2015-03-03 111 views



这些脚本故意尝试'ls i_do_not_exist'来强制执行错误。

脚本1 - 手动拒绝或解决DFD:从脚本1

/*jshint dojo:true */ 
/*global console:true */ 
'use strict'; 
], function (test, JSFtp, assert) { 

    test.suite('FTP Test', function() { 
     var promise, 
      creds = { 
       "host": "ftp.ed.ac.uk", 
       "port": 21, 
       "user": "anonymous", 
       "pass": "[email protected]" 

     test.test('Check FTP availability', function() { 
      var dfd = this.async(30000); 

      console.log('Making FTP connection...'); 
      var ftp = new JSFtp(creds); 

      ftp.auth(creds.user, creds.pass, function (err, res) { 
       console.log('FTP auth result: err: ', err, ' res: ', res); 
       console.log('typeof err: ' + typeof err); 
       if (err) { 

       ftp.ls('i_do_not_exist', function(err, res) { 
        console.log('Ftp result: err: ', err, ' res: ', res); 
        if (err) { 
         console.error('Error in ls, failing FTP test.'); 

        console.log('ls succeeded.'); 

        // Got to do a raw quit when success or fail 
        ftp.raw.quit(function(err, data) { 
         console.log('Closed ftp: err: ', err, ' data: ', data); 

         if (err) { 
          console.log('Quit failed, test failed.'); 
         } else { 
          console.log('Quit OK, test succeeded.'); 
          dfd.resolve('ftp ok'); 
       return dfd; 
      return dfd; 


$ ../node_modules/.bin/intern-client config=intern suites=FTPTest reporters=console 
Making FTP connection... 
FAIL: main - FTP Test - Check FTP availability (30008ms) 
Error: Timeout reached on main - FTP Test - Check FTP availability 
    at Error (<anonymous>) 
    at new ErrorCtor (/home/neek/src/WIN/monitoring/node_modules/intern/node_modules/dojo/errors/create.js:13:21) 
    at null._onTimeout (/home/neek/src/WIN/monitoring/node_modules/intern/lib/Test.js:196:39) 
    at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:110:15) 
0/1 tests passed 
0/1 tests passed 

File          | % Stmts |% Branches | % Funcs | % Lines | 
    node_modules/intern/     |  85.71 |  50 |  100 |  85.71 | 
     chai.js        |  85.71 |  50 |  100 |  85.71 | 
    node_modules/intern/lib/    |  63.77 |  47.37 |  44.44 |  63.77 | 
     Test.js        |  63.77 |  47.37 |  44.44 |  63.77 | 
    node_modules/intern/lib/interfaces/ |  76.19 |  50 |  55.56 |  76.19 | 
     tdd.js        |  76.19 |  50 |  55.56 |  76.19 | 
    node_modules/intern/lib/reporters/  |  60.87 |  35 |  57.14 |  60.87 | 
     console.js       |  60.87 |  35 |  57.14 |  60.87 | 
    node_modules/intern/node_modules/chai/ |  34.23 |  5.02 |  23.76 |  35.49 | 
     chai.js        |  34.23 |  5.02 |  23.76 |  35.49 | 
    src/         |  32.26 |   0 |  50 |  32.26 | 
     FTPTest.js       |  32.26 |   0 |  50 |  32.26 | 
All files         |  37.91 |  8.25 |  28.69 |  39.12 | 

