2017-10-10 119 views

有没有一种方法可以从Web浏览器控制器收集所有头文件?我需要查找一个标题并从中获取完整的网址。在这里,你可以看到我的意思是在我上传了你们VIDEO:VB.NET Visual Basic头文件读取器

YouTube Vid

我需要的东西收集所有XRH头,然后我可以做我的东西。我正在使用VB.NET VB 2017/2015。


欢迎堆栈溢出。请阅读http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask和http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve –


_“问题要求我们**推荐或找到一本书,工具,软件库,教程或其他非现场资源**是堆栈溢出的主题,因为它们倾向于吸引自以为是的答案和垃圾邮件,相反,[描述问题](http://meta.stackexchange.com/q/139399/)以及到目前为止已经完成解决它。“_ - 从[On-topic](https://stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic)。 –


人们大多不会看视频,看看问题是什么 - 请将所有必要的信息放入问题本身。文字很理想,并根据需要添加静止图像。谢谢!如果您可以扩展“XRH标题”的内容,那就太好了。它是一种特定类型的HTTP请求或响应头? – halfer




Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions 


Dim URL_ID As String = "" 
Dim URL_PlaylistSource = "" 
Dim URL_chunklist_ As String = "" 
Dim FULL_URL_TO_VIDEO As String = "" 
Dim FileToSaveAndOpen As String = "C:/Users/Silver Lab/Desktop/TVplayUrlGenerator.m3u8" 

'/////////// Drag Form 
Private IsDragging As Boolean = False 
Private StartPoint As Point 

Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox_background.MouseDown 
    StartPoint = PictureBox_background.PointToScreen(New Point(e.X, e.Y)) 
    IsDragging = True 
End Sub 

Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox_background.MouseMove 
    If IsDragging Then 
     Dim EndPoint As Point = PictureBox_background.PointToScreen(New Point(e.X, e.Y)) 
     Me.Left += (EndPoint.X - StartPoint.X) 
     Me.Top += (EndPoint.Y - StartPoint.Y) 
     StartPoint = EndPoint 
    End If 
End Sub 

Private Sub PictureBox_background_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox_background.MouseUp 
    IsDragging = False 
End Sub 
'/////////// END Drag Form /////////// 

Public Sub ReadStreamSource(ByVal URL As String) 
    Dim StreamSource As String = New System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString(URL) 
    TextBox_SourceCollector.Text = StreamSource 
End Sub 

Private Sub Timer_reader_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer_reader.Tick 
    If Label_process_ID.Text = 1 Then 
     ProgressBar_Process.Value = 15 
     ProgressBar_Process.Visible = True 
     ReadStreamSource("https://playapi.mtgx.tv/v3/videos/stream/" + URL_ID) 

     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    If Label_process_ID.Text = 2 Then 
     ProgressBar_Process.Value = 39 
     Dim CleanURL As String = TextBox_SourceCollector.Text.Replace("\", "") 
     TextBox_SourceCollector.Text = CleanURL 
     Dim regex As Regex = New Regex("https://mtglva010.cloudycdn.services/vod.*./playlist.m3u8") 
     Dim match As Match = regex.Match(CleanURL) 

     If match.Success Then 
      Dim split = match.Value.Split("""") 
      URL_PlaylistSource = split(6) 
      Label_process_ID.Text = Val(3) 
     End If 

     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    If Label_process_ID.Text = 3 Then 
     ProgressBar_Process.Value = 49 
     Dim regex As Regex = New Regex("chunklist_.*m3u8") 
     Dim match As Match = regex.Match(TextBox_SourceCollector.Text) 
     If match.Success Then 
      Label_process_ID.Text = Val(4) 
      URL_chunklist_ = match.Value 
     End If 

