2012-03-07 39 views
  1. 第一次发布
  2. 第一次用JavaScript编写,虽然我在其他语言的经验。

我在Adobe公司的InDesign CS5.5工作。我在ID簿中有多个文件,每个文件包含不同数量的“章节”。本书包含一个索引文件,其中的主题标题以简写形式引用章节(例如,“第125章”变为“ch 125 no 3” - 注意“no x”部分不相关)。我的脚本的目标是创建文档间链接,当ID簿导出为PDF时,这些链接将增加显着的功能。用户将能够从索引跳转到章节,反之亦然。我认为脚本和我正在处理的问题会对其他人有用,但还没有找到任何帖子来解决我的问题。排版的JavaScript图书创建文本和内部文档超链接 - 速度异常慢

所有裁判(如“CH 125 1号”)在索引中特定的章节(“第125章”)获得的超链接到该章节的头部的位置。这部分脚本运行良好,运行速度很快。

另一半将在每个章节文字的末尾插入相应的主题标题,让这些段落在索引链接到相应的主题头部。 (换句话说,他们是交叉引用,但不是在ID方面真正的X-裁判,因为我想更好地控制他们和我的话题读书让我避开真正的X-裁判的)。这是脚本的一部分那让我把我的头撞在墙上。它几个小时运行几个小时,没有完成200章的书。请注意,出于测试目的,我只是在每章下的所需位置插入一段文本,而不是所有主题题头和链接。我知道从更小的文本集和从我的调试打印到控制台,脚本正在工作,而不是陷入无限循环。尽管如此,它的运行时间太长,如果我打断它,InDesign没有反应,我必须杀死它,所以甚至不能检查部分结果。



var myBookFilePath = File.openDialog("Choose an InDesign Book File", "Indb files: *.indb"); 
var myOpenBook = app.open(myBookFilePath); 
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract; 

// Open up every file in the currently active Book 

// TODO: add error handling/user interaction here -- to pick which is Index file 
var strIndexFilename = "Index.indd"; 
var objChapHeadsWeb = {}; 
var myDoc = app.documents.item(strIndexFilename); 

$.writeln("\n\n~~~ " + myDoc.name + " ~~~"); 

// REMOVED CODE - check for existing hyperlinks, hyperlink sources/destinations 
// loop to delete any pre-existing hyperlinks & associated objects 
// works w/o any problems 

// Ugly GREP to find the Main heading text (all caps entry and nothing beyond) in the index file 
app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; 
app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; 

/// GREP: ^[\u\d \:\;\?\-\'\"\$\%\&\!\@\*\#\,\.\(\)]+[\u\d](?=\.|,) 
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "^[\\u\\d \\:\\;\\?\\-\\'\\\"\\$\\%\\&\\!\\@\\*\\#\\,\\.\\(\\)]+[\\u\\d](?=\\.|,)"; 
app.findGrepPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = "Main"; 

var myFound = []; 
myFound = myDoc.findGrep(); 
$.writeln("Found " + myFound.length + " Main headings."); 

for (var i = 0; i < myFound.length; i++) { 
    myDoc.hyperlinkTextDestinations.add(myFound[i], { name: myFound[i].contents }); 

$.writeln("There are now " + myDoc.hyperlinkTextDestinations.count() + " destinations."); 

myFound.length = 0; 

for (var j = app.documents.count()-1; j >= 0; j--) { 
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; 
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; 

    // set the variable to the document we are working with 
    myDoc = null; 
    myDoc = app.documents[j]; 
    myFound.length = 0; 

    if (myDoc.name === strIndexFilename) { 
     continue;  // we don't want to look for chapter heads in the Index file, so skip it 

    $.writeln("\n\n~~~ " + myDoc.name + " ~~~"); 

// REMOVED CODE - check for existing hyperlinks, hyperlink sources/destinations 
// loop to delete any pre-existing hyperlinks & associated objects 
// works w/o any problems 

    // Clear GREP prefs 
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; 
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; 

    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "^CHAPTER \\d+"; 
    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = "chapter"; 

    myFound = myDoc.findGrep(); 
    var strTemp = ""; 
    $.writeln("Found " + myFound.length + " chapter headings."); 

    for (var m = 0; m < myFound.length; m++) { 
     strTemp = myFound[m].contents; 

     objChapHeadsWeb[strTemp] = {}; 
     objChapHeadsWeb[strTemp].withinDocName = myDoc.name; 
     objChapHeadsWeb[strTemp].hltdChHead = 
      myDoc.hyperlinkTextDestinations.add(myFound[m], {name:strTemp}); 
     objChapHeadsWeb[strTemp].a_strIxMains = []; 
     objChapHeadsWeb[strTemp].a_hltdIxMains = []; 
     objChapHeadsWeb[strTemp].nextKeyName = ""; 

     objChapHeadsWeb[strTemp].nextKeyName = 
      ((m < myFound.length-1) ? myFound[m+1].contents : String("")); 

    $.writeln("There are now " + myDoc.hyperlinkTextDestinations.count() + " destinations."); 

// Find the "ch" (chapter) references in the index file, link them 
//  back to the corresponding text anchors for the chapter heads 
//  in the text. 
myDoc = app.documents.item(strIndexFilename); // work with the Index file 

app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; 
app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; 

// GREP to find the "ch" (chapter) references in the index file 
// like ch 151 no 1 OR ch 12 no 3 
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "(ch\\s+\\d+\\s+no\\s+\\d+)"; 

var strExpandedChap = ""; 
var strWorkingMainHd = ""; 
var arrFoundChapRefs = []; 
var myHyperlinkSource; 
var myHyperlinkDest; 

for (var x = 0; x < myDoc.hyperlinkTextDestinations.count(); x++) { 
    strWorkingMainHd = ""; 
    arrFoundChapRefs.length = 0; 

    // the special case, where we are working with the ultimate hyperlinkTextDestination obj 
    if (x === myDoc.hyperlinkTextDestinations.count()-1) { 
     // This is selecting text from the start of one MAIN heading... 
     // This next line will extend the selection to the end of the story, 
     //  which should also be the end of the document 
    // the regular case... 
    else { 
     // This is selecting text from the start of one MAIN heading... 
     // ... to the start of the next MAIN heading 

    strWorkingMainHd = myDoc.hyperlinkTextDestinations[x].name; 
    //arrFoundChapRefs = myDoc.selection[0].match(/(ch\s+)(\d+)(\s+no\s+\d+)/g); //NOTE: global flag 

    arrFoundChapRefs = myDoc.selection[0].findGrep(); 

    for(y = 0; y < arrFoundChapRefs.length; y++) { 
     myHyperlinkSource = null; 
     myHyperlinkDest = null; 
     strExpandedChap = ""; 

     strExpandedChap = arrFoundChapRefs[y].contents.replace(/ch\s+/, "CHAPTER "); 
     strExpandedChap = strExpandedChap.replace(/\s+no\s+\d+/, ""); 

     // if we found the chapter head corresponding to our chapter ref in the index 
     //  then it is time to create a link 
     if (strExpandedChap in objChapHeadsWeb) { 

      myHyperlinkSource = myDoc.hyperlinkTextSources.add(arrFoundChapRefs[y]); 
      myHyperlinkDest = objChapHeadsWeb[strExpandedChap].hltdChHead; 

      myDoc.hyperlinks.add(myHyperlinkSource, myHyperlinkDest); 
     } else { 
      $.writeln("Couldn't find chapter head " + strExpandedChap); 
myDoc = null; 
var strWorkingMainHd = ""; 
var nextKey = ""; 
var myParentStory = null; 
var myCharIndex = 0; 
var myCompareChar = null; 
var myLeftmostBound = 0; 
var myCurrentPara = null; 

for (var key in objChapHeadsWeb) { 
    myDoc = app.documents.item(objChapHeadsWeb[key].withinDocName); 
    myCompareChar = null; //recent addition 
    $.writeln("Working on " + key + "."); //debugging 

    nextKey = objChapHeadsWeb[key].nextKeyName; 

    myLeftmostBound = myDoc.selection[0].index; 
    myParentStory = myDoc.selection[0].parentStory; 

    if((nextKey === "") || (myDoc.name !== objChapHeadsWeb[nextKey].withinDocName)) 
     //// Need to find end of story instead of beginning of next chapter 
     //myCharIndex = myDoc.selection[0].index;   /recently commented out 

     myCharIndex = myDoc.selection[0].index - 1;  //testing new version 
     myCompareChar = myParentStory.characters.item(myCharIndex);  //recenttly added/relocated from below 
    } else { 

     //myParentStory.characters.item(myDoc.selection[0].index -1).select(); 

     myParentStory.characters.item(myDoc.selection[0].index -2).select(); //temp test ***** 

     myCharIndex = myDoc.selection[0].index; 
     myCompareChar = myParentStory.characters.item(myCharIndex); 

     if (myCompareChar.contents === "\uFEFF") { 
      $.writeln("Message from inside the \\uFEFF check.");  //debugging 

      myParentStory.characters.item(myDoc.selection[0].index -1).select(); 

      myCharIndex = myDoc.selection[0].index; 
      myCompareChar = myParentStory.characters.item(myCharIndex); 

     if((myCompareChar.contents !== SpecialCharacters.PAGE_BREAK) && 
      (myCompareChar.contents !== SpecialCharacters.ODD_PAGE_BREAK) && 
      (myCompareChar.contents !== SpecialCharacters.EVEN_PAGE_BREAK) && 
      (myCompareChar.contents !== SpecialCharacters.COLUMN_BREAK) && 
      (myCompareChar.contents !== SpecialCharacters.FRAME_BREAK)) 
      $.writeln("Possible error finding correct insertion point for " + objChapHeadsWeb[key].hltdChHead.name + "."); 

    if(myCharIndex <= myLeftmostBound) { // this shouldn't ever happen 
     alert("Critical error finding IX Marker insertion point for " + objChapHeadsWeb[key].hltdChHead.name + "."); 

    if(myCompareChar.contents !== "\r") { 
     myDoc.selection[0].insertionPoints[-1].contents = "\r"; 

    myDoc.selection[0].insertionPoints[-1].contents = "TESTING text insertion for: " + objChapHeadsWeb[key].hltdChHead.name + "\r"; 

//myDoc.selection[0].insertionPoints[-1].contents = "<Now I'm here!>"; 

    myCurrentPara = myDoc.selection[0].paragraphs[0]; 

    myCurrentPara.appliedParagraphStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("IX Marker"); 

    // TODO: 
    //  need error handling for when style doesn't already exist in the document 
} // end big for loop 

//TODO: add error handling support to carry on if user cancels 
//close each open file; user should be prompted to save changed files by default 

app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll; 

// Cleanup 
app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; 
app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; 





我可以提出几个改进,也许可以加快事情有点。 首先,您在这里拥有大量的全局变量,您可以将精力集中在使用函数的范围更小的范围内。具有许多全局变量在性能方面成本很高。


另一个是$ .writeln命令的广泛使用。特别是在循环中避免它。倾向于设置一个易于设置的报告库。


var debug = true; 

var log = function(msg) { 
\t var l = File (Folder.desktop+"/log.txt"); 
\t if (!debug) return; 
\t l.open('a'); 
\t l.write(msg); 
\t l.close(); 

var main = function() { 
\t var bookFile, uil = app.scriptPreferences.userIntercationLevel; 
\t log("The party has started"); 
\t bookFile = File.openDialog("Choose an InDesign Book File", "Indb files: *.indb"); 
\t if (!bookFile) return; 
\t app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.NEVER_INTERACT; 
\t try { 
\t \t processBookFile (bookFile); 
\t } 
\t catch(err) { 
\t \t alert(err.line+"///"+err.message); 
\t } 

\t app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = uil; 

function processBookFile (bookFile) { 
\t var book = app.open (bookFile), 
\t bks = book.bookContents, 
\t n = bks.length; 
\t while (n--) { 
\t \t File(bks[n].name)!="Index.indd" && processBookContent (bks[n]); 
\t } 

function processBookContent (bookContent) { 
\t var bcf = bookContent.fullName, 
\t doc = app.open (bcf, debug); 
\t processHeadings (doc); 
\t processHeadings (doc); 
\t //add hyperlinks 
\t addHyperlinks(doc); 



function processHeadings (doc){ 
\t var props = { 
\t \t findWhat : "^[\\u\\d \\:\\;\\?\\-\\'\\\"\\$\\%\\&\\!\\@\\*\\#\\,\\.\\(\\)]+[\\u\\d](?=\\.|,)", 
\t \t appliedParagraphStyle : "Main" 
\t }, 
\t found = findGrep(doc, props), 
\t n = found.length; 
\t while (n--) { 
\t \t doc.hyperlinkTextDestinations.add(doc, { name: found[i].contents }); 
\t } 

function processChapters (doc) { 
\t var props = { 
\t \t findWhat : "^CHAPTER \\d+", 
\t \t appliedParagraphStyle : "chapter" 
\t }, 
\t found = findGrep(doc, props), 
\t n = found.length; 
\t while (n--) { 
\t \t doc.hyperlinkTextDestinations.add(found[n], found[n].contents); 
\t } 

function findGrep(doc, props){ 
\t app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null; \t 
\t app.findGrepPreferences.properties = props; 
\t return doc.findGrep(); 

function addHyperlinks (doc){ 
\t //a logic of yours 

