new ArrayList<Card>(); 

public Hand(ArrayList<Card> theCards) { 
    this.theCards = theCards; 

public String toString() { 
    String s = ""; 
    for (Card c : theCards) { 
     s += c.toString() + ", "; 
    return s; 

private ArrayList<Card> getHandInNumericalOrder() { 
    ArrayList<Card> sorted = new ArrayList<Card>(); 
    Collections.sort(sorted, new Comparator<Card>() { 

     public int compare(Card o1, Card o2) { 
      Integer o1Value = o1.getNumericalValue(); 
      Integer o2Value = o2.getNumericalValue(); 
      return o1Value.compareTo(o2Value); 


    return sorted; 

* a method to get cards that have the same value 
private boolean isPair(ArrayList<Card> sortedCards) { 

    Card previousCard = null; 
    for (Card c : sortedCards) { 

     if (previousCard != null && previousCard.isSameFace(c)) { 
      return true; 
     } else { 
      previousCard = c; 

    return false; 

private boolean ThreeOfKind(ArrayList<Card> sortedCards) 

    Card previousCard = null; 
    for (Card c : sortedCards) { 

     if (previousCard != null && previousCard.isSameFace(c)) { 
      return true; 
     } else { 
      previousCard = c; 

    return false; 

* if the sum of the integer array is equal to the following: 
* 1 - 
* @return 
private ArrayList<Integer> numberOfSameCards() { 
    ArrayList<Card> sortedCards = this.getHandInNumericalOrder(); 

    ArrayList<Integer> cardCounts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 
    int numbSame = 1; 
    for (int i = 0; i < sortedCards.size() - 1; ++i) { 
     if (sortedCards.get(i).isSameFace(sortedCards.get(i+1))) { 
     } else { 
      for (int j = 0; j < numbSame; ++j) { 
      numbSame = 1; 
    for (int i = 0; i < numbSame; ++i) { 

    return cardCounts; 

* 5 - high card || strait || strait flush || flush 
* 7 - pair 
* 9 - 2 pair 
* 11 - 3 of a kind 
* 13 - full house 
* 17 - four of a kind 
* @param inputArray 
* @return 
private int getSum(ArrayList<Integer> inputArray) { 
    int sum = 0; 
    for (int i : inputArray) { 
     sum += i; 
    return sum; 

* 0 - high card 
* 1 - pair 
* 2 - 2 pair 
* 3 - three of a kind 
* 4 - strait 
* 5 - flush 
* 6 - full house 
* 7 - four of a kind 
* 8 - strait flush 
* @return 
private int getRank() { 
    ArrayList<Card> sorted = this.getHandInNumericalOrder(); 
    int rawSum = getSum(numberOfSameCards()); 
    switch (rawSum) { 
     case 7: 
      return 1; 
     case 9: 
      return 2; 
     case 11: 
      return 3; 
     case 13: 
      return 6; 
     case 17: 
      return 7; 
    boolean isFlush = isFlush(sorted); 
    boolean isStrait = isStrait(sorted); 
    if (isFlush && isStrait) { 
     return 8; 
    } else if (isFlush) { 
     return 5; 
    } else if (isStrait) { 
     return 4; 
    } else { 
     return 0; 

private boolean isFlush(ArrayList<Card> theCards) { 

    for (int i = 0; i < theCards.size() - 1; i++) { 
     if (!theCards.get(i).isSameSuit(theCards.get(i + 1))) { 
      return false; 
    return true; 


* @param sortedCards - all have unique faces 
* @return 
private boolean isStrait(ArrayList<Card> sortedCards) { 

    for (int i = 0; i < theCards.size(); i++) { 

     int current = theCards.get(i).getNumericalValue(); 

     int next = theCards.get(i + 1).getNumericalValue(); 

     if (current + 1 == next || 
       (current == 5 && next == 14)) { 
     } else { 
      return false; 

    return true; 


