2014-10-04 75 views

我使用select2插件作为文本框的自动完成。自动完成对数据库中的员工视图进行ajax调用。除非用户打开网络表单编辑记录,否则一切都很好。我需要select2控件加载最初保存在记录中的值,而不管它是否存在于列表中。当我打开编辑表单时,select2控件是空白的。我知道我可以加载这个值,如果它是从ajax调用中返回的json数据,但是如果它不是?我可以看到initSelection中的值,但我不知道如何设置控件文本/值。用原始值填充jquery select2


var URL = '@Url.Action("GetEmployees", "AssetAssignment")'; 
    var originalValue = ""; 

     placeholder: "Type an MJB employee name or county...", 
     minimumInputLength: 3, 
     ajax: { 
      url: URL, 
      dataType: 'json', 
      type: "GET", 
      quietMillis: 50, 
      data: function (term) { 
       return { term: term }; 
      results: function (data) { 
       return { results: data.data }; 
     id: function (object) { 
      // store the text vs the id 
      return object.text; 
     createSearchChoice: function (term, data) { 
      //Allow manually entered text in drop down. 
      if ($(data).filter(function() { 
       return this.text.localeCompare(term)===0; 
      }).length===0) { 
       return { id: "", text: term, county: "" }; 
     initSelection: function (element, callback) { 
      var id = $(element).val(); 
      if (id !== "") { 
       //var id = element.val(); 
       //var text = element.data('option'); 
       //var data = { id: id, text: text }; 
       originalValue = id; 
     formatResult: employeeFormatResult, 
     formatSelection: employeeFormatSelection 

    // get other values from the selected item and put them in the appropriate controls 
    $('#AssignedTo').change(function() { 
     var id = $('#AssignedTo').select2('data').id; 
     var county = $('#AssignedTo').select2('data').county; 


function employeeFormatResult(data) { 
    var markup = "<table class='select2-result'><tr>"; 
    markup += "<td class='select2-result-id'>" + $.trim(data.id) + "</td>"; 
    markup += "<td class='select2-result-text'>" + data.text + "</td>"; 
    markup += "<td class='select2-result-county'>" + data.county + "</td>"; 
    markup += "</tr></table>"; 
    return markup; 

function employeeFormatSelection(data) { 
    return data.text; 




if (originalValue.length > 0) 
    $("#AssignedTo").select2("data", { id: originalValue, text: originalValue }); 
