2017-05-06 62 views





    require 'login/database.php'; 

     $records = $conn->prepare('SELECT id,username,password FROM users WHERE id = :id'); 

     $records->bindParam(':id', $_SESSION['user_id']); 


     $results = $records->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 

     $user = NULL; 

     if(count($results) > 0){ 
      $user = $results; 

<DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
     <title>Login Test</title> 
     <meta charset="utf-8"> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index.css"> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans"> 
     <?php if(!empty($user)): ?> 

      <nav class="navigation"> 
       <div class="navigation-logo">Website</div> 
        <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Home</a></li> 
        <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Deposit</a></li> 
        <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Withdraw</a></li> 
        <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Free Coins</a></li> 
        <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Support</a></li> 
       <form id="button" action='login/logout' method='POST'><button class="btn" name='logout' type='submit'>Logout</button></form> 
      <span class="login-message">You are now logged in.</span> 

     <? else: ?> 

      <nav class="navigation"> 
       <div class="navigation-logo">Website</div> 
        <li><a href="index" class="navigation-item">Home</a></li> 
        <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Deposit</a></li> 
        <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Withdraw</a></li> 
        <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Free Coins</a></li> 
        <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Support</a></li> 
       <form id="button" action='login/login' method='POST'><button class="btn" name='login' type='submit'>Login</button></form> 
      <span class="login-message">You are not currently logged in.</span> 

     <? endif; ?> 



     header("Location: /"); 

    require 'database.php'; 

    $message = ''; 

    if(!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password'])): 
     $records = $conn->prepare('SELECT id,username,password FROM users WHERE username = :username'); 

     $records->bindParam(':username', $_POST['username']); 


     $results = $records->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 

     if(count($results) > 0 && password_verify($_POST['password'], $results['password'])){ 
      $_SESSION['user_id'] = $results['id']; 
      header("Location: /"); 
     } else { 
      $message = 'Incorrect username or password.'; 

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
     <title>Login Test</title> 
     <meta charset="utf-8"> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/login.css"> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans"> 
     <nav class="navigation"> 
      <div class="navigation-logo">Website</div> 
       <li><a href="../index" class="navigation-item">Home</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Deposit</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Withdraw</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Free Coins</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Support</a></li> 
      <form id="button" action='login' method='POST'><button class="btn" name='login' type='submit'>Login</button></form> 
     <form action="login" method="POST"> 
      <input type="text" placeholder="Username" name="username"> 
      <input type="password" placeholder="Password" name="password"> 
      <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login"> 
      <span class="register-text">Don't have an account? <a href="register">Register Here</a></span> 



     header("Location: /"); 

    require 'database.php'; 

    if(!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password'])): 

     $sql = "INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (:username, :password)"; 

     $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); 

     $stmt->bindParam(':username', $_POST['username']); 

     $hash = password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_BCRYPT); 

     $stmt->bindParam(':password', $hash); 

      $message = ''; 
      header("Location: login"); 
      $message = ''; 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
     <title>Login Test</title> 
     <meta charset="utf-8"> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/register.css"> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans"> 
     <nav class="navigation"> 
      <div class="navigation-logo">Website</div> 
       <li><a href="../index" class="navigation-item">Home</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Deposit</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Withdraw</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Free Coins</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#" class="navigation-item">Support</a></li> 
      <form id="button" action='login' method='POST'><button class="btn" name='login' type='submit'>Login</button></form> 
     <form action="register" method="POST"> 
      <input type="text" placeholder="Username" name="username"> 
      <input type="password" placeholder="Password" name="password"> 
      <input type="password" placeholder="Confirm Password" name="confirm_password"> 
      <input type="submit" name="register" value="Register"> 
      <span class="register-text">Already have an account? <a href="login">Login Here</a></span> 


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input[type="submit"] { 
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    margin: 0px auto; 
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    display: block; 
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    border: 0px; 

input[type="submit"]:hover { 
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    background: rgb(255, 255, 255); 
    color: rgb(40, 40, 40); 

.register-text { 
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    text-align: center; 
    margin-top: 10px; 
    display: block; 

.register-text a { 
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  1. 检查DOCTYPE,注册表中有<!DOCTYPE html>,索引号<DOCTYPE html>
  2. 引号是可以互换的,但是最好使用一种类型。 "',而不是他们两个。
  3. 我已经用index.css内容替换register.css内容,并且导航栏再次正常工作。正如我所看到的 - 问题在register.css与那:

    form { 
    position: absolute; 
    right: 0px; 
    left: 0px; 
    top: 40%; 


使用form而不是类,例如,您正在更改两个(sic!)表单。首先,你想要的,其次在<nav class="navigation">!只要使用类,而这样做,一切都会好;)


.registerForm { 
    position: absolute; 
    right: 0px; 
    left: 0px; 
    top: 40%; 


<form class="registerForm" action="http://www.abyssallogin.hol.es/login/register" method="POST"> 
  • 你应该这样做的一切。在CSS中使用html标签并不是一个好主意。使用id,class,并保持简单。 index.css和register.css几乎相同。您可以导入更多的css文件 - 使用该功能!只有那么css真的有意义;)
  • +0

    好吧,以便似乎工作,但仍然有一个问题。现在在我的登录页面上,表单一直位于顶部。你可以去同一个链接并查看它。 – Abyssal


    哦,来吧...你甚至不读你写的代码吗?你有在''clas ='',而不是''class =''... – Sylogista


    Omfg抱歉,男人哈哈,我甚至没有看到。谢谢您的帮助。 – Abyssal