* 0 -> equal 
* 1 -> this > o 
* -1 -> this < o 
public int compareTo(Object o) { 
    if (!(o instanceof Hand)) { 
     return 1; 
    Hand other = (Hand)o; 

    boolean isThisPair = other.isPair(other.getHandInNumericalOrder()); 
    boolean isThisPair2 = this.isPair(this.getHandInNumericalOrder()); 
    boolean isStrait = this.isStrait(this.getHandInNumericalOrder()); 
    boolean isStrait2 = other.isStrait(other.getHandInNumericalOrder()); 
    boolean isFlush = this.isFlush(this.getHandInNumericalOrder()); 
    boolean isFlush2 = other.isFlush(other.getHandInNumericalOrder()); 
    boolean ThreeOfKind = this.isFlush(this.getHandInNumericalOrder()); 
    boolean ThreeOfKind2 = other.isFlush(other.getHandInNumericalOrder()); 

    ArrayList<Card> otherNumerical = other.getHandInNumericalOrder(); 
    ArrayList<Card> thisNumerical = this.getHandInNumericalOrder(); 


    if(isThisPair2 == true) 
     System.out.println("The first hand is a pair"); 
    if(isThisPair == true){ 
     System.out.println("The second hand has a pair"); 
    if (isStrait == true){ 
     System.out.println("The first hand has a straight"); 

    if (ThreeOfKind == true){ 
     System.out.println("The sfirst hand has a straight"); 

    if (ThreeOfKind2 == true){ 
     System.out.println("The second hand has a straight"); 




    //call the card hierarchy class 
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub 
    return 0; 


'Card'类中'isSameFace()'方法的逻辑是什么? – 2014-10-28 20:28:59


我不确定你的isPair()和ThreeOfAKind()方法的含义。他们是否应该检查当前的手是否只是一对(一种三)或是否包含一对(但也可能是三种)。 – markus 2014-10-28 20:29:05


一个建议:当以这种方式评估扑克牌手(即测试手牌类型而不是使用复杂的查找表技术)时,有三件事是必不可少的:(1)按照从高到低的顺序排列牌, 2)从上到下测试每种手型,即首先查找直线冲洗,然后四边形,然后满屋子等,最后不留下对,并且(3)不要忘记轮子的特殊情况A2345笔直)。 – 2014-10-28 21:28:58






+1不吸食吸血鬼 – tnw 2014-10-28 20:29:00


@tnw谢谢,亲切。我们只是通过鼓励积极的思考来帮助自己,因为有一天,我们可能需要调试这个人的代码。 :) – MarsAtomic 2014-10-28 20:30:16


如果您有五张按排名排序的卡片的阵列,则可以通过不超过三次比较来确定是否存在三种卡片。构建HashMap将会浪费时间。 – 2014-10-28 21:34:44


看着你的代码,我建议你使用for循环而不是增强for循环遍历它。实际上,如果你已经完成了一些工作,我会建议你使用一个迭代器,但是如果没有的话,你可以使用Collections频率方法来计算一个集合中出现的次数。您可以使用ArrayList中的值创建一个临时集合,该集合应该删除重复项,并且可以使用具有该集合的非重复项的For Each循环来查找原始ArrayList中重复项的数量。



boolean hasThreeOfAKind = false; 
     int[] value = new int[cards.length]; 
     for(int i =0; i<cards.length; i++){ 
      Card myCard = cards[i]; 
      value[i] = myCard.getValue(); //an array that stores the values of the cards passed in 
     int counter = 0; 
     for(int i =0; i<cards.length; i++){ 
      for(int j =i+1; j<cards.length; j++){ 
       if(value[i] == value[j]){ 
        counter++; //if a pair is found increment the counter 
       if(j == cards.length-1 && counter!=2){ //if the array of values has been looped 
                 //through and a second "pair" of the same 
                 //value hasn't been found. 
        counter = 0; //start again 
//if the array has been looped through and 3 cards of the same value has been found 
       else if(j== cards.length-1 && counter >= 2){ 
        hasThreeOfAKind = true; 

     return hasThreeOfAKind;