2014-10-20 87 views


- (PFQuery *)queryForTable { 
    //The base query. 
    self.query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:self.parseClassName]; 
    [self.query includeKey:@"photos"]; 
    [self.query includeKey:@"user"]; 
    [self.query orderByDescending:@"createdAt"]; 
    [self.query whereKey:@"ordered" equalTo:[NSNumber numberWithBool:false]]; 
//  [query whereKey:@"location" nearGeoPoint:self.currentLocation withinKilometers:32.2]; 
    // If Pull To Refresh is enabled, query against the network by default. 
    if (self.pullToRefreshEnabled) { 
     self.query.cachePolicy = kPFCachePolicyNetworkOnly; 

    // If no objects are loaded in memory, we look to the cache first to fill the table 
    // and then subsequently do a query against the network. 
    if (self.objects.count == 0) { 
     self.query.cachePolicy = kPFCachePolicyCacheThenNetwork; 

    return self.query; 

但是,我也想给用户过滤结果的选项。 我用来尝试和过滤的代码不起作用,因为对象列表不会改变。

[self clear]; 
[self.query whereKey:@"cuisine" equalTo:cuisine.text]; 
[self loadObjects]; 



感谢, 亚洲时报Siddharth





    [self clear]; 

    //include this if you want to clear the query before applying the new filter 
    self.query = [self startingQuery]; 
    [self.query whereKey:@"cuisine" equalTo:cuisine.text]; 
    [self loadObjects]; 
-(PFQuery *)query 
    if (!_query) _query = [self startingQuery]; 
    return _query; 

- (PFQuery *)queryForTable { 
    return self.query; 
-(PFQuery *)startingQuery 
    //The base query. 
    PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:self.parseClassName]; 
    [query includeKey:@"photos"]; 
    [query includeKey:@"user"]; 
    [query orderByDescending:@"createdAt"]; 
    [query whereKey:@"ordered" equalTo:[NSNumber numberWithBool:false]]; 
    //  [query whereKey:@"location" nearGeoPoint:self.currentLocation withinKilometers:32.2]; 
    // If Pull To Refresh is enabled, query against the network by default. 
    if (self.pullToRefreshEnabled) { 
     query.cachePolicy = kPFCachePolicyNetworkOnly; 

    // If no objects are loaded in memory, we look to the cache first to fill the table 
    // and then subsequently do a query against the network. 
    if (self.objects.count == 0) { 
     query.cachePolicy = kPFCachePolicyCacheThenNetwork; 

    return query; 