2010-12-14 82 views

请帮助我理解如何从图的邻接矩阵中获得最小生成树! 我用java编写关于它的课程,截止日期是16.12.2010,但我觉得它会失败。 现在我的计划可以:Java中的邻接矩阵的最小生成树

  1. 绘制节点
  2. 绘制边缘
  3. 生成图形的邻接矩阵绘画的地下室重边的
  4. 查找最小的边缘连接到节点
  5. 和有一些其他的测试/测试功能

但我不知道如何实现Java中的Prim/Kruskal算法。我试图找到一些决议 在谷歌,但只找到Java-applet,需要工作.obj文件,我也无法运行它。

我写了一些简单的控制台java pattern,现在生成并打印图形的邻接矩阵。任何人可以添加函数,返回图的最小生成树的邻接矩阵看起来像:

public static int[][] mst(int[][] graph, int n) { 


  • 图 - 在正被生成的图形
  • 顶点的数量(节点)



注意作业标签警察 - 该OP已经表示,这是作业。 – 2010-12-14 14:44:18


在这之前有人做过功课吗? – Joel 2010-12-14 15:07:26





int bestDist[N] 
int mst[N][N] 
int cameHere[N] 
bool done[N] 
FOR i = 0..N-1: 
bestDist[i] = INFINITY 
done[i] = false 
FOR j=0..N-1: 
    mst[i][j] = INFINITY 

// start at any node 
bestDist[0] = 0; 
FOR i = 0..N-1: 
bestNode = INFINITY 
bestNodeDist = INFINITY 

IF bestNode != 0: 
    mst[cameHere[bestNode]][bestNode] = graph[cameHere[bestNode]][bestNode] 

// find closest node 
FOR j= 0..N-1: 
    IF !done[j] AND bestDist[j] < bestNodeDist: 
    bestNode = j 
    bestNodeDist = bestNodeDist[j] 

// update surrounding nodes 
FOR j=0..N-1: 
    IF !done[j] AND bestNodeDist + graph[bestNode][j] < bestDist[j]: 
    bestDist[j] = bestNodeDist + graph[bestNode][j] 
    cameHere[j] = bestNode 

return mst 

这个运行在O(N^2),但可以让它运行为O(E登录E),在那里,如果你使用一个堆E = NUM​​边缘。



public void MST-Prim() 
    int[] source = new int[numberOfVertices]; // i-th element contains number of source vertex for the edge with the lowest cost from tree T to vertex i 
    double[] dist = new double[numberOfVertices]; //i-th element contains weight of minimal edge connecting i with source[i] 
    indicators = new boolean[numberOfVertices]; //if true, vertex i is in tree T 

    // Mark all vertices as NOT being in the minimum spanning tree 
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++) 
     indicators[i] = false; 
     dist[i] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; 

    //we start with vertex number 0 
    indicators[0] = true; 
    dist[0] = 0; 
    int bestNeighbour = 0;// lastly added vertex to the tree T 
    double minDist; 

    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices - 1; i++) 
     minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; 

     for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVertices; j++) // fill dist[] based on distance to bestNeighbour vertex 
      if (!indicators[j]) 
       double weight = fullGraph.getEdgeWeight(bestNeighbour, j); 

       if (weight < dist[j]) 
        source[j] = bestNeighbour; 
        dist[j] = weight; 

     for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVertices; j++) // find index of min in dist[] 
      if (!indicators[j]) 
       if (dist[j] < minDist) 
        bestNeighbour = j; 
        minDist = dist[j]; 

     if (bestNeighbour != 0) 
     {//add the edge (bestNeighbour, dist[bestNeighbour]) to tree T 
      addEdgeToTree(new GraphEdge(fullGraph.getNode(source[bestNeighbour]), fullGraph.getNode(bestNeighbour), 
      indicators[bestNeighbour] = true; 



您给出的示例中的getEdgeWeight是什么?是否我们需要为此编写一个独立的方法?和addEdgetotree的概念? – 2013-04-21 11:40:58