2016-09-06 65 views



stealth_roll = randint(1, 20) 
    # select from a dictionary of 4 responses using one of four ranges. 
    ## not working. 
    stealth_check = { 
        range(1, 6) : 'You are about as stealthy as thunderstorm.', 
        range(6, 11) : 'You tip-toe through the crowd of walkers, while loudly calling them names.', 
        range(11, 16) : 'You are quiet, and deliberate, but still you smell.', 
        range(16, 20) : 'You move like a ninja, but attracting a handful of walkers was inevitable.' 

    print stealth_check[stealth_roll] 

而不是试图使用范围的关键为什么不根据字典的大小滚动? – TheLazyScripter


作为一个旁注,这样的字典是可能的python3。由于键是范围,因此您必须相应地访问该词典:'stealth_check [range(6,11)]'将起作用。这对你的目的来说完全没用,只是想显示对象模型是一致的。 – spectras


@TheLazyScripter我在整个脚本中采用了(1,20)惯例,我通常也使用随机值作为乘数以及场景选择器。另外,如果这个工作,我可以对每个可能的结果应用不同的权重。 –




stealth_check = { 
       tuple(range(1, 6)) : 'You are about as stealthy as thunderstorm.', 

编辑:实际上它工作在Python 3因为012vi是一个不可变的序列类型,并且如L3viathan所述,生成一个不可变的tuple而不是list




from random import randint 
import bisect 

stealth_roll = randint(1, 20) 
# select from a dictionary of 4 responses using one of four thresholds. 

stealth_check = { 
       1 : 'You are about as stealthy as thunderstorm.', 
       6 : 'You tip-toe through the crowd of walkers, while loudly calling them names.', 
       11 : 'You are quiet, and deliberate, but still you smell.', 
       16 : 'You move like a ninja, but attracting a handful of walkers was inevitable.' 

sorted_keys = sorted(stealth_check.keys()) 

insertion_point = bisect.bisect_left(sorted_keys,stealth_roll) 

# adjust, as bisect returns not exactly what we want 
if insertion_point==len(sorted_keys) or sorted_keys[insertion_point]!=stealth_roll: 


也许这是迂腐,但'范围'不是Python 3中的生成器函数。 –


当你回答:)你必须是迂腐的。谢谢。 –


它是可能的Python 3 - 和pytho N 2,如果你使用xrange代替range

stealth_check = { 
       xrange(1, 6) : 'You are about as stealthy as thunderstorm.', #... 


for key in stealth_check: 
    if stealth_roll in key: 
     print stealth_check[key] 


class RangeDict(dict): 
    def __getitem__(self, item): 
     if type(item) != range: # or xrange in Python 2 
      for key in self: 
       if item in key: 
        return self[key] 
      return super().__getitem__(item) 

stealth_check = RangeDict({range(1,6): 'thunderstorm', range(6,11): 'tip-toe'}) 
stealth_roll = 8 
print(stealth_check[stealth_roll]) # prints 'tip-toe' 

使用ipython'''timeit'''来测量这些数据的'''RangeDict'''的执行时间,证明它是迄今为止所提及的最快速的技术:'''最好的3:每循环6.47μs,最慢的运行时间比最快的运行时间长6.15倍,而其他最好的技术返回数字如“最好的3:每循环17μs”,最慢的运行时间比“最快的运行时间长20倍”最快的''' – raratiru

stealth_check = { 
        0 : 'You are about as stealthy as thunderstorm.', 
        1 : 'You tip-toe through the crowd of walkers, while loudly calling them names.', 
        2 : 'You are quiet, and deliberate, but still you smell.', 
        3 : 'You move like a ninja, but attracting a handful of walkers was inevitable.' 
stealth_roll = randint(0, len(stealth_check)) 
return stealth_check[stealth_roll] 

是的。但是,只有在概率平衡的情况下才有效。 –


...虽然我根本不明白使用字典的意义。基于索引的,基于0的连续集合存在于python中,它们被称为列表:p – spectras



stealth_check = dict(
        [(n, 'You are about as stealthy as thunderstorm.') 
         for n in range(1, 6)] + 
        [(n, 'You tip-toe through the crowd of walkers, while loudly calling them names.') 
         for n in range(6, 11)] + 
        [(n, 'You are quiet, and deliberate, but still you smell.') 
         for n in range(11, 16)] + 
        [(n, 'You move like a ninja, but attracting a handful of walkers was inevitable.') 
         for n in range(16, 20)] 


stealth_check = [None] 
stealth_check[1:6] = (6 - 1) * ['You are about as stealthy as thunderstorm.'] 
stealth_check[6:11] = (11 - 6) * ['You tip-toe through the crowd of walkers, while loudly calling them names.'] 
stealth_check[11:16] = (16 - 11) * ['You are quiet, and deliberate, but still you smell.'] 
stealth_check[16:20] = (20 - 16) * ['You move like a ninja, but attracting a handful of walkers was inevitable.'] 

