2012-04-16 53 views


'String value can not be converted to a date' .AgendaDate = New SmartDate(txtAgendaDate.Text) 


    <asp:TextBox ID="txtAgendaDate" runat="server" ForeColor="Black" ></asp:TextBox> 
    <asp:ImageButton runat="Server" ID="ImageButton1" ImageUrl="~/images/calendarpic.png" 
       AlternateText="Click here to display calendar" /> 

    <cc1:calendarextender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server" 
        TargetControlID="txtAgendaDate" PopupButtonID="ImageButton1" > 



#Region " Agenda Variables " 

'Declare Variables and data types and set default values 
Private mAgendaID As Integer = 0 
Private mOrganiser As String = "" 
Private mMeeting As String = "" 
Private mAgendaDate As SmartDate = New SmartDate() 

#End Region 

#Region " Constructors " 

Public Sub New() 
End Sub 

Public Sub New(ByVal reader As SafeDataReader) 
    ' Public Sub New(ByVal reader As SQLDataReader) 

    'Combine variables & property types 
    With reader 
     mAgendaID = .GetInt32("AgendaID") 
     mOrganiser = .GetString("Organiser") 
     mMeeting = .GetString("Meeting") 
     mAgendaDate = .GetSmartDate("AgendaDate") 
    End With 
End Sub 

#End Region 

#Region "Properties" 

'Define form field properies so that they can be used when adding the data to the database on the add button is pressed. 
Public Property AgendaID() As Integer 
     Return mAgendaID 
    End Get 
    Set(ByVal Value As Integer) 
     mAgendaID = Value 
    End Set 
End Property 

Public Property Organiser() As String 
     Return mOrganiser 
    End Get 
    Set(ByVal value As String) 
     mOrganiser = value 
    End Set 
End Property 

Public Property Meeting() As String 
     Return mMeeting 
    End Get 
    Set(ByVal value As String) 
     mMeeting = value 
    End Set 
End Property 

Public Property AgendaDate() As SmartDate 
     Return mAgendaDate 
    End Get 
    Set(ByVal Value As SmartDate) 
     mAgendaDate = Value 
    End Set 
End Property 

#End Region 

End Class 


Public Class Agenda_TempDAL 

Public Shared Function AddAgenda_Temp(ByVal Agenda_Temp As Agenda_Temp) As Integer 

    'Declare i as integer as 0 
    Dim iAgendaID As Integer = 0 

    'Database conn, this is linked to the web config file .AppSettings 
    Using dbconnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("dbconnection")) 

     'Command to state the stored procedure and the name of the stored procedure 
     Using dbcommand As SqlCommand = dbconnection.CreateCommand 
      With dbcommand 
       .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure 
       .CommandText = "Stored_Proc_Name" 

       'Create parameter for AgendaID and output 
       Dim oParam As New SqlParameter 
       oParam.ParameterName = "@AgendaID" 
       oParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output 
       oParam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int 

       'Create parameters for the remaining fields 
       .Parameters.AddWithValue("@Organiser", Agenda_Temp.Organiser) 
       .Parameters.AddWithValue("@Meeting", Agenda_Temp.Meeting) 
       .Parameters.AddWithValue("@AgendaDate", Agenda_Temp.AgendaDate.DBValue) 

       'Simply execute the query 

      End With 
     End Using 
    End Using 

    'Need to return the agendaID as an integer. 
    Return iAgendaID 

End Function 
End Class 


.AgendaDate = New SmartDate(txtAgendaDate.Text) 


Protected Sub btnAddAgendaTemplate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddAgendaTemplate.Click 

    'This works alongside the Class named Agenda_Temp which has the properties and DB connection assigned to it for each web form field. 
    Dim oAgenda_Temp As New Agenda_Temp 

    'Within the object Agenda_Temp Class use the properties defined. 
    'They are required to be defined in the Agenda_Temp/ app code so we can use them within here. 

    With oAgenda_Temp 
     .Organiser = txtOrganiser.Text 
     .Meeting = txtMeeting.Text 
     .AgendaDate = New SmartDate(txtAgendaDate.Text) 

     'Within the object Agenda_Temp class use the defined DAL which includes all the DC connect and stored procedures. 
     oAgenda_Temp.AgendaID = Agenda_TempDAL.AddAgenda_Temp(oAgenda_Temp) 
    End With 

End Sub 
End Class 

据我所知,它告诉我,该字符串值不能转换为日期但我不知道锄头解决这个问题,因为我是.net 2010的新手?



http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc165448.aspx – JonH 2012-04-16 14:49:18


哪里SmartDate'的'接收字符串的构造?你已经展示了很多代码,为什么你忽略了相关的部分? – 2012-04-16 14:56:32



将字符串到日期newing之前: 从MSDN:

string date = "01/08/2008"; 
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(date); 


DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(txtAgendaDate.Text) 


oAgenda_Temp.AgendaDate = new SmartDate(dt) 


With oAgenda_Temp 
     .Organiser = txtOrganiser.Text 
     .Meeting = txtMeeting.Text 
     .AgendaDate = New SmartDate(Convert.ToDateTime(txtAgendaDate.Text)) 

     'Within the object Agenda_Temp class use the defined DAL which includes all the DC connect and stored procedures. 
     oAgenda_Temp.AgendaID = Agenda_TempDAL.AddAgenda_Temp(oAgenda_Temp) 
    End With 

同样在这里:你怎么知道SmartDate的构造函数需要DateTime作为参数?那么它甚至不会编译。编辑:也许'选择严格'是_off_什么总是一个坏主意。 – 2012-04-16 15:10:53


@ JonH。此转换处理了一个款待并接受选定日期并将其填充到数据库中。许多感谢所有。 – Betty 2012-04-16 15:21:25


@Betty没问题 - 只是将答案标记为已接受,所以我们可以将此问题关闭。 – JonH 2012-04-16 15:22:06




<asp:TextBox ID="txtDate" runat="server" ... /> 
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="reqDate" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Required" Display="Dynamic" ControlToValidate="txtDate"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator> 
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="regDate" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtDate" ErrorMessage="Please enter a valid date in the format (mm/dd/yyyy)" ValidationExpression="^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)\d\d$"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>