FTP auth result: err: null res: { code: 230, 
    text: '230-This service is managed by Information Services. It holds information\n which may be useful to system managers and space is provided for\n individuals and groups upon request. Upload facilities are also\n available. Anyone can make use of this service. \n \n The files called ls-lR and index are a list of all the files that are\n available from this server. ls-lR.Z is a compressed version of this\n file.\n \n Files available on the archive are to be found in the \'pub\' directory.\n \n Upload facilities for file sharing\n ----------------------------------\n \n The directory \'incoming\' is a place where files may be stored. This\n directory is provided as a resource for communicating files between\n University of Edinburgh users and others; it is not a free Internet\n resource. If you put files here then please send mail to the FTP server\n maintainer ([email protected]) explaining what should be done with\n them. If notification is not received, the files will be removed. This\n directory is not readable so once files are placed here you will not be\n able to see them. You should also contact the person who you are\n passing the files to and provide them with the server name and names of\n all the files e.g.:\n \n \t\tftp://ftp.ed.ac.uk/incoming/myfile.txt\n \n To retrieve files, the exact filename and path should be used e.g.:\n \n \t\tftp://ftp.ed.ac.uk/incoming/myfile.txt\n \n The directory \'edupload\' may be used by anyone connected to the\n University network to upload files in the same manner as above. \n However, no mail notification needs to be sent to the FTP server\n maintainer and files will remain in the directory for one week. Please\n do NOT upload files to both this and the incoming directory - choose one\n or the other. \n \n Anyone may download files from /incoming or /edupload if they know the\n name of the file that is stored there. \n \n How to upload a file to the server\n ----------------------------------\n   \n It is best to use a command line ftp program. Windows, Mac and Linux\n systems all provide a command line ftp client. Open a command or\n terminal window and then type:\n \n   ftp ftp.ed.ac.uk\n \n Login using the username \'anonymous\' and use your email address as password.\n \n Next change your current working directory to either the incoming\n directory or the edupload directory (be aware that edupload can only be\n accessed from the University network). \n \n   cd /incoming\n \n Next upload your file(s) using the put command:\n \n   put myfile.txt\n \n Your file will then be loaded on the ftp server. You will not be able\n to get a file listing of it though as the directory is protected. \n \n \n FTP Server Maintainer (email: [email protected])\n 24th September 2010\n \n230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply', 
    isMark: false, 
    isError: false } 
typeof err: object 
Ftp result: err: { [Error: 450 i_do_not_exist: No such file or directory] code: 450 } res: undefined 
Error in ls, failing FTP test. 
<script hangs here...> 

脚本2 - 掷(或不)从每个范围,以允许rejectOnError()和回调()做拒绝或解决。

/*jshint dojo:true */ 
/*global console:true */ 
'use strict'; 
], function (test, JSFtp, assert) { 

    test.suite('FTP Test', function() { 
     var promise, 
      creds = { 
       "host": "ftp.ed.ac.uk", 
       "port": 21, 
       "user": "anonymous", 
       "pass": "[email protected]" 

     test.test('Check FTP availability', function() { 
      var dfd = this.async(30000); 

      console.log('Making FTP connection...'); 
      var ftp = new JSFtp(creds); 

      ftp.auth(creds.user, creds.pass, dfd.rejectOnError(function (err, res) { 
       console.log('FTP auth result: err: ', err, ' res: ', res); 
       console.log('typeof err: ' + typeof err); 
       if (err) { 
        throw err; 

       ftp.ls('i_do_not_exist', dfd.rejectOnError(function(err, res) { 
        console.log('Ftp result: err: ', err, ' res: ', res); 
        if (err) { 
         console.error('Error in ls, failing FTP test.'); 
         throw err; 

        console.log('ls succeeded.'); 

        // Got to do a raw quit when success or fail 
        ftp.raw.quit(dfd.callback(function(err, data) { 
         console.log('Closed ftp: err: ', err, ' data: ', data); 

         if (err) { 
          console.log('Quit failed, test failed.'); 
          throw 'Quit failed'; 
         } else { 
          console.log('Quit OK, test succeeded.'); 
       return dfd; 
      return dfd; 


