2010-04-29 65 views


class Car{ 
    function Car(speed:int){ 
      trace("CAR speed "+speed) 


class FordCar extends Car{ 
    function FordCar(model:string){ 
      trace("FORD model "+model) 






如果构造子类的实例,则两个类构造函数都应该始终执行。根据所讨论的语言,基类构造函数的实际执行和选择(包括排序)可能会有所不同。 (这是特别真实的语言,允许多重继承 - 作为执行的顺序可能是难以确定在某些情况下,乍看之下。)



function FordCar(model: string) : Car(42) { 



function FordCar(int: speed, model: string) : Car(speed) { 
    trace("FORD model " + model) 

我会永远跑步吗?含义? – 2010-04-29 18:57:17


@杰瑞米:我重新录制了 - 更好? – 2010-04-29 18:58:35


是啊!而且论据也会加起来吗?请参阅上面我更新的代码。 – 2010-04-29 19:00:20




public interface IAnimal 
    string GetName(); 
    string Talk(); 

public abstract class AnimalBase : IAnimal 
    private string _name; 

    // Constructor #1 
    protected AnimalBase(string name) 
     _name = name; 

    // Constructor #2 
    protected AnimalBase(string name, bool isCutsey) 
     if (isCutsey) 
      // Change "Fluffy" into "Fluffy-poo" 
      _name = name + "-poo"; 

    // GetName implemention from IAnimal. 
    // In C#, "virtual" means "Let the child class override this if it wants to but is not required to" 
    public virtual string GetName() 
     return _name; 

    // Talk "implementation" from IAnimal. 
    // In C#, "abstract" means "require our child classes to override this and provide the implementation". 
    // Since our base class forces child classes to provide the implementation, this takes care of the IAnimal implementation requirement. 
    abstract public string Talk(); 

public class Dog : AnimalBase 
    // This constructor simply passes on the name parameter to the base class's constructor. 
    public Dog(string name) 
     : base(name) 

    // This constructor passes on both parameters to the base class's constructor. 
    public Dog(string name, bool isCutsey) 
     : base(name, isCutsey) 

    // Override the base class's Talk() function here, and this satisfy's AnimalBase's requirement to provide this implementation for IAnimal. 
    public override string Talk() 
     return "Woof! Woof!"; 

public class SmallDog : Dog 
    private bool _isPurseDog; 

    // This constructor is unique from all of the other constructors. 
    // Rather than the second boolean representing the "isCutsey" property, it's entirely different. 
    // It's entirely a coincidence that they're the same datatype - this is not important. 
    // Notice that we're saying ALL SmallDogs are cutsey by passing a hardcoded true into the base class's (Dog) second parameter of the constructor. 
    public SmallDog(string name, bool isPurseDog) 
     : base(name, true) 
     _isPurseDog = isPurseDog; 

    // This tells us if the dog fits in a purse. 
    public bool DoesThisDogFitInAPurse() 
     return _isPurseDog; 

    // Rather than using Dog's Talk() implementation, we're changing this because this special type of dog is different. 
    public override string Talk() 
     return "Yip! Yip!"; 

public class Chihuahua : SmallDog 
    private int _hatSize; 

    // We say that Chihuahua's always fit in a purse. Nothing else different about them, though. 
    public Chihuahua(string name, int hatSize) 
     : base(name, true) 
     _hatSize = hatSize; 

    // Of course all chihuahuas wear Mexican hats, so let's make sure we know its hat size! 
    public int GetHatSize() 
     return _hatSize; 

public class Cat : AnimalBase 
    // This constructor simply passes on the name parameter to the base class's constructor. 
    public Cat(string name) 
     : base(name) 

    // This constructor passes on both parameters to the base class's constructor. 
    public Cat(string name, bool isCutsey) 
     : base(name, isCutsey) 

    // Override the base class's Talk() function here, and this satisfy's AnimalBase's requirement to provide this implementation for IAnimal. 
    public override string Talk() 
     return "Meoooowwww..."; 

public class Lion : Cat 
    public Lion(string name) 
     : base(name) 

    // Rather than using Cat's Talk() implementation, we're changing this because this special type of cat is different. 
    public override string Talk() 
     return "ROAR!!!!!!!!"; 





不,当一个子类的实例被创建时,它是否也会在超类中执行代码? – 2010-04-29 18:56:47


对于构造函数来说,是的,它会自动执行两者(这里没有选项)。对于成员方法,那么子类必须专门引用超类的方法。 – Jaxidian 2010-04-29 18:58:11




这是语言特定的 - 但(在C#中)还要求基类包含一个默认构造函数。如果没有参数的构造函数,你会得到一个编译器错误。 – 2010-04-29 19:04:20



class Car(): 
    def __init__(self, speed): 
    print "speed", speed 
    self.speed = speed 
class FordCar(Car): 
    def __init__(self, model): 
    print "model", model 
    self.speed = 180 
    self.model = model 

>>> FordCar("Mustang") 
model Mustang 
