2016-05-29 112 views

我有一个工作簿,它处理一系列输入工作簿,其中一些已设置VBA密码但未锁定以供查看 - 即无需密码即可导航vb代码,但需要密码才能查看项目属性(例如工具/参考)。在这种情况下,即使设置了密码,VBProject.Protection也会设置为vbext_pp_none。我可以检查什么来检测“查看项目属性的密码”是​​否存在?vba项目属性密码




  • 如果没有如果你打勾的框,供您将提示您添加密码的密码才能继续


  • 盒提供密码,但你的逻辑是有意义的,但不会发生(我知道(我在Excel 2010上测试过)),它可以是vbext_pp_none(0)或vbext_pp_locked(1)。

    编辑/补充: -


    Public Sub Sample() 
    Dim WkBk As Workbook 
    Set WkBk = Application.Workbooks.Open(Environ("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\Book1.xlsm") 
        If WkBk.VBProject.Protection = 1 Then 'vbext_pp_locked then 
         MsgBox "It is locked" 
         If LockedForEdits(WkBk) Then 
          MsgBox "It is locked for edits" 
          MsgBox "It is not locked" 
         End If 
        End If 
        WkBk.Close 0 
    Set WkBk = Nothing 
    End Sub 
    Private Function LockedForEdits(ByRef WkBk As Workbook) As Boolean 
    Dim StrDescription As String 
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandle 
    StrDescription= WkBk.VBProject.Description 
    WkBk.VBProject.Description = WkBk.VBProject.Description & "TEST" 
    WkBk.VBProject.Description = StrDescription 
    Exit Function 
    LockedForEdits = True 
    End Function 
  • +0

    嗨加里 - 对不起,但这是不正确的。使用Excel 2010提供密码而不勾选框允许访问vb代码,但在检查属性时请求密码 - 我遇到过这种情况的10个工作簿 - 易于演示。 –


    谢谢加里 - 我会研究你的代码,但重点是可以编辑vb代码,但任何尝试检查属性都会导致密码输入框。很奇怪,您无法复制这个问题,因为我在我检查的300多本工作簿中的10个中遇到过这个问题。我的家庭和办公室版本的Excel都可以创建复选框未勾选但存在密码的情况。如果有帮助,我可以向您发送一个示例工作簿。 –


    尝试过的代码 - 说没有锁定,但右键单击VBA项目属性要求输入密码。 –


    下面的代码依赖于不存在问题,但如果使用Excel 2010在PC上专门工作(测试)或2007(未测试),它会自动侦测出密码的存在,并与代码一起信息你已经有了并且在上一个答案中编码,它应该回答检测密码存在方式的问题。



    下面的代码需要添加'Windows Scripting Runtime'引用(Tools> References> tick'Windows Scripting Runtime'),我没有迟到绑定使它更快更清晰。我也评论整个代码来描述发生了什么

    Public Sub Sample() 
    Dim FSO    As New FileSystemObject 
    Dim Shl    As Object 
    Dim Fl    As Scripting.File 
    Dim Fldr   As Scripting.Folder 
    Dim LngCounter  As Long 
    Dim Ts    As Scripting.TextStream 
    Dim StrTmpFldr  As String 
    Dim StrWkBk   As String 
    Dim StrWkBkName  As String 
    Dim StrContainer As String 
    Dim WkBk   As Excel.Workbook 
    'A place to work with temp files, for my own ease I done it on the desktop 
    'but this is not good practice 
    StrTmpFldr = Environ("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\" 
    'A path to a workbook (may be passed in) 
    StrWkBk = Environ("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\Book4.xlsm" 
    'We need the file name seperate from the path 
    StrWkBkName = Right(StrWkBk, Len(StrWkBk) - InStrRev(StrWkBk, "\")) 
    'Copy the workbook and change it to a .zip (xlsx, and other new forms are zip packages) 
    FSO.CopyFile StrWkBk, StrTmpFldr & Left(StrWkBkName, InStrRev(StrWkBkName, ".")) & "zip", True 
    'Create a folder to extract the zip to 
    FSO.CreateFolder StrTmpFldr & Left(StrWkBkName, InStrRev(StrWkBkName, ".") - 1) 
    'Unzip it into the folder we created 
    Set Shl = CreateObject("Shell.Application") 
        Shl.Namespace(StrTmpFldr & Left(StrWkBkName, InStrRev(StrWkBkName, ".") - 1) & "\").CopyHere Shl.Namespace(StrTmpFldr & Left(StrWkBkName, InStrRev(StrWkBkName, ".")) & "zip").Items 
    Set Shl = Nothing 
    'Delete the zip 
    FSO.DeleteFile StrTmpFldr & Left(StrWkBkName, InStrRev(StrWkBkName, ".")) & "zip", True 
    Set Fldr = FSO.GetFolder(StrTmpFldr & Left(StrWkBkName, InStrRev(StrWkBkName, ".") - 1) & "\xl\") 
        'Is there a project file? (there won't be if there is no code in it) 
        For Each Fl In Fldr.Files 
         If Right(Fl.Name, 4) = ".bin" Then Exit For 
        If Fl Is Nothing Then 
         MsgBox "It is not protected" 
         'Parse the file looking for the line starting "DPB="" if the value in here is over 25 long, 
         'then it is storing a password 
         Set Ts = Fl.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading) 
          Do Until Ts.AtEndOfStream 
           StrContainer = Ts.ReadLine 
           If Left(StrContainer, 5) = "DPB=" & """" Then 
            StrContainer = Replace(Replace(StrContainer, "DPB=", ""), """", "") 
            If Len(StrContainer) > 25 Then 
             MsgBox "It is protected" 
             MsgBox "It is not protected" 
            End If 
            Exit Do 
           End If 
         Set Ts = Nothing 
         Set Fl = Nothing 
        End If 
    Set Fldr = Nothing 
    'Delete the folder 
    FSO.DeleteFolder StrTmpFldr & Left(StrWkBkName, InStrRev(StrWkBkName, ".") - 1), True 
    End Sub 

    你是否最终解决了这个问题?这个答案有帮助吗? –