2013-01-08 43 views

我希望能够查询Rally是否存在现有缺陷,然后复制该缺陷只更改几个字段,同时保留所有附件。有没有简单的方法来做到这一点?我尝试调用rally.create并传递现有的缺陷对象,但未能将所有成员序列化为JSON。最终,如果将pyral扩展到包含这种功能,那将会很好。在Python中使用Rally REST API复制缺陷的首选方法

相反,我写了一些代码来复制现有缺陷的每个python-native属性,然后使用.ref作为其他所有内容。它似乎工作得很好。我已经利用Mark W的代码来复制附件,这也很有效。剩下的一个挫折是复制迭代不起作用。当我打电话.REF的迭代属性,我得到这个:

>>> s 
<pyral.entity.Defect object at 0x029A74F0> 
>>> s.Iteration 
<pyral.entity.Iteration object at 0x029A7710> 
>>> s.Iteration.ref 
No classFor item for |UserIterationCapacity| 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 
    File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\pyral\entity.py", line 119, in __getattr__ 
    hydrateAnInstance(self._context, item, existingInstance=self) 
    File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\pyral\restapi.py", line 77, in hydrateAnInstance 
    return hydrator.hydrateInstance(item, existingInstance=existingInstance) 
    File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\pyral\hydrate.py", line 62, in hydrateInstance 
    self._setAppropriateAttrValueForType(instance, attrName, attrValue, 1) 
    File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\pyral\hydrate.py", line 128, in _setAppropriateAttrValueForType 
    elements = [self._unravel(element) for element in attrValue] 
    File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\pyral\hydrate.py", line 162, in _unravel 
    return self._basicInstance(thing) 
    File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\pyral\hydrate.py", line 110, in _basicInstance 
    raise KeyError(itemType) 
KeyError: u'UserIterationCapacity' 


newArtifact["Iteration"] = { "_ref": "iteration/" + currentArtifact.Iteration.oid } 





def getDataCopy(data): 

    """ Given a piece of data, figure out how to copy it. If it's a native python type 
     like a string or numeric, just return the value. If it's a rally object, return 
     the ref to it. If it's a list, iterate and call ourself recursively for the 
     list members. """ 

    if isinstance(data, types.ListType): 
     copyData = [] 
     for entry in data: 

    elif hasattr(data, "ref"): 
     copyData = { "_ref": data.ref } 

     copyData = data 

    return copyData 

def getArtifactCopy(artifact): 

    """ Build a dictionary based on the values in the specified artifact. This dictionary 
     can then be passed to a rallyConn.put() call to actually create the new entry in 
     Rally. Attachments and Tasks must be copied seperately, since they require creation 
     of additional artifacts """ 

    newArtifact = {} 

    for attrName in artifact.attributes(): 

     # Skip the attributes that we can't or shouldn't handle directly 
     if attrName.startswith("_") or attrName == "oid" or attrName == "Iteration" or attrName == "Attachments": 

     attrValue = getattr(artifact, attrName) 
     newArtifact[attrName] = getDataCopy(attrValue) 

    if getattr(artifact, "Iteration", None) != None: 
     newArtifact["Iteration"] = { "_ref": "iteration/" + artifact.Iteration.oid } 

    return newArtifact 

def copyAttachments(rallyConn, oldArtifact, newArtifact): 

    """ For each attachment in the old artifact, create new attachments and attach them to the new artifact""" 

    # Copy Attachments 
    source_attachments = rallyConn.getAttachments(oldArtifact) 

    for source_attachment in source_attachments: 

     # First copy the content 
     source_attachment_content = source_attachment.Content 
     target_attachment_content_fields = { "Content": base64.encodestring(source_attachment_content) } 

      target_attachment_content = rallyConn.put('AttachmentContent', target_attachment_content_fields) 
      print "\t===> Copied AttachmentContent: %s" % target_attachment_content.ref 
     except pyral.RallyRESTAPIError, details: 
      sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s \n' % details) 

     # Next copy the attachment object 
     target_attachment_fields = { 
      "Name": source_attachment.Name, 
      "Description": source_attachment.Description, 
      "Content": target_attachment_content.ref, 
      "ContentType": source_attachment.ContentType, 
      "Size": source_attachment.Size, 
      "User": source_attachment.User.ref 

     # Attach it to the new artifact 
     target_attachment_fields["Artifact"] = newArtifact.ref 

      target_attachment = rallyConn.put(source_attachment._type, target_attachment_fields) 
      print "\t===> Copied Attachment: '%s'" % target_attachment.Name 
     except pyral.RallyRESTAPIError, details: 
      sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s \n' % details) 

def copyTasks(rallyConn, oldArtifact, newArtifact): 

    """ Iterate over the old artifacts tasks and create new ones, attaching them to the new artifact """ 

    for currentTask in oldArtifact.Tasks: 

     newTask = getArtifactCopy(currentTask) 

     # Assign the new task to the new artifact 
     newTask["WorkProduct"] = newArtifact.ref 

     # Push the new task into rally 
     newTaskObj = rallyConn.put(currentTask._type, newTask) 

     # Copy any attachments the task had 
     copyAttachments(rallyConn, currentTask, newTaskObj) 

def copyDefect(rallyConn, currentDefect, addlUpdates = {}): 

    """ Copy a defect including its attachments and tasks. Add the new defect as a 
     duplicate to the original """ 

    newArtifact = getArtifactCopy(currentDefect) 

    # Add the current defect as a duplicate for the new one 
    newArtifact["Duplicates"].append({ "_ref": currentDefect.ref }) 

    # Copy in any updates that might be needed 
    for (attrName, attrValue) in addlUpdates.items(): 
     newArtifact[attrName] = attrValue 

    print "Copying %s: %s..." % (currentDefect.Project.Name, currentDefect.FormattedID), 
    newDefect = rallyConn.create(currentDefect._type, newArtifact) 

    print "done, new item", newDefect.FormattedID 

    print "\tCopying attachments" 
    copyAttachments(rallyConn, currentDefect, newDefect) 

    print "\tCopying tasks" 
    copyTasks(rallyConn, currentDefect, newDefect) 


Rally APIs: How to copy Test Folder and member Test Cases

答案包含Python脚本,副本测试用例,附件。尽管该脚本适用于测试用例,但逻辑应该很容易适应缺陷,因为这些操作基本上是相同的 - 只有字段属性会有所不同。该脚本复制附件,标签等,几乎是整个神器。


是的,我确实看到了这个早期代码。我唯一的预留是在脚本中调用要复制的字段。任何时候,我们的管理员添加一个新的自定义字段(他已知这样做),脚本将需要更新。我想我可以保留一份不要复制的列表,但是我依赖于工件的拉力定义不会改变。 – svvitale


您可以在TypeDefinitions/AttributeDefinitions for Defects上进行额外的查询,并枚举缺陷工件上的自定义字段。然后,您需要修改代码以循环访问这些代码,并将它们添加到要复制的源/目标字段列表中。 – 2013-01-08 18:34:23


今天我花了一些时间与这个战斗没有太大的进展。我如何获得AttributeDefinitions?我能够为缺陷本身获得TypeDefinition,但是没有任何字段信息。我正在考虑只复制每个具有本机Python类型(字符串,数字等)的属性,然后为需要它的字段(迭代,用户,附件等)添加特殊处理的替代方法。你看到这种方法的缺点吗? – svvitale
