2016-11-17 70 views

所以我想创建一个表单,我不是100%确定我需要做什么...实际上没有...我平坦卡住了。所以我有一个数组。 (下面的示例),我有两个我希望用户选择的选项。将第一个框放下,用户将能够选择五个类别中的一个,然后从该选择中只有该类别的选项可供用户在下拉框中选择两个。从那里它会自动填充相应的文本框。通过两个下拉选择循环填充文本框



var programs = new Array(); 
programs[0] = ["Option One of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 1","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[1] = ["Option One of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 2","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[2] = ["Option One of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 3","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[3] = ["Option One of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 4","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[4] = ["Option Two of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 5","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[5] = ["Option Two of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 6","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[6] = ["Option Two of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 7","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[7] = ["Option Two of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 8","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[8] = ["Option Two of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 9","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[9] = ["Option Three of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 10","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[10] = ["Option Three of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 11","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[11] = ["Option Three of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 12","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[12] = ["Option Three of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 13","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[13] = ["Option Three of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 14","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[14] = ["Option Four of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 15","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[15] = ["Option Four of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 16","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[16] = ["Option Four of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 17","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[17] = ["Option Four of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 18","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[18] = ["Option Four of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 19","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[19] = ["Option Five of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 20","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[20] = ["Option Five of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 21","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[21] = ["Option Five of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 21","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[22] = ["Option Five of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 22","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 
programs[23] = ["Option Five of Five Categories","Random information to display in text box one","Random information to display in text box two","Option 24","Random information to display in text box three","Random information to display in text box four"]; 

因此,投递箱2的内容应取决于用户在投递箱中选择的内容? – theoretisch




<select id="drop1" onchange="changeValueDrop2()"> 


<select id="drop2"> 


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
\t var obj=[]; 
\t function changeValueDrop2(){ 
\t \t 
\t \t var parentval=$('#drop1').val(); 
\t \t $('#drop2').empty(); 
\t \t 
\t \t for(i=0;i<obj.length;i++){ 
\t \t \t var bean=obj[i]; 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t if(parentval==bean.parentid){ 
\t \t \t \t $('#drop2').append('<option value="'+bean.dd2_text+'">parentid : '+bean.dd2_text+'</option>'); 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t } 
\t $(document).ready(function(){ 
\t \t console.log("Hellosss"); 
\t \t 
\t \t for(i=0;i<=15;i++){ 
\t \t \t $('#drop1').append('<option value="'+i+'">parent '+i+'</option>'); 
\t \t \t for(b=1;b<=10;b++) 
\t \t \t { 
\t \t \t \t var bean ={ 
\t \t \t \t \t dd2_text : 'parentid : '+i +', childid : '+((i)*10+b), 
\t \t \t \t \t parentid : i, 
\t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t \t obj.push(bean); 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t \t 
\t \t changeValueDrop2(); 
\t \t console.log(obj); 
\t }); 



嘿,非常感谢您花时间帮助我。这是一个好的开始,但不幸的是,这并不是我想到的。正如你所说,我所看到的是动态创建数据。我需要它从数组中提取数据。其次,我需要它用行中的其余信息填充四个文本框。此外,如果它不是一个问题,我会怎么做到这一点在JavaScript而不是jQuery的?再一次非常感谢你,因为我真的不知道该怎么做。 –


所以,你只是想使用javaScript,你也想填充4下拉菜单,这也仅仅是从阵列中的数组而不是数组?那是对的吗。 –


[下拉酮]基于所述阵列5个分类 基于来自所述第一下拉框 [文本框1]自动阵列中填充从行信息 [文本选择的类别[下拉两]选择选项箱2]自动填充从行信息的阵列中 [文本框3]汽车填充从行信息的阵列中 [文本框4]汽车填充从行信息的阵列中 希望使其更加清晰。再次感谢! –