2011-01-26 68 views

我的Visual Studio 2008专业给了我以下错误:Visual Studio中的日志文件

An error has occurred in the application. For more information please see the log file. Its path is listed in the About box.

Riiight。我去了关于框,并没有关于日志文件。系统信息按钮有很多信息,我甚至不知道在哪里查找有关日志文件位置的信息。我试着找到了,使用'log',最后放弃了 - 发现了太多'对话'和其他误报。


Visual Studio 2008,version 9.0.30729.1 SP; MS .NET框架版本3.5 SP1。


我以为计算器是关于编程,而不是关于编程工具本身的问题。我想超级用户也不太适合编程工具的问题。 – thursdaysgeek 2011-01-26 21:05:42


如果你看看[faq],你会发现程序员常用的*软件工具在这里是允许的。 – Bob 2013-01-12 14:45:49




If LogFile is not specified, two files will be written to the current user's non-localized application data folder. The non-localized application data folder for Visual Studio can be found from the APPDATA environment variable. For example, for Visual Studio 2008, the folder is %APPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0, where %APPDATA% represents the value in the APPDATA environment variable.

The two files are, by default, called ActivityLog.xml and ActivityLog.xsl . The former contains the activity log data and the latter is an XML style sheet which provides a more convenient way to view the XML file. To view the Activity log in your default XML viewer (e.g. Internet Explorer)

你可能会与/Log开关要创建这些文件运行devenv。 Visual Studio似乎没有默认记录任何东西。


上述解决方案具有误导性。你提到的错误信息基本上来自一个加载项caled VMDebugger。 他们的日志文件的位置在加载项的关于框中可用。 的路径看起来像这样



6/4/2015 13:55:38: VMware Virtual Debugger loaded successfully. 
6/4/2015 14:03:03: ERROR: pControls->get_Item(CComVariant(itemName), &pCtrl) 
6/4/2015 14:03:03: An error occurred in .\Connect.cpp at line 8782. Error code is 0x80070057. 
6/4/2015 14:03:03: An error has occurred in the application. For more information please see the log file. Its path is listed in the About box. 
6/4/2015 14:03:03: ERROR: pControls->get_Item(CComVariant(itemName), &pCtrl) 
6/4/2015 14:03:03: An error occurred in .\Connect.cpp at line 8782. Error code is 0x80070057. 
6/4/2015 14:03:03: An error has occurred in the application. For more information please see the log file. Its path is listed in the About box. 

附加信息:Visual Studio 2010点中的日志可在

%APPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ActivityLog.xml %APPDATA% resolves to “C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming”