2009-10-30 112 views

我遇到了很大的困难,让我的映射文件通过Hibernate中的外键与元素集合一起工作。 Java将尝试在下面加载这些文件,并且不会有任何运行时异常,但事件表永远不会作为员工的对象加载(它将保持为空,但从数据库加载其他任何属性)。在我的MySQL数据库,我有以下几点:帮助Hibernate集合外键映射






addressNumber INTEGER

addressLocation VARCHAR







EM ployeeUsername VARCHAR

<?xml version="1.0"?> 

<class name="Employee" table="Employees"> 
    <id name="username" column="username" type="string"/> 
    <many-to-one name="contact" class="Contact" column="username" unique="false" update="false" insert="false" optimistic-lock="true" not-found="exception" embed-xml="true" /> 

<class name="Contact" table="Employees"> 
    <id name="username" column="username" type="string"/> 
    <property name="name" column="name" type="string"/> 
    <property name="addressNumber" column="addressNumber" type="int"/> 
    <property name="areacode" column="areacode" type="int"/> 
    <property name="phone" column="phone" type="int"/> 
    <property name="addressLocation" column="addressLocation" type="string"/> 
    <property name="email" column="email" type="string"/> 

<?xml version="1.0"?> 

<class name="Event" table="Events"> 
    <id name="ID" column="ID" type="int"> 
     <generator class="assigned"/> 
    <property name="startDate" column="startDate" type="date"/> 
    <property name="endDate" column="endDate" type="date"/> 
    <property name="customerName" column="customerName" type="string"/> 

<class name="Employee" table="Events" entity-name="Employee2"> 
    <id name="username" column="employeeUsername" type="string"/> 
    <list name="events" cascade="all"> 
     <key column="employeeUsername"/> 
     <list-index column="ID"/> 
     <one-to-many class="Event"/> 



package org.hibernate.employee; 

import java.util。日期;

public class Event {private int ID; 私人日期startDate; 私人日期endDate; private String customerName;

public Event(){ 

* @return the iD 
public int getID() { 
    return ID; 
* @param id the iD to set 
public void setID(int id) { 
    ID = id; 
* @return the startDate 
public Date getStartDate() { 
    return startDate; 
* @param startDate the startDate to set 
public void setStartDate(Date startDate) { 
    this.startDate = startDate; 
* @return the endDate 
public Date getEndDate() { 
    return endDate; 
* @param endDate the endDate to set 
public void setEndDate(Date endDate) { 
    this.endDate = endDate; 
* @return the customerName 
public String getCustomerName() { 
    return customerName; 
* @param customerName the customerName to set 
public void setCustomerName(String customerName) { 
    this.customerName = customerName; 



*文件:Contact.java */


/** *此类表示员工的联系信息。 * */ 公共类联系{

private int username; // the contact identifier in the database 
private int areacode; // the contact areacode 
private int phone; // the contact phone 
private String name; // the contact's name 
private int addressNumber; // the contact's address number 
private String addressLocation; // the contact's address location 
private String email; // the contact's email 

* Constructs a Contact object. 
public Contact() { 


* @return the areacode 
public int getAreacode() { 
    return areacode; 

* @param areacode the areacode to set 
public void setAreacode(int areacode) { 
    this.areacode = areacode; 

* @return the phone 
public int getPhone() { 
    return phone; 

* @param phone the phone to set 
public void setPhone(int phone) { 
    this.phone = phone; 

* @return the name 
public String getName() { 
    return name; 

* @param name the name to set 
public void setName(String name) { 
    this.name = name; 

* @return the addressNumber 
public int getAddressNumber() { 
    return addressNumber; 

* @param addressNumber the addressNumber to set 
public void setAddressNumber(int addressNumber) { 
    this.addressNumber = addressNumber; 

* @return the addressLocation 
public String getAddressLocation() { 
    return addressLocation; 

* @param addressLocation the addressLocation to set 
public void setAddressLocation(String addressLocation) { 
    this.addressLocation = addressLocation; 

* @return the email 
public String getEmail() { 
    return email; 

* @param email the email to set 
public void setEmail(String email) { 
    this.email = email; 

public String toString(){ 
    String retVal = ""; 
    retVal += "Address: " + this.addressNumber + " " + this.addressLocation + "\n"; 
    retVal += "Email: " + this.email + "\n"; 
    retVal += "Phone: " + this.areacode + " " + this.phone + "\n"; 
    retVal += "Name: " + this.name + "\n"; 
    return retVal; 

public void setUsername(int username) { 
    this.username = username; 

public int getUsername() { 
    return username; 



*文件:Employee.java */

包org.hibernate.employee; import java.util.List;

/** *此类表示公司数据库中的员工。 * */ 公共类Employee {

private String username; // the employee's username 
private Contact contact; // the employee's contact information 
private List events; 

* Constructs an Employee object. 
public Employee() { 

* @return the username 
public String getUsername() { 
    return username; 

* @param username the username to set 
public void setUsername(String username) { 
    this.username = username; 

* @return the contact 
public Contact getContact() { 
    return contact; 

* @param contact the contact to set 
public void setContact(Contact contact) { 
    this.contact = contact; 

* @return the events 
public List getEvents() { 
    return events; 

* @param events the events to set 
public void setEvents(List events) { 
    this.events = events; 

public String toString(){ 
    String retVal = ""; 
    retVal += "Username: " + username + "\n"; 
    retVal += "Contact: " + contact + "\n"; 
    return retVal; 





  1. 映射雇员和联系到同一个表的方式不会工作。 many-to-one需要一个外键(例如一个单独的列);您正在尝试重新使用主键。
  2. 将员工类重新映射到不同的表不会起作用 - 表和类不兼容。使用不同的实体名称可以防止立即出现错误,但这不是适当的用法。


  1. 地图Contactcomponent
  2. 直接在Employee上将事件映射为one-to-many关联。


<class name="Employee" table="Employees"> 
    <id name="username" column="username" type="string"/> 

    <component name="Contact" class="Contact"> <!-- class attribute optional --> 
    <property name="name" column="name" type="string"/> 
    <property name="addressNumber" column="addressNumber" type="int"/> 
    <property name="areacode" column="areacode" type="int"/> 
    <property name="phone" column="phone" type="int"/> 
    <property name="addressLocation" column="addressLocation" type="string"/> 
    <property name="email" column="email" type="string"/> 
    <list name="events" cascade="all"> 
    <key column="employeeUsername"/> 
    <list-index column="event_idx"/> 
    <one-to-many class="Event"/> 

注意list-index确实应该在表中单独的列,如果你想映射事件排序列表的列表;你不能将它映射到id。如果您不想将其定义为列,则可以将列表映射为<bag>而不是映射(并且,可选地,指定order-by属性以将该包排序)或将其映射为composite elements的集合,其中每个事件将不再是一个独立的实体。这是否适用取决于您的业务要求。


非常感谢您的帮助。 – jds2501 2009-10-30 06:39:45