2016-12-16 76 views





查找模式。也许如果检查是否substring [1]是“/”。 – kar




public void tagToCamelCase(String input){ 
    char[] inputArray = input.toCharArray(); 
     for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.length-2; i++){ 
      if (inputArray[i] == '<'){ 
       if(inputArray[i+1]!= '/') 
        inputArray[i+1] = Character.toLowerCase(inputArray[i+1]); 
        inputArray[i+2] = Character.toLowerCase(inputArray[i+2]); 
     System.out.println(new String(inputArray)); 




下面的代码应该工作(见下面的程序输出)。然而,标签“ID”存在问题 - 我们如何知道它的骆驼案件应该是“id”而不是“iD”?这需要一本词典来捕捉这些知识。所以下面的例程convert()有两种模式 - useDictionary为true或false。看看下面的解决方案是否满足您的要求。

要使用“useDictionary”模式,您还需要维护一个合适的字典(程序中称为“dict”的散列表,现在只有一个字典中的条目“ID”应该是骆驼式的“ ID”)。 注意,字典可以憋足了增量 - 你只需要在特殊情况下添加到字典中(例如,“ID”的驼峰是“ID”不“ID”)

import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Map; 
import java.util.regex.Matcher; 
import java.util.regex.Pattern; 

public class CamelCase { 
    private static Map<String, String> dict = new HashMap<>(); 

    static { 
     dict.put("ID", "id"); 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     String input = "<HeaderFirst> " 
       + "\n <HeaderTwo>" 
       + "\n  <ID>id1</ID>" 
       + "\n   <TimeStamp>2016-11-04T02:46:34Z</TimeStamp>" 
       + "\n   <DetailedDescription>" 
       + "\n   <![CDATA[di]]>" 
       + "\n   </DetailedDescription>" 
       + "\n </HeaderTwo> " 
       + "\n</HeaderFirst>"; 
     System.out.println("===== output without using a dictionary ====="); 
     System.out.println(convert(input, false /* useDictionary */)); 
     System.out.println("===== output using a dictionary ====="); 
     System.out.println(convert(input, true /* useDictionary */)); 

    private static String convert(String input, boolean useDictionary) { 
     String splitter = ">"; 
     String[] tokens = input.split(splitter); 
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
     Pattern cdataPattern = Pattern.compile("([^<]*)<!\\[CDATA\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\]"); 
     Pattern oTagPattern = Pattern.compile("([^<]*)<(\\w+)"); 
     Pattern cTagPattern = Pattern.compile("([^<]*)</(\\w+)"); 

     String prefix; 
     String tag; 
     String newTag; 
     for (String token : tokens) { 
      Matcher cdataMatcher = cdataPattern.matcher(token); 
      Matcher oTagMatcher = oTagPattern.matcher(token); 
      Matcher cTagMatcher = cTagPattern.matcher(token); 
      if (cdataMatcher.find()) {  // CDATA - do not change 
      } else if (oTagMatcher.find()) {// open tag - change first char to lower case 
       prefix = oTagMatcher.group(1); 
       tag  = oTagMatcher.group(2); 
       newTag = camelCaseOneTag(tag, useDictionary); 
       sb.append(prefix + "<" + newTag); 
      } else if (cTagMatcher.find()) {// close tag - change first char to lower case 
       prefix = cTagMatcher.group(1); 
       tag  = cTagMatcher.group(2); 
       newTag = camelCaseOneTag(tag, useDictionary); 
       sb.append(prefix + "<" + newTag); 
     return sb.toString(); 

    private static String camelCaseOneTag(String tag, boolean useDictionary) { 
     String newTag; 
     if (useDictionary 
       && dict.containsKey(tag)) { 
      newTag = dict.get(tag); 
     } else { 
      newTag = tag.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() 
        + tag.substring(1); 
     return newTag;  


===== output without using a dictionary ===== 
===== output using a dictionary ===== 

为什么要投票? – leeyuiwah