2016-08-11 64 views



document.getElementById("button").onclick = function() { 

function genContent() { 
\t var content = ""; 
\t lists(); 
// --- what works --- 
    content += r(person).concat(" ", r(verb), "ed "); 
    content += r(person).concat(", so "); 
    content += r(person).concat(" is ", r(verb), "ing "); 
    content += r(person); 
// --- what I want to condense it down to --- 
// content += r(person).concat(" ", r(verb), "ed ", r(person), ", so ", r(person), " is ", r(verb), "ing ", r(person)); 


    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = content.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + content.slice(1); 

function r(array) { 
    random = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length); 
    value = array[random]; 
    array.splice(random, 1); 
    return value; 

function lists() { 

\t person = ["Grace", "Jared", "Suzy", "Tommy"]; 
    verb = [ 
    \t "answer", "ask", "block", "call", 
    "delay", "expect", "follow", "greet", 
    "help", "inform", "join", "kick", 
    "label", "mark", "need", "order", 
    "pick", "question", "request", "signal", 
    "trick", "visit", "warn"]; 
    <textarea id="output" output="" rows="8" style="width:50%; min-width:285px;" readonly="readonly"> 
    Click the button to generate a sentence. 
    <input type="button" value="Make content" id="button"> 

(jsfiddle link because it's easier to edit)





content = r(person) + " " + r(verb) + "ed " + r(person) + ", so " 
    + r(person) + " is " + r(verb) + "ing " + r(person); 


content = [r(person), " ", r(verb), "ed ", r(person), " 
    , so ", r(person), " is ", r(verb), "ing ", r(person)]; 

content = content.join(""); 

其实你可以加入的空格字符,并且会帮助你清理,甚至不需要某些数组条目也只是空的空间! – spozun


document.querySelector("button").addEventListener('click', function() { 
    var person = ["Grace", "Jared", "Suzy", "Tommy"]; 
    var verb = ["answer", "ask", "block", "call", "delay", "expect", "follow", "greet", "help", "inform", "join", "kick", "label", "mark", "need", "order", "pick", "question", "request", "signal", "trick", "visit", "warn"]; 
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = [r(person), r(verb) + "ed", r(person) + ", so", r(person), "is", r(verb) + "ing", r(person) + "."].join(" "); 

function r(list) { 
    return list.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length), 1)[0]; 
<link href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/skeleton/2.0.4/skeleton.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> 
<div class="container"> 
    <div id="output"></div> 



"[P] [V]ed [P], so [P] is [V]ing [P]" 


var person = [ 
     "Grace", "Jared", "Suzy", "Tommy" 
    verb = [ 
     "answer", "ask", "block", "call", 
     "delay", "expect", "follow", "greet", 
     "help", "inform", "join", "kick", 
     "label", "mark", "need", "order", 
     "pick", "question", "request", "signal", 
     "trick", "visit", "warn" 

var template = "[P] [V]ed [P], so [P] is [V]ing [P]"; 

var str = template.replace(/\[([PV])\]/g, function(m, p0) { 
    var list = {'P': person, 'V': verb}[p0]; 
    return list.splice((Math.random() * list.length) | 0, 1); 




//takes an Array, shuffles it in place (no copy), and returns the shuffled Array 
function shuffle(arr){ 
    for(var len = arr.length, i=len, j, tmp; i--;){ 
     j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (len-1)); 
     if(j>=i) ++j; 
     tmp = arr[j]; 
     arr[j] = arr[i]; 
     arr[i] = tmp; 
    return arr; 

//a utility to uppercase only the first-char of a string 
function uppercaseFirstChar(str){ 
    return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); 

//the code never mutates this, so there's no need to ever reset it. 
var strings = {//TODO: find a better name(space) than `strings` 
    persons: [ 
     "Grace", "Jared", "Suzy", "Tommy" 

    verbs: [ 
     "answer", "ask", "block", "call", 
     "delay", "expect", "follow", "greet", 
     "help", "inform", "join", "kick", 
     "label", "mark", "need", "order", 
     "pick", "question", "request", "signal", 
     "trick", "visit", "warn" 

//keep the tasks simple and clear. 
//this function builds and returns a random sentence. 
//no more, no less. 
//it doesn't need to know what the result is used for 
function randomSentence(){ 
    //don't mutate the string-pool, create a copy of the Arrays, and shuffle that 
    var person = shuffle(strings.persons.slice()); 
    var verb = shuffle(strings.verbs.slice()); 

    //build the sentence, uppercase the first char, and return the result 
    return uppercaseFirstChar(
     `${person[0]} ${verb[0]}ed ${person[1]}, so ${person[2]} is ${verb[1]}ing ${person[3]}` 

    //an example how you can reference the same person/verb multiple times in the same result 
    //your r(array)-approach is not able to that; it's kind of destructive. 
    //return `${person[0]} ${verb[0]}ed ${person[1]}; ${person[1]} has been ${verb[0]}ed by ${person[0]}` 

document.getElementById("button").onclick = function() { 
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = randomSentence(); 