2014-10-08 74 views

我会尽量用几句话来解释我的问题。 我有一个HTML与各种iframes。在一个iframe中有一个目录(TOC),另一个是TOC中突出显示的相应元素的内容。由于存在各种TOC,可能发生的情况是,通过单击某个链接,我们将转到属于另一个TOC的主题,因此我希望TOC框架可以重新加载适当的TOC。为此,由于每个主题在TOC中都有唯一的ID,因此我会在所有TOC中搜索主框架中加载的主题的ID,并在找到想要的TOC时,将其加载到TOC框架中。用jquery在多个html文件中搜索字符串


/*function called on load of each topic - it gets the topic unique id as parameter*/ 
function highlight(id) { 
    /*the names of the HTML files containing the different tocs*/ 
    var tocs = ["toc.htm", "toc_documentazione.htm", "toc_flussiesteri.htm", "toc_garante.htm", "toc_legittimita.htm", "toc_normativa.htm", "toc_settori.htm", "toc_sicurezza.htm", "toc_sistemadp.htm", "toc_vistaarticolato.htm"] 
    var i = 0; 
    /*search within the different TOCs until you find a correspondence or there are no more TOCs*/ 
    while (!changeTOC(tocs[i], "a" + id) && i < tocs.length) { 
    i = i + 1; 

    /*this line is probably wrong but the idea is to load the found TOC in the appropriate frame*/ 
    $(content).load(tocs[i - 1] + " #content"); 


/*function using ajax to search the id into the HTML file passed as parameter (newToc) returning the search outcome*/ 
function changeTOC(newToc, id) { 

    var found = false; 
    $.get(newToc, "html").done(
    function(temp_toc) { 
     /*if the HTML contains the id we search for we return true*/ 
     if (temp_toc.indexOf(id) != -1) 
     found = true; 

    /*else we return false*/ 
    return found; 


希望我已经能够让自己清楚。 感谢您的帮助


您正在试图从一个根本异步操作的函数内部返回值基本误差(即'changeTOC'调用'$ .get')。使用回调或jQuery承诺。你不能像这样在一个while循环中处理这些多个获取请求。 – 2014-10-08 16:20:13


看着这个问题,你真的需要找到另一种连接iFrame页面到TOC的方式。加载它们一次,只是为了找到链接,似乎不是很有效。 – 2014-10-08 16:25:42


谢谢@TrueBlueAussie。由于TOC文件是自动生成的,因此我没有很多关于文档结构的选择。这就是为什么我大量使用javascript和jquery来定制整体行为。我对JavaScript并不熟练,这就是为什么我会奋斗的原因,但我也会回顾一下回调和承诺 – miks87 2014-10-08 18:31:19



我最终设法通过使用syncronus设置为true的ajax调用来完成此操作。我不是在这里发布所有的代码,因为它会令人困惑,但下面是我改变了与上面写的代码相比,现在一切正常。也许它在性能方面并不是最佳的,但我没有这个担心,所以我很高兴:) 希望这可以帮助其他人。

/*function called on load of each topic - it gets the topic unique id as parameter*/ 

function highlight(id) { 
var tmpVal = sessionStorage.getItem('key'); 
//we check if there is another element in the TOC currently highlighted in bold, if so we remove the highlight 
if(tmpVal) { 
    var tmpEle=parent.window.frames[0].document.getElementById('a'+tmpVal); 
    if (tmpEle) { 

//loop through all TOCs to find the one containing the selected topic 
var tocs = ["toc.htm","toc_documentazione.htm","toc_flussiesteri.htm","toc_garante.htm","toc_legittimita.htm","toc_normativa.htm","toc_settori.htm","toc_sicurezza.htm","toc_sistemadp.htm","toc_vistaarticolato.htm"];  
var i=0; 
while (!changeTOC(tocs[i],"a"+id)&&i<tocs.length){ 

//get currently loaded TOC 
var currentToc=$("#toc_iframe",parent.document).attr("src"); 
var indexCurrentTOC=tocs.indexOf(currentToc); 
//we check if the matching TOC is the current one, if so we don't change anything 
var myElt=parent.window.frames[0].document.getElementById('a'+id); 
//highlight current element in the TOC 
myElt.className+=' active'; 
scrollTo(myElt.offsetLeft-48, myElt.offsetTop-(parent.document.body.clientHeight/3)); 
sessionStorage.setItem("key", id); 

//searches for the element with given id into the toc file newToc 
function changeTOC(newToc,id){ 

var found = false; 
    url: newToc, 
    async: false, 
    context: document.body 
    }).done(function(temp_toc) { 
        found = true; 
return found; 
