2011-06-30 64 views


Cooking, sewing and writing courses 


abstract course -> abstract cooking -> concrete seafood 


这可以在C#中完成吗?如果我使派生的抽象类方法抽象Visual Studio说他们隐藏基类抽象,然后具体的类方法有错误说基类必须是抽象的(它是但不能注册)。我寻找答案。我知道在C#中使用单继承,但继承带来了链条。什么是最好的答案?

下面的代码片段 - 我希望澄清的问题:

public abstract class Course 
    public abstract void AddStudent(StudentName sn, int f); 
    public abstract decimal CalculateIncome(); 

public abstract class WritingCourse : Course 
    public void AddStudent(StudentName sn, int f) 
    //Add student 
    public abstract decimal CalculateIncome(); // can only be claculated in concrete 

public class BusinessWritCourse : WritingCourse 
    public void AddStudent(StudentName sn, int f): 
    base(sn, false){} 

    public decimal CalculateIncome() 
     return //do stuff 

public class SewingCourse : Course 
    public override void AddStudent(StudentName sn, int f) 
     //do stuff 

    public override decimal CalculateIncome() 
     return //do stuff 

你可以用你遇到的问题发布示例代码吗? –





public abstract class BaseClass 
    public virtual void SomeMethod() 

public abstract class InheritingClass : BaseClass 
    public override void SomeMethod() 

这里是一个代码片段 - 也许它会澄清 – Julesyw


如果我做派生抽象类 方法抽象的Visual Studio说 他们隐藏的基类的抽象和 然后具体类的方法有 错误称的基类必须是 抽象的(这是但不得注册)



public abstract class A{ 
    public abstract void b(); 

public class B : A{ 
    public override void b() { //do stuff }; //overrides b from a 
    public virtual void c() { //do stuff }; //creates an implemented method c in B that can be overriden by childs. 
    public void d() { //do stuff}; 

public class C : B{ 
    public override void b() { //do stuff}; //overrides b from A, works! 
    public override void c() {//do stuff}; //overrides c from B, works! 
    public override void d() {//do stuff}; //doesn't work since d from B isn't abstract or virtual (hides it) 
    public new void d() {//do stuff}; //works, hides d, but when you use inheritance this method will not be called, instead B's d() method will be called, only if you see C as the specific class C this will work 



嘿 - 感谢那... – Julesyw


只是澄清 - 你可以看到我有一个具体的类A1来自A以及一个抽象的A2 - 即使它是抽象的在A2钕我不想实现它 - 我必须......我不能通过抽象的方法,然后从A2到B ... – Julesyw


我觉得这样的问题比较好解决使用接口而不是抽象类: 例如:

interface IInterface1 
    void SameMethod(); 

interface IInterface2 
    void SameMethod(); 

class TestClass : IInterface1, IInterface2 
    void IInterface1.SameMethod() 
     // do one thing for Interface 1 

    void IInterface2.SameMethod() 
     // do something elsefor Interface 2 

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     TestClass test = new TestClass(); 

     IInterface1 i1 = test; 
     i1.SameMethod(); // will call IInterface1.SameMethod() 

     IInterface2 i2 = test; 
     i2.SameMethod(); // will call IInterface2.SameMethod() 


我曾想过使用一个接口 - 但是在讨论板上一个学生提到他们,讲师说不要去寻找不在那里的实现... – Julesyw

public class StudentName 
{ } 

public abstract class Course 
    public abstract void AddStudent(StudentName sn, int f); 
    public abstract decimal CalculateIncome(); 

public abstract class WritingCourse : Course 
    override public void AddStudent(StudentName sn, int f) 
     //Add student 
    override public abstract decimal CalculateIncome(); // can only be claculated in concrete 

public class BusinessWritCourse : WritingCourse 
    override public void AddStudent(StudentName sn, int f) 
    { base.AddStudent(sn, 0); } 

    override public decimal CalculateIncome() 
     return (decimal)3.4;//do stuff 

public class SewingCourse : Course 
    public override void AddStudent(StudentName sn, int f) 
     //do stuff 

    public override decimal CalculateIncome() 
     return (decimal)10; //do stuff 

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
