2016-09-16 54 views

所以我正在做一个任务,我很困难。 安装是这一个http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall05/cos226/assignments/lines.html 基本上它涉及到写3个类。第一个,point.java用于保存有关XY平面中某个点的信息。 然后,该任务会要求您在同一行上找到每个组合的4个点(具有相同的斜率) 首先,您使用Brute.java执行此操作,比较每种可能的组合,然后使用Fast.jave在那里你选择一个起点并从那里进行比较,然后不要再使用该点。这样你避免检查相同的点。在排序上找到一个斜坡上的点Java

我卡在的部分是最后一个Fast.java。 我得到几乎正确的输出,除了最后两行被交换的事实。 鉴于输入

10000 0 
8000 2000 
2000 8000 
0 10000 

20000 0 
18000 2000 
2000 18000 

10000 20000 
30000 0 
0 30000 
20000 10000 

13000 0 
11000 3000 
5000 12000 
9000 6000 

我排序前阵我发现斜坡上的点。 数组排序,前调用getLines则是这样的:

(10000, 0) 
(8000, 2000) 
(2000, 8000) 
(0, 10000) 
(20000, 0) 
(18000, 2000) 
(2000, 18000) 
(10000, 20000) 
(30000, 0) 
(0, 30000) 
(20000, 10000) 
(13000, 0) 
(11000, 3000) 
(5000, 12000) 
(9000, 6000) 


public class Point implements Comparable<Point> { 

public final int x, y; 

// compare points by slope 
public final Comparator<Point> SLOPE_ORDER = new Comparator<Point>() 
      public int compare(Point arg0, Point arg1) { 
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub 
       if(slopeTo(arg0) < slopeTo(arg1)){ 
        return -1; 
       if(slopeTo(arg0) > slopeTo(arg1)){ 
        return 1; 
        return 0; 

// create the point (x, y) 
public Point(int x, int y) { 
    this.x = x; 
    this.y = y; 

// plot this point to standard drawing 
public void draw() { 
    /* DO NOT MODIFY */ 
    StdDraw.point(x, y); 

// draw line between this point and that point to standard drawing 
public void drawTo(Point that) { 
    /* DO NOT MODIFY */ 
    StdDraw.line(this.x, this.y, that.x, that.y); 

// slope between this point and that point 
public double slopeTo(Point that) { 
    // TODO: Implement this 

    if(this.x == that.x){ 
     return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; 
    else if(that.y - this.y == 0){ 
     return 0; 
    else if(this.x == that.x){ 
     return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; 
     return (((double)that.y - (double)this.y)/((double)that.x - (double)this.x)); 

* Is this point lexicographically smaller than that one? comparing 
* y-coordinates and breaking ties by x-coordinates 
public int compareTo(Point that) { 
    // TODO: Implement this 
    if(this.y < that.y){ 
     return -1; 
    else if(this.y > that.y){ 
     return 1; 
     if(this.x < that.x){ 
      return -1; 
     else if(this.x > that.x){ 
      return 1; 
      return 0; 


private static void getLines(Point[] points) { 
    Point p = points[0]; 
    Point[] lines = new Point[points.length]; 
    lines[0] = p; 
    int pointsOnLine = 0; 
    double lastSlope = p.slopeTo(points[1]); 
    for(int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { 
     Point newPoint = points[i]; 
     double slope = p.slopeTo(newPoint); 
     if(slope == lastSlope) { 
      lines[pointsOnLine] = newPoint; 
     else { 
      if(pointsOnLine >= 3) { 
       printLine(lines, pointsOnLine + 1); 
      pointsOnLine = 1; 
      lines[1] = newPoint; 
     lastSlope = slope; 

    if(pointsOnLine >= 3) { 
     printLine(lines, pointsOnLine + 1); 

private static void printLine(Point[] lines, int size) { 
    Arrays.sort(lines, 1, size); 
    if(lines[0].compareTo(lines[1]) < 0) { 
     for(int i = 1; i < size; i++) { 
      StdOut.print(" -> " + lines[i]); 


public static void main(String[] args) { 
    In in = new In(); 
    int N = in.readInt(); 
    Point[] points = new Point[N]; 
    for(int i=0; i< N; i++) { 
     int x = in.readInt(); 
     int y = in.readInt(); 
     points[i] = new Point(x,y); 

    Point [] pointsCopy = Arrays.copyOf(points, points.length); 
    for (Point originPoint : points) { 
     Arrays.sort(pointsCopy, originPoint.SLOPE_ORDER); 


(10000, 0) -> (8000, 2000) -> (2000, 8000) -> (0, 10000) 
(10000, 0) -> (13000, 0) -> (20000, 0) -> (30000, 0) 
(30000, 0) -> (20000, 10000) -> (10000, 20000) -> (0, 30000) 
(13000, 0) -> (11000, 3000) -> (9000, 6000) -> (5000, 12000) 


(10000, 0) -> (8000, 2000) -> (2000, 8000) -> (0, 10000) 
(10000, 0) -> (13000, 0) -> (20000, 0) -> (30000, 0) 
(13000, 0) -> (11000, 3000) -> (9000, 6000) -> (5000, 12000) 
(30000, 0) -> (20000, 10000) -> (10000, 20000) -> (0, 30000) 

任何人都可以看到我要去哪里错了吗? 谢谢。


如果你在运行getLines之前打印出排序后的点阵列,并告诉我们看起来像什么,这可能会有所帮助。同时发布你的'Point'对象的代码,这样我们可以看到你的自定义比较器将会有所帮助。最后,试着用你自己的话总结一下这个任务,这样如果有人在后来链接被打破的时候出现,他们仍然可以理解这个问题。 – nhouser9


谢谢,我根据你的建议改变了问题:) – Hjelmut4


很酷。还有一件事,你确定你的'Point'类的代码是正确的吗?它不应该有'compareTo'方法吗? – nhouser9



输出将按照pointsCopy数组内的顺序出现。 Arrays.sort按照导致输出的方式进行排序。您可以重新排列pointsCopy数组中的元素或更改数组排序逻辑以获得所需的输出。


我其实不知道我会如何做到这一点。由于Point是一个对象,我可以在Arrays.sort函数中使用比SLOPE_ORDER更多的东西作为比较器吗? – Hjelmut4