2010-03-31 100 views

我有一个xhtml页面在xhtml strict doctype下验证 - 但是,我得到了这个警告,我试图理解 - 并且正确。如何解决“在UTF-8文件中发现的字节顺序标记”验证警告

只是,我该如何找到这个错误的“字节顺序标记”。我正在使用Visual Studio编辑我的文件 - 不确定是否有帮助。

Warning Byte-Order Mark found in UTF-8 File.

The Unicode Byte-Order Mark (BOM) in UTF-8 encoded files is known to cause problems for some text editors and older browsers. You may want to consider avoiding its use until it is better supported.



问题的位置部分很简单:byte-order mark(BOM)将在文件的开头。

编辑文件时,请转至File | Advanced Save Options...,您应该找到一个“编码”下拉列表(以及“行尾”下拉列表)。它可能设置为使用“Unicode(带签名的UTF-8) - Codepage 65001”。如果向下滚动一点点,可以找到“Unicode(不带签名的UTF-8) - Codepage 65001”。这应该做到这一点(如果你想)。如警告所示,有些系统可能会被UTF-8文件中的BOM所迷惑。



我打算为此投票,但我意外地投了票,并没有实现2天,现在它被锁定,它不会让我改变它......但这帮助我修复了w3c警告烦扰我,所以非常感谢。 – andygoestohollywood 2013-11-12 09:20:45


@andygoestohollywood :-)感谢您的解释,当时我确实在想,为什么有人已经低估了答案。我可以编辑答案,以便撤消这个答案,但是我没有看到任何改变的建设性,我不喜欢将它推到“活跃”列表上以反转投票。我很高兴这有助于! – 2013-11-12 09:50:12



  1. 下载并安装Notepad++

  2. 用记事本打开++

  3. 在菜单文件中选择“编码”,并设置为“编码没有BOM的UTF-8“

  4. 保存文件和BOM将会消失。







BOM有时位于INSIDE文本中,而不是开始 - 如果某个文件已被其他文件组装一段时间,则使用例如include_once()。要删除它,请删除BOM之前的至少一个字符和BOM之后的至少一个字符之间的区域(以防万一)。 BOM的位置可以位于Internet Explorer的F12 Developer Tools中,也可能位于Edge中。它被形象化为黑色菱形/菱形

Visual Studio和WebMatrix可以保存有或没有签名的文件(在开始时)。

BOM导致验证(https://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_upload)期间或在控制台错误 - </HEAD>可以作为孤立的元件进行处理,而不< HEAD>,在显然的是本:

Error: Stray end tag head.

< BODY>作为第二个! < BODY>,当只有一个< BODY>存在,一切是正确的:

Error: Start tag body seen but an element of the same type was already open.

而且整个文档可以看出缺少DOCTYPE,当BOM或两个BOM小号占据第一线路和DOCTYPE是在第二行中,具有类似于此的消息:在IE F12开发人员工具控制台

Error: Non-space characters found without seeing a doctype first. Expected e.g. <!DOCTYPE html>.

Error: Element head is missing a required instance of child element title.

Error: Stray doctype.

Error: Stray start tag html.

Error: Stray start tag head.

Error: Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.

Error: Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.

Error: Attribute http-equiv not allowed on element meta at this point.

Error: Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.

Error: Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.

Error: Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.

Error: Element link is missing required attribute property.

Error: Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.

Error: Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.

Error: Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.

Error: Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.

Error: Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.

Error: Element meta is missing one or more of the following attributes: itemprop, property.

Error: Element title not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Error: Element style not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Error: Stray end tag head.

Error: Start tag body seen but an element of the same type was already open.

Fatal Error: Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.



HTML1527: DOCTYPE expected. Consider adding a valid HTML5 doctype: "<!DOCTYPE html>".

HTML1502: Unexpected DOCTYPE. Only one DOCTYPE is allowed and it must occur before any elements.

HTML1513: Extra "<html>" tag found. Only one "<html>" tag should exist per document.

HTML1503: Unexpected start tag. HTML1512: Unmatched end tag.





