2016-03-04 224 views



可能重复的[MASM:整数字符串使用std和stosb](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29065108/masm-整数到字符串使用std和stosb) – zx485


您可能想使用Irvine32函数'WriteInt'来写有符号整数或'WriteDec'来写无符号整数。这两个函数都将_EAX_中的值作为要打印的值。所以你可以做'mov eax,42''调用WriteInt',那将在控制台上显示42 –






void ConvertToDecimal(unsigned int n, char *output) 
    char buffer[16]; 
    char *dest = buffer + 15; 

    /* Perform repeated division, which outputs digits in reverse 
     order. But we put them in the buffer in reverse order, too, 
     so they end up coming out in the correct order overall. */ 
    *--dest = '\0'; 
    if (n == 0) { 
     *--dest = '0'; 
    else { 
     while (n > 0) { 
      *--dest = n % 10 + '0'; 
      n /= 10; 

    /* Copy the generated digits to the output. */ 
    strcpy(output, dest); 

程序集版本实际上是做同样的基本技术的问题。 (并且从C语言中的问题的高级描述开始,然后将该解决方案移植到组装中是解决类似问题的一种方法。)


    push edi    ; Preserve registers we're going to use. 

    sub esp, 16    ; Make room for a local buffer on the stack. 
    mov edi, esp   ; edi will act like 'dest' does in the C version. 
    mov ecx, 10    ; We'll be repeatedly dividing by 10, and the 
          ; div instruction doesn't let you just say 'div 10'. 

    dec edi 
    mov byte ptr [edi], 0 ; Write the trailing '\0'. 

    cmp eax, 0    ; If n == 0... 
    ja l1     ; If it's more than zero, run the loop. 

    dec edi 
    mov byte ptr [edi], '0' ; Write a '0' to the output. 
    jmp l2 

    ; Main division loop. 

l1: xor edx, edx   ; Zero out edx in preparation for the division. 
    div ecx     ; Divide and modulus edx|eax by 10. 
          ; eax gets the quotient; edx gets the remainder. 

    add edx, '0'   ; Change edx from 0-9 to '0'-'9'. 

    dec edi 
    mov byte ptr [edi], dl ; Write the next digit, which is now in dl. 

    cmp eax, 0 
    ja l1     ; Go back and do it again until we reach zero.   

    ; Copy the result to the destination. 

l2: mov al, byte ptr [edi] ; Read the next character from edi... 
    inc edi 
    mov byte ptr [ebx], al ; ...and write that character to ebx. 
    inc ebx 

    cmp al, 0    ; Copy until we reach the trailing 0 byte. 
    jnz l2 

    mov eax, ebx   ; As a bonus for the caller, set the return register 
    dec eax     ; to where we wrote the last byte. 

    add esp, 16    ; Clean up the buffer on the stack. 
    pop edi     ; Restore the registers we used. 

    ret      ; And we're done. 


至于显示它作为输出,你需要任何库函数或中断你可以用来打印一个字符串。在DOS的日子里,我只是一再呼吁int 10h ...