2010-07-28 103 views

我有关于此查询的问题。我想获得申请人的最新职位(请参阅下面的查询)。结果应该是这样的:SQL Server查询问题

aId Position    Startdate  Enddate  

154 Web Developer   2008-04-07  NULL 
155 Analyst    2008-06-12  2009-06-12 
156 Quality Controller  2001-08-01  2010-01-01 
165 Programmer    1995-08-02  2010-01-01 
166 Programmer    2001-01-14  2010-01-14 
170 Web Developer   2010-03-17  NULL 
168 Business Analyst  2010-05-10  NULL 


aId Position      Startdate     Enddate  

154 Lead Software Developer 2007-04-07 00:00:00.000 2008-04-07 00:00:00.000 
154 Web Developer 2008-04-07 00:00:00.000 NULL 
155 Analyst 2008-06-12 00:00:00.000 2009-06-12 00:00:00.000 
156 Quality Controller 2001-08-01 00:00:00.000 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000 
165 Programmer 1995-08-02 00:00:00.000 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000 
166 Programmer 2001-01-14 00:00:00.000 2010-01-14 00:00:00.000 
170 Web Developer 2010-03-17 00:00:00.000 NULL 
168 Business Analyst 2010-05-10 00:00:00.000 NULL 
168 Analyst Programmer 2010-05-03 00:00:00.000 2010-05-10 00:00:00.000 


    , Position 
    , StartDate 
    , Enddate 
FROM EmploymentDetails ed 
    ((Enddate IS NULL) OR 
    (Enddate = (SELECT MAX(Enddate) 
       FROM EmploymentDetails edin 
       WHERE edin.aId = ed.aId))) 

    create table EmploymentDetails(
    Id     bigint   not null identity constraint PK_EmploymentDetails primary key, 
    aId     bigint   not null, 
    Startdate   datetime, 
    Enddate    datetime, 
    Position   varchar(30), 
    PositionLevelId  bigint   not null, 
    SpecializationId bigint   not null, 
    PositionId   bigint   not null, 
    StartSalary   varchar(50), 
    EndSalary   varchar(50), 
    DescriptionofDuties nvarchar(1000), 
    ReasonforLeaving nvarchar(200), 
    CompanyName   nvarchar(100), 
    TypeofBusiness  varchar(50), 
    Address1   varchar(25), 
    Address2   varchar(25), 
    City    varchar(25), 
    Province   varchar(25), 
    StateorRegion  varchar(25), 
    CountryId   bigint, 
    PostalCode   varchar(10) 

    INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (34, 154, CAST(0x0000962900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x0000979F00000000 AS DateTime), N'Sr. .Net Developer', 4, 1, 1, N'P12,000', N'P12,000', N'Design websites for company using Adobe dreamweaver, Flash and other web applications.', N'sample reason for leaving', N'Appsource', N'Information Technology', N'Unit 1401 Robinsons Equit', N'ADB Ave. Corner Poveda Ro', N'Pasig', N'NCR', N'NCR', 177, N'') 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (35, 154, CAST(0x0000990900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009A7700000000 AS DateTime), N'Lead Software Developer', 4, 2, 1, N'P12,000', N'P12,000', N'Design websites for company using Adobe dreamweaver, Flash and other web applications.', N'sample reason for leaving', N'Corebuilt Technologies', N'Information Technology', N'24/F 88 Corporate Center', N'Valero St.,', N'Makati', N'NCr', N'NCr', 177, N'') 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (36, 154, CAST(0x00009A7700000000 AS DateTime), NULL, N'Web Developer', 4, 1, 1, N'P15,000', N'P15,000', N'sample description', N'sample description', N'IDCSI', N'Information Technology', N'15/F Summit One Tower', N'530 Shaw Blvd.,', N'Mandaluyong', N'', N'NCR', 177, N'') 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (38, 155, CAST(0x00009AB900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009C2600000000 AS DateTime), N'Analyst', 4, 3, 1, N'P15,000', N'P15,000', N'sample description', N'sample description', N'IDCSI', N'Information Technology', N'15/F Summit One Tower', N'530 Shaw Blvd.,', N'Mandaluyong', NULL, NULL, 177, NULL) 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (40, 156, CAST(0x000090EE00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009CF100000000 AS DateTime), N'Quality Controller', 4, 2, 1, N'P15,000', N'P15,000', N'sample description', N'sample description', N'IDCSI', N'Information Technology', N'15/F Summit One Tower', N'530 Shaw Blvd.,', N'Mandaluyong', N'', N'', 177, N'') 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (41, 165, CAST(0x0000722E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x0000882800000000 AS DateTime), N'Analyst', 4, 2, 1, N'P15,000', N'P15,000', N'sample description', N'sample description', N'Microsoft', N'Information Technology', N'15/F Summit One Tower', N'530 Shaw Blvd.,', N'Mandaluyong', NULL, NULL, 177, NULL) 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (42, 165, CAST(0x0000885F00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009CF100000000 AS DateTime), N'Programmer', 4, 3, 1, N'P15,000', N'P15,000', N'sample description', N'sample description', N'Microsoft', N'Information Technology', N'15/F Summit One Tower', N'530 Shaw Blvd.,', N'Mandaluyong', N'', N'', 177, N'') 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (44, 166, CAST(0x0000902700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009CFE00000000 AS DateTime), N'Programmer', 4, 1, 1, N'P15,000', N'P15,000', N'sample description', N'sample description', N'Microsoft', N'Information Technology', N'15/F Summit One Tower', N'530 Shaw Blvd.,', N'Mandaluyong', NULL, NULL, 177, NULL) 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (45, 168, CAST(0x0000887E00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009B0B00000000 AS DateTime), N'Analyst', 4, 2, 1, N'P15,000', N'P15,000', N'sample description', N'sample description', N'Microsoft', N'Information Technology', N'15/F Summit One Tower', N'530 Shaw Blvd.,', N'Mandaluyong', NULL, NULL, 177, NULL) 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (47, 170, CAST(0x00009D3C00000000 AS DateTime), NULL, N'Web Developer', 4, 2, 1, N'P15,000', N'P15,000', N'sample description', N'sample description', N'Microsoft', N'Information Technology', N'15/F Summit One Tower', N'530 Shaw Blvd.,', N'Mandaluyong', NULL, NULL, 177, NULL) 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (48, 156, CAST(0x00009A7300000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009BE500000000 AS DateTime), N'', 4, 2, 1, N'P34,343', N'P3,434', N'fgf', N'fgfggf', N'fgfg', N'Information Technology', N'fgfg', N'fgfg', N'fgfg', N'fgfgf', N'fgfg', 177, N'4545') 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (49, 156, CAST(0x00009BDF00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009C4700000000 AS DateTime), N'', 4, 1, 1, N'P343', N'P344,343', N'dfdf', N'dfdf', N'dfdfd', N'Information Technology', N'ff', N'', N'dffd', N'', N'', 177, N'') 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (51, 168, CAST(0x00009D7200000000 AS DateTime), NULL, N'Business Analyst', 4, 1, 1, N'P3,434', N'P33,333', N'3434', N'3434', N'dsd', N'Information Technology', N'sdsds', N'', N'sdsd', N'', N'', 177, N'') 
INSERT [dbo].[EmploymentDetails] ([Id], [aId], [Startdate], [Enddate], [Position], [PositionLevelId], [SpecializationId], [PositionId], [StartSalary], [EndSalary], [DescriptionofDuties], [ReasonforLeaving], [CompanyName], [TypeofBusiness], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [Province], [StateorRegion], [CountryId], [PostalCode]) VALUES (52, 168, CAST(0x00009D6B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D7200000000 AS DateTime), N'Analyst Programmer', 4, 1, 1, N'P43,434', N'P434,343', N'4', N'344', N'3434', N'Information Technology', N'434', N'', N'3434', N'', N'', 177, N'') 

请格式化您的问题以便读取。所见即所得的编辑器存在的原因。另外,您可能还没有提供足够的数据来回答这个问题 - 表格定义比示例数据更简单,并且您需要简单的英语解释您要选择的数据。 – Tomalak 2010-07-28 09:11:05


我宁愿做一个'开始日期=(SELECT MAX(开始日期)'... – pascal 2010-07-28 09:15:33



假设的SQL Server 2005+

    , Position 
    , StartDate 
    , Enddate 
      (CAST(Enddate as datetime)) DESC) AS RN 
FROM EmploymentDetails ed 
LatestJob AS (SELECT aId, Position, StartDate, Enddate FROM E WHERE RN=1), 
EarliestStart AS (SELECT ... 

通过你为什么存储日期为varchar,而不是date(SQL2008)或datetime的方式? 编辑我看到这个最后一个问题现在已经修复在问题中。


我怎样才能插入您的查询从这句话 WITH AS LatestJob(此处插入您的查询) ,EarliestStart AS(SELECT援助 , sum(DATEDIFF(YEAR,Startdate,isnull(Enddate,getdate())))AS YearsExperience FROM EmploymentDetails GROUP BY aId) SELECT distinct u.FirstName +''+ u.LastName AS NAME – user335160 2010-07-28 09:47:37


,lj.Position AS LatestPosition ,年份体验 ,ad.ExpectedSalary,REPLACE(ISNULL(Address1,'')+','+ ISNULL(Address2,'')+','+ ISNULL(City,''),',',',',' )AS地址 FROM Users JO JOIN LatestJob lj ON u.Id = lj.aid JOIN EarliestStart ye ON ye.aId = u.Id 加入申请人详细信息广告开放ad.aId = u.Id – user335160 2010-07-28 09:48:06


好的没关系,谢谢 – user335160 2010-07-28 09:50:14