2014-09-04 78 views

我有一个非常基本的PHP网站,我想要一个简单的垃圾邮件保护来阻止垃圾邮件提交。 我发现one,我喜欢这是一个基本的4字符输入。易于阅读,占用空间小。垃圾邮件保护需要在PHP窗体 - 不知道如何实现

但它说要使用validate.php提交操作。 我目前的表单行为是调用实际包含在页面加载(<?php include 'includes/mailer.php'; ?>)中的mailer.php(<form id="contact-form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" class="validate-form">)。


当我尝试在结束?>前加入刚刚在mailer.php开幕<?phpsession_start(); if(isset($_POST["captcha"])&&$_POST["captcha"]!=""&&$_SESSION["code"]==$_POST["captcha"]) { echo "Correct Code Entered"; //Do you stuff 然后} else { die("Wrong Code Entered"); },整个网站只显示“输入错误的代码”的负担。




    include 'includes/mailer.php'; 
<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css"> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap-responsive.css"> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">  
    <section id="section-home"> 
      <!-- header content --> 
      <!-- navigation --> 
    <section class="banner full-width-container"> 
     <div class="container"> 
      <!-- other body content --> 
      <div id="contact"> 
       <div id="contact-form-message"><?php print $output; ?></div> 
       <form id="contact-form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" class="validate-form"> 
        <p><span style="color:#f7403a;">Fill in the form below to have an expert contact you</span></p> 
        <div class="form-left"> 
         <div class="control-group"> 
          <label for="name" class="assistive control-label">Name:</label> 
          <div class="controls"> 
           <input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="Your Name" class="replace-default required type-text" /> 
         <div class="control-group"> 
          <label for="email" class="assistive control-label">Email: </label> 
          <div class="controls"> 
           <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="Your email address" class="replace-default required type-text" /> 
        </div><!-- end form-left --> 
        <div class="form-right"> 
         <div class="control-group"> 
          <label for="subject" class="assistive control-label">Subject: </label> 
          <div class="controls"> 
           <input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" value="Subject" class="replace-default required type-text" /> 
         <div class="control-group"> 
          <label for="telephone" class="assistive control-label">Telephone number </label> 
          <div class="controls"> 
           <input type="text" name="telephone" id="telephone" value="Your phone number" class="replace-default required type-text" /> 
        </div><!-- end form-right --> 
        <div class="control-group"> 
         <label for="message" class="assistive control-label">Message: </label> 
         <div class="controls"> 
          <textarea name="message" id="message" class="replace-default required type-textarea full-width" rows="5" cols="20">The type of enquiry (e.g. Motor Accident) and a brief message</textarea> 
        <div class="control-group"> 
         <div class="controls"> 
          <input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-stacks" value="Send Message"/> 
          <div id="sending-message"><img src="img/ajax-loader.gif" alt="" /></div> 
    <footer class="full-width-container" id="footer-section"> 
     <div class="container"> 
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    <script src="js/modernizr-1.7.min.js"></script> 
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function cleanInput($input){ 
    $input = trim($input); 
     $input = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($input)); 
    return $input; 

$name = ''; 
$email = ''; 
$subject = ''; 
$message = ''; 
$telephone = ''; 
$output = ''; 

if (isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_GET['ajax']) == 'true'){ 
    //set up for form fields 
    $name = cleanInput($_POST['name']); 
    $email = cleanInput($_POST['email']); 
    $subject = cleanInput($_POST['subject']); 
    $telephone = cleanInput($_POST['telephone']); 
    $message = cleanInput($_POST['message']); 
    $output =''; 
    $regex = "/^([a-z0-9\\+_\\-]+)(\\.[a-z0-9\\+_\\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\\-]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix"; 

    //do some basic validation 
    if($name == '' || $name == 'Full Name'){ $output = '<li class="alert alert-error">Please enter your name.</li>'; } 

    if (!preg_match($regex, $email) || $email == 'Email address') { 
     $output .= '<li class="alert alert-error">Please check that your email address is valid</li>'; 

    if($subject == '' || $subject == 'Subject'){ $output .= '<li class="alert alert-error">Please enter a subject</li>'; } 
    if($telephone == '' || $telephone == 'Contact number'){ $output .= '<li class="alert alert-error">Please enter a contact number</li>'; } 
    if($message == '' || $message == 'Your Query'){ $output .= '<li class="alert alert-error">Please enter a message</li>'; } 

    //if there are errors, add them to the list here 
    if ($output!=''){ 
     $output = '<div class=""><ul class="unstyled">' . $output . '</ul></div>';  
    //if no errors, try to send the form 
    else { 
     /*Put the email address to send to here*/ 
     $to = "[email protected]"; 
     $headers = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n"; 
     $headers .= 'Cc: '. $email . "\r\n"; 
     $headers .= 'Bcc: [email protected]' . ', ' . '[email protected]' . ', ' . '[email protected]' . "\r\n"; 
     $subject = $subject; 
     $body = "Name: $name\n\n" 
      . "Email: $email\n\n" 
      . "Subject: $subject\n\n" 
      . "Message: $message" 
     $messageOK = (mail($to, 'Web Enquiry from the landing page for: ' . $subject, $body, $headers)); 

     //check if the mail was sent or not 
     if ($messageOK){ 
      $output = '<div class="alert alert-success"><p>Thank you for getting in touch. We will be in contact soon.</p></div>'; 
     else { 
      $output = '<div class="alert alert-error"><p>We could not send your message. Please try again.</p></div>'; 
    //if ajax is being used, output the message 
    if (isset($_GET['ajax']) == 'true'){ 
     print $output; 



为什么不把该代码放在'mailer.php'的顶部? if条件的第一个参数是检查验证码变量的帖子,如果刚刚在页面上加载的话,肯定不会发生。此外,你可以用'$ error ='代替'die('错误的代码输入')'代码不正确!';',然后在验证码图像后面,你可以执行'echo isset($ error)? $ error:'';'。只需在顶部声明'$ error = null'。 – Ohgodwhy 2014-09-04 23:55:40


好吧,“//你的东西”是否意味着我的表单邮件的其余部分在那之后和'其他'之前?另外,当你说“稍后在验证码图像之后”时,我不确定你指的是哪个位置。你在说HTML格式吗?与“只需在顶部声明$ error = null”相同......声明如何?什么顶部?对不起 - 我对PHP没有最好的理解。 – 2014-09-05 00:20:13



您可以使用生成表单时生成的随机数,然后使用POST AND $ _SESSIO传递值N,然后比较2以查看它们是否匹配。这是为了保护机器人/垃圾邮件。



你想要做的是决定页面是否作为POST请求加载,如果不是,则显示表单,如果是,验证$ _POST字段和/或发送电子邮件。


我不确定我关注...我该怎么做? 我应该编辑我的问题,并包括在mailer.php中使用的代码?这有助于解决我遇到的问题吗? – 2014-09-05 00:23:07

$error = null; 
    echo "Correct Code Entered"; 
    //Do you stuff` 

    $error = "invalid captcha image, please try again!"; 

//the rest of your HTML 
//after the recaptcha image HTML 
echo isset($error)? $error: ''; 

这将从dieing停止该网页,因为失败的验证码的,如果capthc是假将produe的“Invalid captcha image'错误消息。