2013-10-29 48 views


2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: duration: 0.000 ms parse <unnamed>: INSERT INTO users (login,role,password) VALUES 
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: duration: 0.000 ms bind <unnamed>: INSERT INTO users (login,role,password) VALUES 
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT DETAIL: parameters: $1 = 'guest', $2 = 'user', $3 = '123', $4 = 'admin', $5 = 'admin', $6 = '123', $7 = 'mark', $8 = 'power user', $9 = '123' 
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO users (login,role,password) VALUES 
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT DETAIL: parameters: $1 = 'guest', $2 = 'user', $3 = '123', $4 = 'admin', $5 = 'admin', $6 = '123', $7 = 'mark', $8 = 'power user', $9 = '123' 
2013-10-29 06:01:43 EDT LOG: duration: 4.000 ms 

注意,整个查询出现三次 - 用于解析,对地结合和执行。整套参数出现两次 - 用于绑定和执行。



C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\data>findstr log_ postgresql.conf 
# "postgres -c log_connections=on". Some parameters can be changed at run time 
log_destination = 'stderr'    # Valid values are combinations of 
log_directory = 'pg_log'    # directory where log files are written, 
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' # log file name pattern, 
log_file_mode = 0600     # creation mode for log files, 
#log_truncate_on_rotation = off   # If on, an existing log file with the 
#log_rotation_age = 1d     # Automatic rotation of logfiles will 
#log_rotation_size = 10MB    # Automatic rotation of logfiles will 
#syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0' 
#syslog_ident = 'postgres' 
log_min_messages = notice    # values in order of decreasing detail: 
log_min_error_statement = error # values in order of decreasing detail: 
log_min_duration_statement = 0 # -1 is disabled, 0 logs all statements 
#log_checkpoints = off 
#log_connections = off 
#log_disconnections = off 
#log_duration = off 
#log_error_verbosity = default   # terse, default, or verbose messages 
#log_hostname = off 
log_line_prefix = '%t '     # special values: 
#log_lock_waits = off     # log lock waits >= deadlock_timeout 
log_statement = 'all'     # none, ddl, mod, all 
#log_temp_files = -1     # log temporary files equal or larger 
log_timezone = 'US/Eastern' 
#log_parser_stats = off 
#log_planner_stats = off 
#log_executor_stats = off 
#log_statement_stats = off 
#log_autovacuum_min_duration = -1  # -1 disables, 0 logs all actions and 

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\data> 



哦,纯粹主义者... – mark


你的问题是什么? –


糟糕。现在加入。 – mark


