2013-02-28 90 views


在Oracle:enter image description here

但在MySQL:enter image description here

select x1.alert_level, count(x1.a1), count(x1.a2), count(x1.a3), 
count(x1.a4), count(x1.a5) from 
table_name.column_name alias, 
case when (now() - column_name) <= 7 then 1 end as a1, 
case when (now() - column_name) between 7 and 30 then 1 end as a2, 
case when (now() - column_name) between 30 and 60 then 1 end as a3, 
case when (now() - column_name) between 60 and 90 then 1 end as a4, 
case when (now() - column_name) >= 90 then 1 end as a5 
FROM tables 
WHERE filter_conditions) x1 GROUP BY x1.alias; 



“condition”是一个列还是一个更复杂的表达式? – 2013-02-28 23:05:16


这是一个简单的条件或表达。除非指定,否则不包含任何列:) – CodingInCircles 2013-02-28 23:06:07


然后发表该表达式。这个问题可能在那里。 – 2013-02-28 23:06:40
