2013-03-20 63 views




User is prompted for an amount (ie. 123) 
int amount = input.nextInt(); 

User is prompted for number of coins (ie. 6) 
int numCoins = input.nextInt(); 

User is prompted for coin values (ie. 2, 4, 32, 51, 82) 
int[] array = new array[] {2, 4, 32, 51, 82}; 

我曾尝试查找回溯信息,但无济于事。对我来说,这一切似乎都很不清楚 我正好想到从算法开始。




public class coins 

public static int[] coinValues; 
public static int currentAmount = 0; 

public static void main(String[] args) 
    ArrayList<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<>(); 
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

    System.out.println("Please enter the amount: "); 
    int amount = input.nextInt(); 

    System.out.println("Please enter the number of coins: "); 
    int numCoins = input.nextInt(); 
    coinValues = new int[numCoins]; 

    for (int i = 0; i < numCoins; i++) 
     System.out.println("Please enter coin value of " + i + " :"); 
     int value = input.nextInt(); 
     coinValues[i] = value; 

    for (int i = 0; i < coinValues.length; i++) 
     System.out.print("Coin Value: " + i + " " + coinValues[i] + "\n"); 

    tryThis(temp, amount); 

    for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) 
     System.out.println(temp.get(i) + " " + " "); 

public static ArrayList<Integer> tryThis(ArrayList<Integer> list, int amount) 
    if (isValid(list, amount) == false) 
     while (amount > currentAmount && (amount > 0)) 
      for (int i = 0; i < coinValues.length; i++) 
       for (int k = coinValues.length - 1; k > 0; k--) 
        int currentCoin = list.get(i); 

        if (amount > currentAmount) 
         amount = amount - currentCoin; 
         System.out.println("Amount: " + amount); 

        tryThis(list, amount); 

    return new ArrayList<>(); 

public static boolean isValid(ArrayList list, int amount) 
    boolean keepGoing = true; 
    if (amount > currentAmount) 
     return keepGoing = false; 
     return keepGoing; 

的问候, 迈克


请做一些研究和向下缩小问题的一个具体问题。 – 2013-03-20 17:40:46


你是否必须使用回溯来做到这一点,或者你可以使用贪婪算法吗? – 2013-03-20 17:47:58


该项目包括3个部分(回溯,贪婪和动态),其中我基本上需要解决同样的问题。 – fisherml 2013-03-20 17:49:25




For a given amount 
    For each coin type 
    Add the coin to a set 
    If the set exceeds the amount, discard that set. 
    If the set contains more coins than it should, discard the set. 
    If the set equals the amount, add that set to the set of valid possibilities. 
    Otherwise run the algorithm on each set you've created. 

随着回溯你典型的霍尔d到算法的每次迭代所剩下的数量(因此,因为您试图为越来越小的数量寻找解决方案,所以'回溯')。举例来说,可以说,我正在寻找$ 0.07使用硬币,镍币和便士:

I start with empty sets. 
I add a dime to one set. 
I subtract '10' from my amount. 
This is a negative number, so I discard that set: it is invalid. 
I add a nickel to another (empty) set. 
I subtract '5' from my amount. 
This equals 2; so I'll have to keep working on this set. 
Now I'm working with sets that already include one nickel. 
I add a dime to one set. 
I subtract '10' from my amount. 
This is a negative number, so I discard that set: it is invalid. 
I repeat this with a nickel; I discard this possibility because (2 - 5) is also negative. 
I repeat this with a penny; this is valid but I still have 1 left. 
I repeat this whole process again with a starting set of one nickel and one penny, 
    again discarding a dime and nickel, 
    and finally adding a penny to reach an amount of 0: this is a valid set. 
Now I go back to empty sets and repeat starting with a nickel, then pennies. 


[nickel, penny, penny] 
[penny, nickel, penny] 
[penny, penny, nickel] 
[penny, penny, penny, penny, penny, penny, penny] 



import java.util.*; 

public class Backtrack { 

    private static List<List<Integer>> findSets(int amount, List<Integer> coinTypes, int numberOfCoins) { 
    List<List<Integer>> results = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); 

    for (Integer coin : coinTypes) { 
     List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 
     int currentAmount = amount - coin; 
     if (currentAmount >=0) { //only continue if we haven't overshot 
     if (currentAmount == 0) { 
      results.add(result);//this is a valid solution, add it to result set 
     } else {//still some value to make up 
      if ((numberOfCoins - 1) > 0){//otherwise we shouldn't recurse 
      List<List<Integer>> recurseResults = findSets(currentAmount, coinTypes, (numberOfCoins - 1)); 
      for (List<Integer> recurseResult : recurseResults) {//Have to add this layer's coin in to each result 

    return results; 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub 
    int amount = 7; 
    List<Integer> coinTypes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 
    int numberOfCoins = 3; 

    List<List<Integer>> results = findSets(amount, coinTypes, numberOfCoins); 
    System.out.println("Number of results: " + results.size()); 
    for (List<Integer> result : results) { 
     System.out.print("Result: "); 
     for (Integer coin: result) { 
     System.out.println(result.toString() + ","); 

第一行是错误的。 – 2013-03-20 20:39:24


已修改,以便算法可以不经修改而自行运行。 – 2013-03-20 20:42:46


+1,因为这是有效的,但在回溯中,通常会对候选人进行排序,并将其从最大到最小应用到仅得到不同组合,并避免您在上面看到的排列组合。 (即[5,1x2]和[1x7]) – 2013-03-20 21:40:16