     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    If Label_process_ID.Text = 4 Then 
     ProgressBar_Process.Value = 72 
     Dim regex As Regex = New Regex("https://mtglva010.cloudycdn.services/vod/_definst_.*smil") 
     Dim match As Match = regex.Match(URL_PlaylistSource) 
     If match.Success Then 
      FULL_URL_TO_VIDEO = match.Value & "/" & URL_chunklist_ 
      URL_FOR_FIRST_PART_OF_FILE_GENERATOR = match.Value & "/media" 
     End If 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    If Label_process_ID.Text = 5 Then 
     ProgressBar_Process.Value = 100 
     Dim GeneratedChunkLIST As String = TextBox_SourceCollector.Text.Replace("media", URL_FOR_FIRST_PART_OF_FILE_GENERATOR) 
     TextBox_SourceCollector.Text = GeneratedChunkLIST 
     Dim ReplaceVersion As String = TextBox_SourceCollector.Text.Replace("#EXT-X-VERSION:4", "#EXT-X-VERSION:3") 
     TextBox_SourceCollector.Text = ReplaceVersion 
     Label_process_ID.Text = Val(0) 
     '///// Save To File 
     Dim myText As String = TextBox_SourceCollector.Text 
     Dim myFile As IO.File 
     Dim SW As IO.StreamWriter 
     SW = myFile.AppendText(FileToSaveAndOpen) 

     If MsgBox("File generated on your Desktop Sucessfully" & vbNewLine & "Do You want to Open it?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Generated Sucessfully.") = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then 
     End If 
     ProgressBar_Process.Visible = False 
     ProgressBar_Process.Value = 0 
    End If 

End Sub 
Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox_SourceCollector.TextChanged 
    If TextBox_SourceCollector.Text.Contains("streams") Then 
     Label_process_ID.Text = Val(2) 
    End If 

    If TextBox_SourceCollector.Text.Contains("chunklist_") Then 
     Label_process_ID.Text = Val(3) 
    End If 

    If TextBox_SourceCollector.Text.Contains("media") Then 
     Label_process_ID.Text = Val(5) 
    End If 
End Sub 

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 
    Label_process_ID.Text = Val(0) 
    TextBox_InputURL.TabStop = True 
    ProgressBar_Process.Value = 0 
    ProgressBar_Process.Visible = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub TextBox_InputURL_DoubleClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox_InputURL.DoubleClick 
End Sub 

Private Sub TextBox_InputURL_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox_InputURL.TextChanged 
    If TextBox_InputURL.Text = Nothing Then 
     PictureBox_ProcessButton.Image = My.Resources.Search_Disable_fw 
     PictureBox_ProcessButton.Cursor = Cursors.Default 
     PictureBox_ProcessButton.Image = My.Resources.Search_Enable_fw 
     PictureBox_ProcessButton.Cursor = Cursors.Hand 
    End If 
End Sub 

Private Sub PictureBox_ProcessButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PictureBox_ProcessButton.Click 
    If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(FileToSaveAndOpen) Then 
    End If 
    If PictureBox_ProcessButton.Cursor = Cursors.Hand Then 
     Dim regex As Regex = New Regex("\d+") 
     Dim match As Match = regex.Match(TextBox_InputURL.Text) 
     If match.Success Then 
      URL_ID = (match.Value) 
      Label_URL_ID.Text = URL_ID 
      Label_process_ID.Text = Val(1) 
     End If 
    End If 
End Sub 

Private Sub Timer_countDown_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer_countDown.Tick 

    If Label_CountDown.Text = 0 Then 
     Label_CountDown.Text = 1 
      Label_CountDown.Text = Label_CountDown.Text - 1 
     End If 

End Sub 
Private Sub Label_process_ID_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label_process_ID.TextChanged 
End Sub 

Private Sub PictureBox_Exit_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PictureBox_Exit.MouseLeave 
    PictureBox_Exit.Image = Nothing 
End Sub 

Private Sub PictureBox_Exit_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox_Exit.MouseMove 
    PictureBox_Exit.Image = My.Resources.Exit_over_fw 
End Sub 

Private Sub PictureBox_minimize_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PictureBox_minimize.MouseLeave 
    PictureBox_minimize.Image = Nothing 
End Sub 

Private Sub PictureBox_minimize_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox_minimize.MouseMove 
    PictureBox_minimize.Image = My.Resources.min_over_fw 
End Sub 

Private Sub PictureBox_Exit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PictureBox_Exit.Click 
End Sub 

Private Sub PictureBox_minimize_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PictureBox_minimize.Click 
    Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized 
End Sub 

Private Sub LinkLabel1_LinkClicked(sender As Object, e As LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel1.LinkClicked 
End Sub 

Private Sub LinkLabel2_LinkClicked(sender As Object, e As LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel2.LinkClicked 
End Sub 