这种方法将完成你想要的,最后一行将工作(假定的range PY3行为和print):

def extend_dict(d, value, x): 
    for a in x: 
     d[a] = value 

stealth_roll = randint(1, 20) 
# select from a dictionary of 4 responses using one of four ranges. 
## not working. 
stealth_check = {} 
extend_dict(stealth_check,'You are about as stealthy as thunderstorm.',range(1,6)) 
extend_dict(stealth_check,'You tip-toe through the crowd of walkers, while loudly calling them names.',range(6,11)) 
extend_dict(stealth_check,'You are quiet, and deliberate, but still you smell.',range(11,16)) 
extend_dict(stealth_check,'You move like a ninja, but attracting a handful of walkers was inevitable.',range(16,20)) 




'randint'返回1到20之间的值。最后一行应该是'range(16,21)'。这是你的意思吗? –


是的,random.randint(1,20)返回1到20之间的一个值(包含);但范围(1,20)仅从1到19,包括1和19。所以他的代码将会运行,但这个可能性不会是他所期望的。我知道这一点,因为我不止一次犯了这个错误:-) –


@PaulCornelius谢谢。接得好! –



from random import randint 
stealth_map = (None, 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3) 
stealth_type = (
    'You are about as stealthy as thunderstorm.', 
    'You tip-toe through the crowd of walkers, while loudly calling them names.', 
    'You are quiet, and deliberate, but still you smell.', 
    'You move like a ninja, but attracting a handful of walkers was inevitable.', 
for i in range(10): 
    stealth_roll = randint(1, 20) 


stealth_roll = randint(1, 20) 
# select from a dictionary of 4 responses using one of four ranges. 
# only one resolution can be True. # True can be a key value. 

def check(i, a, b): # check if i is in the range. # return True or False 
    if i in range(a, b): 
     return True 
     return False 
### can assign returned object as dictionary key! # assign key as True or False. 
stealth_check = { 
       check(stealth_roll, 1, 6) : 
       'You are about as stealthy as a thunderstorm.', 
       check(stealth_roll, 6, 11) : 
       'You tip-toe through the crowd of walkers, while loudly calling them names.', 
       check(stealth_roll, 11, 16) : 
       'You are quiet, and deliberate, but still you smell.', 
       check(stealth_roll, 15, 21) : 
       'You move like a ninja, but attracting a handful of walkers was inevitable.' 

print stealth_check[True] # print the dictionary value that is True. 

很好的解决方案。然而,我已经使用''timeit'''来测量每种技术执行所需的时间,并且到目前为止,最有效的结果是[子类''dict'''] (http://stackoverflow.com/a/39358140/2996101) – raratiru


这样使用'dict'几乎没有任何好处。只要使它成为'if' /'elif' /'else'块。 – jpmc26




pip install range-key-dict 


from range_key_dict import RangeKeyDict 

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    range_key_dict = RangeKeyDict({ 
     (0, 100): 'A', 
     (100, 200): 'B', 
     (200, 300): 'C', 

    # test normal case 
    assert range_key_dict[70] == 'A' 
    assert range_key_dict[170] == 'B' 
    assert range_key_dict[270] == 'C' 

    # test case when the number is float 
    assert range_key_dict[70.5] == 'A' 

    # test case not in the range, with default value 
    assert range_key_dict.get(1000, 'D') == 'D' 





def get_stealthiness(roll): 
    if 1 <= roll < 6: 
     return 'You are about as stealthy as thunderstorm.' 
    elif 6 <= roll < 11: 
     return 'You tip-toe through the crowd of walkers, while loudly calling them names.' 
    elif 11 <= roll < 16: 
     return 'You are quiet, and deliberate, but still you smell.' 
    elif 16 <= roll <= 20: 
     return 'You move like a ninja, but attracting a handful of walkers was inevitable.' 
     throw ValueError('Unsupported roll: {}'.format(roll)) 

stealth_roll = randint(1, 20) 
print get_stealthiness(stealth_roll) 



“Pythonic”意味着保持您的代码直接和平易近人。这意味着使用结构来达到他们设计的目的。 dict不是为你正在做的事而设计的。 if陈述分别为


很想听听downvoter的解释。 – jpmc26