2017-10-08 63 views


/* Fibonacci sequence that returns the nth term */ 

#include <stdio.h> 

int main() 
    int previous = 0; // previous term in sequence 
    int current = 1; // current term in sequence 
    int next; // next term in sequence 
    int n; // user input 
    int result; // nth term 

    printf("Please enter the number of the term in the fibonacci sequence you want to find\n"); 
    scanf("%d", &n); 

    if (n == 1) 
     result = 0; 
     printf("Term %d in the fibonacci sequence is: %d", n, result); 

     for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) // calculates nth term 
      next = current + previous; 
      previous = current; 
      current = next; 
      if (i == n - 2) 
       result = current; 
       printf("Term %d in the fibonacci sequence is: %d", n, result); 

Screenshot of Output


你是否检查'scanf函数的返回值'?你有什么不是转换的数字,它是*未定义的行为*因为'n'结束被使用而不被初始化 – UnholySheep


'%d'当它变成非十进制字符时停止。 – stark


好的,我把n初始化为0,然后输入一个没有返回的东西,这对我更有意义。谢谢UnholySheep – alexbourne98





#include <math.h> 

int main() 
    int previous = 0; // previous term in sequence 
    int current = 1; // current term in sequence 
    int next; // next term in sequence 
    int n; // to catch str conversion 
    int i = -1; // for incrementation 
    char str[10]; // user input 
    int result; // nth term 

    printf("Please enter the number of the term in the fibonacci sequence you want to find\n"); 
    scanf("%s", &str); // Catch input as string 
    while (str[++i]) 
     if (!isdigit(str[i])) // Check if each characters is a digit 
      return -1; 
    n = atoi(str); // Convert string to int 

    // Rest of the function 

详细信息:“除''-''外,使用'%d,scanf()'return 0”输入非十进制字符。 ''+'',tab,space,...'char str [10];'是没有足够空间来表示大的int值。基本的想法很好,但没有完成这项工作。 – chux
