2016-12-24 148 views



public class MyFirebaseInstanceIDService extends FirebaseInstanceIdService { 

    private static final String TAG = "MyFirebaseIIDService"; 

    public void onTokenRefresh() { 
     AccountManager accountManager = (AccountManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(ACCOUNT_SERVICE); 
     Account account[] = accountManager.getAccountsByType(ACCOUNT_TYPE); 
     if(account.length==0) { 
      Activity activity=???????//What can I set here 
      accountManager.addAccount(ACCOUNT_TYPE, AccountGeneral.AUTHTOKEN_TYPE_FULL_ACCESS, null, 
      null, activity, new AccountManagerCallback<Bundle>() { 
         public void run(AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> arg0) { 
        }, null); 
      return null; 
     //do stuff with ContentResolver using account 

编辑显示一些代码来说明问题 – Nathan




它们是AccountManager类中另一种名为addAccountExplicitly()的方法。 下面是文档:

    * Adds an account directly to the AccountManager. Normally used by sign-up 
    * wizards associated with authenticators, not directly by applications. 
    * <p>Calling this method does not update the last authenticated timestamp, 
    * referred by {@link #KEY_LAST_AUTHENTICATED_TIME}. To update it, call 
    * {@link #notifyAccountAuthenticated(Account)} after getting success. 
    * However, if this method is called when it is triggered by addAccount() or 
    * addAccountAsUser() or similar functions, then there is no need to update 
    * timestamp manually as it is updated automatically by framework on 
    * successful completion of the mentioned functions. 
    * <p>It is safe to call this method from the main thread. 
    * <p>This method requires the caller to have a signature match with the 
    * authenticator that owns the specified account. 
    * <p><b>NOTE:</b> If targeting your app to work on API level 22 and before, 
    * AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS permission is needed for those platforms. See docs 
    * for this function in API level 22. 
    * @param account The {@link Account} to add 
    * @param password The password to associate with the account, null for none 
    * @param userdata String values to use for the account's userdata, null for 
    *   none 
    * @return True if the account was successfully added, false if the account 
    *   already exists, the account is null, or another error occurs. 
    public boolean addAccountExplicitly(Account account, String password, Bundle userdata); 



final Account account = new Account(accountName, intent.getStringExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE)); 


String authtoken = //Generated Auth Token ; 
String authtokenType = //Auth Token type; 
String accountPassword= //Auth password if available; 


mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(account, accountPassword, //User data bundle); 
mAccountManager.setAuthToken(account, authtokenType, authtoken); 



感谢您的。我应该说,如果没有设置帐户并且需要添加新帐户,我希望打开用于输入凭据的验证活动。当需要在另一个活动中发生帐户时,addAccount是理想的选择,但当服务发生对帐户的需求时,我无法弄清楚如何获取活动实例。 – Nathan


为此,如果帐户数组大小为零,我建议您使用服务意图自行启动活动。不需要依赖addAccount()方法,因为最终将在Authenticator活动中调用addAccount()方法。 –