2016-04-27 125 views

我有这个功能用Lisp:Lisp的 - 排序使用自定义函数

(defun AddtoQueue (queue method) 
    ((eq method 'DFS) (append (growPath (car queue) (findCh (caar queue))) (cdr queue))) 
    ((eq method 'BFS) (append (cdr queue) (growPath (car queue)(findCh (caar queue))))) 
    ((eq method 'A) (SORT (append (cdr queue) (growPath (car queue) (findCh (caar queue)))) #'> :key #'pathLength )) 
    (T "not implemented") 



(defun pathLength(point) 

    ;;distance from origin point 
    (setq x (- (length queue) 1)) 

    ;;distance from end(manhattan distance) by subtracting the coords. 
    ;;calc lists is adding or subtracting lists. 
    (setq y (calcLists (cadr (assoc (car point) coords)) (cadr (assoc terminal coords)) 'sub)) 

    (setq y (+ (car y) (cadr y))) 
    ;;sum of distance from start and end. 
    (+ x y) 




(trace >) 
;=> (>) 
(sort (list 4 5 1) #'>) 
; 0: (> 5 4) 
; 0: > returned T 
; 0: (> 1 4) 
; 0: > returned NIL 
;=> (5 4 1) 
(trace 1+) 
;=> (1+) 
(sort (list 4 5 1) #'> :key #'1+) 
; 0: (1+ 5) 
; 0: 1+ returned 6 
; 0: (1+ 4) 
; 0: 1+ returned 5 
; 0: (> 6 5) 
; 0: > returned T 
; 0: (1+ 1) 
; 0: 1+ returned 2 
; 0: (1+ 4) 
; 0: 1+ returned 5 
; 0: (> 2 5) 
; 0: > returned NIL 
;=> (5 4 1) 
(untrace > 1+) 
;=> T 


  1. 在Lisps中,函数和变量的命名约定是使用所有小写字母之间的破折号。所以add-to-queue而不是AddtoQueue。名称(符号)通常会自动转换为大写(并且在注释等中写入),但在编写实际代码时应使用小写。
  2. 你不应该把闭幕paren放在自己的路线上。使用换行符和缩进来显示程序的结构。
  3. 应使用LET而不是SETQ来定义局部变量。
  5. 您的PATH-LENGTH正在使用变量QUEUE,它位于ADD-TO-QUEUE的本地。您需要使用FLET在同一范围内移动该功能。
  6. 它也使用名为TERMINALCOORDS的变量,这两个变量似乎都不存在于任何一个函数中。如果这些是全局(特殊)变量(应使用DEFVAR or DEFPARAMETER定义),则应在名称周围添加耳罩(星号)以表明:*TERMINAL*,*COORDS*


(defun add-to-queue (queue method) 
    (flet ((path-length (point) 
      (let* ((x (1- (length queue))) 
        ;; It's better to use FIRST and SECOND instead of CAR and 
        ;; CADR when dealing with lists. 
        (temp (calc-lists (second (assoc (car point) *coords*)) 
            (second (assoc *terminal* *coords*)) 
        (y (+ (first temp) (second temp)))) 
      (+ x y)))) 
    (case method 
     ;; Consider using full words for function names. So 
     ;; FIND-CHARACTER, assuming that's what CH means. 
     (append (grow-path (car queue) 
          (find-ch (caar queue))) 
       (cdr queue))) 
     (append (cdr queue) 
       (grow-path (car queue) 
          (find-ch (caar queue))))) 
     (sort (append (cdr queue) 
        (grow-path (car queue) 
           (find-ch (caar queue)))) 
      #'> :key #'path-length)) 
     ;; You could use `ECASE` to automatically signal an error 
     ;; if METHOD doesn't match any of the cases. 
     (otherwise "not implemented")))) 

完美答案,谢谢你。你指出了更多我等待得到的东西。只用了一个月的Lisp。 – Segmentation