2010-02-20 101 views


我有很多想法可以运行(创建带有马尔可夫链的音乐,Twitter客户端等),但我总是在寻找对学生来说很有趣/有趣的新想法 - 毕竟,当一个人玩得开心时,最容易成为/仍然从事课程材料。我正在寻找关于您或其他人可能在过去完成的第一年级别任务的意见。



看看我在同一领域的问题,也许你会发现有用的东西在那里http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1318770/impressive-examples-in-java – Roman 2010-02-23 14:09:58





“有趣”作业的麻烦在于,他们通常对学生来说比学生希望的更多的工作。特别是英语不好的学生和学生在最后一刻离开作业。 [然后用“请做我的作业”的问题开启SO。]他们中的很多人在设置任务时都会遇到困难,但是你不需要一大堆抱怨练习的学生感到恶化太难了,或者没有被你的讲义报道。




我绝对同意,并期待保持作业简短且相对简单 - 但也希望甜蜜。 :)我有机会在过去为同一课程创建一些作业(在教学助理角色中)。一些运作良好,而且有些结果正如你所描述的那样 - 有趣而有趣,但对于学生来说太长和复杂。尽管如此,我希望找到一些可能足够简单的理解和完成的宝石,同时仍然很有趣。当然,我尊重你的答案,并会大步前进以保持简单。 – 2010-02-20 07:33:08


英语不好的学生和将作业留到最后几分钟的学生在达到大学水平之前应该已被过滤很久。在“乐趣”级别上仍然合理,在检查作业和与学生互动时会减少麻烦。 – Anonymous 2010-02-20 15:13:37


@匿名 - 不幸的是,这不是它真正的作用方式。 – 2010-02-21 01:52:55



你。也可以使用竞赛中的任务(example),但这很可能需要您的一些工作 - 以确保分配作业的公平性(有些可能会比较棘手,而不是集中于你提到过的)。






让您的学生编写将英文文本流转换为Pig Latin的代码。 The rules非常简单,但它们需要一些有趣的特殊情况,特别是在标点和大写时,要求它们编写基本的扫描仪/标记器。


Quietly, Anne walked into the forest. 


ietly-quay, Anne-ay alked-way into-ay e-thay orest-fay. 


uietly,-Qay Anne-ay alked-way into-ay e-thay orest.-fay 




  1. 分形艺术 - 一个很好的方式来教递归,因为学生可以可视化的过程(如谢尔宾斯基三角形,L-systems雄心勃勃的学生)。您可以在context free art上看到使用上下文无关语法生成的一些非常令人印象深刻的图形。
  2. 图像处理 - 通过在图像上映射像素操作函数来教授函数式编程(例如交换颜色通道,高斯模糊,处理色调);这比典型的syntax tree-based generative art作业要简单一些。



package assignment01;/*确保这个类在包assignment01中。 */

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays;

/** *该类是执行各种数学函数的方法的集合。这些方法都是静态的。这个 *类是作业#1的一部分。 * * @author .......... * @version 2010年6月15日 */ 公共类MathLibrary {

* Computes and returns the mean (average) of the numbers in the list. 
* If the input list is empty, the returned mean is 0.0. If the list contains illegal values, the behavior of this 
* method is undefined. 
* @param list 
*   an ArrayList of double values 
* @return the mean of the values in the list 
public static double mean (ArrayList<Double> list) 
    // Variables 

    Double sum = 0.0; 
    int arraySize = 0; 

    // Check for empty list 

    if (list.size()== 0) 
     return 0.0; 

    // Take sum 

    arraySize = list.size(); 
    for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) 

     // Check for null Double 

     if(list.get(i) == null) 
      System.out.println("Mean Function: Array has null element at index: " + i + "."); 
      return -1.0; 

     // Add element 

     sum += list.get(i); 

    // Return average of results 

    return (sum/arraySize); 

* Computes and returns the median value of the numbers in the list. If the list has an odd number of elements, the 
* exact median value is returned. If the list has an even number of elements, the average of the middle two 
* elements is returned. 
* If the input list is empty, the returned mean is 0.0. If the list contains illegal values, the behavior of this 
* method is undefined. 
* The order of the elements in the input array may be changed by this method. 
* @param arr 
*   an array of double values 
* @return the median of the values in the list 
public static double median (double[] arr) 
    // Variables 

    double arraySize = 0; 
    double arrayMedian = 0.0; 
    double temp = 0.0; 
    boolean unsorted = true; 

    // Check for empty array 

    arraySize = arr.length; 
    if (arraySize == 0.0) 
     return 0.0; 

    // Sort array 

     unsorted = false; 
     for(int i=0; i < arraySize - 1; i++) 
      if(arr[i] > arr[i+1]) 
       unsorted = true; 
       temp = arr[i + 1]; 
       arr[i+1] = arr[i]; 
       arr[i] = temp; 

    // Find median 

    if((arraySize % 2) == 0) 
     // Take average of two middle array indicies 

     arrayMedian = (arr[(int) (arraySize/2.0 - 0.5)] + arr[(int) (arraySize/2.0 + 0.5)])/2.0; 
    } else { 
     arrayMedian = arr[(int) (arraySize/2.0)]; 

    return arrayMedian; 

* Computes and returns the largest integer that divides (without remainder) both of the input integers (the 
* greatest common divisor). 
* If either of the input integers is not positive, this method returns -1. 
* @param a 
*   any positive integer 
* @param b 
*   any positive integer 
* @return the greatest common divisor of a and b 
public static int gcd (int a, int b) 
    int gcd = 1; 
    int minimum; 

    // Check for (a || b) < 0 

    if ((a < 0) || (b < 0)) 
     return -1; 
    if ((a == 0) || (b == 0)) 
     return 0; 

    // Compute half the minimum(a,b) 

    minimum = Math.min(a,b); 

    // For each number below half the minimum of the two check for divisibility 

    for(int i = 1; i <= minimum; i++) // zero case is already accounted for 
     // Check for divisibility 

     if(((a % i) == 0) && ((b % i) == 0)) 
     gcd = i; 

    return gcd; 

* Computes and returns the smallest integer that can be divided by (without remainder) both of the input integers 
* (the least common multiple). 
* If either of the input integers is not positive, this method returns -1. If the least common multiple exceeds the 
* maximum possible integer value, the behavior of this method is undefined. 
* @param a 
*   any positive integer 
* @param b 
*   any positive integer 
* @return the least common multiple of a and b 
public static int lcm (int a, int b) 
    // Variables 

    int lcm = 0; 

    // Check for negative numbers 

    if((a < 0) || (b < 0)) 
     return -1; 

    // Use gcd to get lcm 

    lcm = (a * b)/gcd(a,b); 

    return lcm; 

* Given a number n, this method computes and returns the smallest prime number larger than n. 
* If the input integer is not positive, this method returns 2. If the next prime number exceeds the maximum 
* possible integer value, the behavior of this method is undefined. 
* @param n 
*   an integer 
* @return the smallest prime number larger than n 
private static boolean isPrime(int n) 


if(n == 2 || n == 3) 
    return true; 

if(n == 1 || n % 2 == 0) 
    return false; 
for(int i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2) 

if(n % i == 0) 
    return false; 

return true; 


public static int nextPrime(int n) 
    if (n<0) 
    return 2; //if n is not positive. 
    int value = n; 
    if (n == 2) 
    value = 3; //finds the next prime number. 
     value += 1; 
    } while (!isPrime(value)); 
    return value; //displays the next prime number. 




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