2016-09-22 35 views


  1. 发出提示和读一行文本。

  2. 将该行分成单词。

  3. 如果该命令是内置的,请亲自处理,然后返回到读取步骤。否则,

  4. 执行一个fork创建一个新的进程。报告任何失败的原因(并且 - 当然,如果分叉失败,不要执行)。

  5. 子进程将列表中的第一个单词当作命令的名称,并使用exec调用运行它。将整个列表作为参数发送给程序。报告任何失败的原因。

  6. 父进程等待子进程退出,然后报告其状态。

  7. 回到读取下一个命令。



#include <string> 

using namespace std; 

* This class takes a C++ string and provides an array of plain C strings 
* (array of pointers to char) representing the words in the line. 

class LineBreaker { 
     // Construct the object, providing the line of text to be 
     // broken up. 
     LineBreaker(const string &s); 

     // Clean up. 
     ~LineBreaker() { 
       delete [] m_data; 
       delete [] m_parmlist; 

     // Return an pointer to the first slot of an array of pointers 
     // containing the words in the string sent to the constructor. 
     // The list is terminated with a NULL pointer. 
     char **parmlist() { return m_parmlist; } 
     char *m_data;   // Dyn array of characters from the string. 
     char **m_parmlist;  // Array of words 


    * Simple program to demonstrate the fork/exec/run sequence for creating 
    * processes in Unix. 

    #include <iostream> 
    #include <string> 
    using namespace std; 

    #include <unistd.h> 
    #include <stdlib.h> 
    #include <string.h> 
    #include <sys/types.h> 
    #include <sys/wait.h> 

    #include "linebreaker.h" 

     /* Ask for a program to run. This is just the file name of an 
      executable. */ 
     cout << "Your command? "; 
     string cmd; 
     getline(cin, cmd); 

     LineBreaker breaker(cmd); 

     /* Create a child process and try to run the program in it. */ 
     if(fork() == 0) { 
       execv(breaker.parmlist()[0], breaker.parmlist()); 
       cout << "Sorry, the exec failed." << endl; 

     /* See what was the cause of the child processes' demise. */ 
     int status; 
     wait(&status); /*we only need to change this part, and use something like this if(string(breaker.parlist()[0]) == "exit") */ 
     if(WIFEXITED(status)) cout << "Exited." << endl; 
     else if(WIFSIGNALED(status)) cout << "Killed." << endl; 
     else cout << "Mysteriously vanished." << endl; 

* Note: This program really should check the return values for fork() and for 
* exec() to make sure they succeeded, and print an error message if not. 
* Failure is indicated by a negative return value. It would also help to use 
* errno and strerror() to print a descriptive error message in place of the 
* existing exec() failure message, or for the new messages. 
* It also uses uses gets() and fixed-size buffers, which creates a risk of 
* buffer overflow. 


#include <string> 
#include <cstring> 
#include <cctype> 
#include <algorithm> 
#include <list> 

#include "linebreaker.h" 

LineBreaker::LineBreaker(const string &s) 
     // Copy the string as a character array. 
     m_data = new char[s.length()+1]; 
     strcpy(m_data, s.c_str()); 

     // Find all the words. 
     char last = ' '; 
     list<char *> parts; 
     for(char *scan = m_data; *scan; ++scan) { 
       char curr = *scan; 

       if(isspace(last) && !isspace(curr)) 
       else if(!isspace(last) && isspace(curr)) 
         *scan = '\0'; 

       last = curr; 

     // Allocate the array of pointers for exec, and copy the 
     // pointer into it. Then add the NULL terminator. 
     m_parmlist = new char * [parts.size()+1]; 
     copy(parts.begin(), parts.end(), m_parmlist); 
     m_parmlist[parts.size()] = NULL; 






是什么问题????????????????? – jdweng


问题是把runner程序换成while循环,所以它可以解决列出的8个问题 –


所以你基本上想把'main()'中的所有内容放在一个循环中。对于编写所有代码的人来说似乎很容易,问题到底是什么? – Havenard



不是一个完整的答案,因为这是家庭作业,但这里有一个提示:while (std::getline(std::cin, cmd))