$ ../node_modules/.bin/intern-client config=intern suites=FTPTest2 reporters=console 
Making FTP connection... 
FTP auth result: err: null res: { code: 230, 
    text: '230-This service is managed by Information Services. It holds information\n which may be useful to system managers and space is provided for\n individuals and groups upon request. Upload facilities are also\n available. Anyone can make use of this service. \n \n The files called ls-lR and index are a list of all the files that are\n available from this server. ls-lR.Z is a compressed version of this\n file.\n \n Files available on the archive are to be found in the \'pub\' directory.\n \n Upload facilities for file sharing\n ----------------------------------\n \n The directory \'incoming\' is a place where files may be stored. This\n directory is provided as a resource for communicating files between\n University of Edinburgh users and others; it is not a free Internet\n resource. If you put files here then please send mail to the FTP server\n maintainer ([email protected]) explaining what should be done with\n them. If notification is not received, the files will be removed. This\n directory is not readable so once files are placed here you will not be\n able to see them. You should also contact the person who you are\n passing the files to and provide them with the server name and names of\n all the files e.g.:\n \n \t\tftp://ftp.ed.ac.uk/incoming/myfile.txt\n \n To retrieve files, the exact filename and path should be used e.g.:\n \n \t\tftp://ftp.ed.ac.uk/incoming/myfile.txt\n \n The directory \'edupload\' may be used by anyone connected to the\n University network to upload files in the same manner as above. \n However, no mail notification needs to be sent to the FTP server\n maintainer and files will remain in the directory for one week. Please\n do NOT upload files to both this and the incoming directory - choose one\n or the other. \n \n Anyone may download files from /incoming or /edupload if they know the\n name of the file that is stored there. \n \n How to upload a file to the server\n ----------------------------------\n   \n It is best to use a command line ftp program. Windows, Mac and Linux\n systems all provide a command line ftp client. Open a command or\n terminal window and then type:\n \n   ftp ftp.ed.ac.uk\n \n Login using the username \'anonymous\' and use your email address as password.\n \n Next change your current working directory to either the incoming\n directory or the edupload directory (be aware that edupload can only be\n accessed from the University network). \n \n   cd /incoming\n \n Next upload your file(s) using the put command:\n \n   put myfile.txt\n \n Your file will then be loaded on the ftp server. You will not be able\n to get a file listing of it though as the directory is protected. \n \n \n FTP Server Maintainer (email: [email protected])\n 24th September 2010\n \n230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply', 
    isMark: false, 
    isError: false } 
typeof err: object 
Ftp result: err: { [Error: 450 i_do_not_exist: No such file or directory] code: 450 } res: undefined 
Error in ls, failing FTP test. 
FAIL: main - FTP Test - Check FTP availability (12732ms) 
Error: 450 i_do_not_exist: No such file or directory 
    at Ftp.parse (/home/neek/src/WIN/monitoring/node_modules/jsftp/lib/jsftp.js:217:11) 
    at Ftp.parseResponse (/home/neek/src/WIN/monitoring/node_modules/jsftp/lib/jsftp.js:136:8) 
    at Stream.<anonymous> (/home/neek/src/WIN/monitoring/node_modules/jsftp/lib/jsftp.js:107:24) 
    at Stream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17) 
    at ResponseParser.reemit (/home/neek/src/WIN/monitoring/node_modules/jsftp/node_modules/event-stream/node_modules/duplexer/index.js:70:25) 
    at ResponseParser.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17) 
    at ResponseParser.<anonymous> (_stream_readable.js:746:14) 
    at ResponseParser.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:92:17) 
    at emitReadable_ (_stream_readable.js:408:10) 
    at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:404:5) 
0/1 tests passed 
0/1 tests passed 

File          | % Stmts |% Branches | % Funcs | % Lines | 
    node_modules/intern/     |  85.71 |  50 |  100 |  85.71 | 
     chai.js        |  85.71 |  50 |  100 |  85.71 | 
    node_modules/intern/lib/    |  69.57 |  47.37 |  50 |  69.57 | 
     Test.js        |  69.57 |  47.37 |  50 |  69.57 | 
    node_modules/intern/lib/interfaces/ |  76.19 |  50 |  55.56 |  76.19 | 
     tdd.js        |  76.19 |  50 |  55.56 |  76.19 | 
    node_modules/intern/lib/reporters/  |  60.87 |  35 |  57.14 |  60.87 | 
     console.js       |  60.87 |  35 |  57.14 |  60.87 | 
    node_modules/intern/node_modules/chai/ |  34.23 |  5.02 |  23.76 |  35.49 | 
     chai.js        |  34.23 |  5.02 |  23.76 |  35.49 | 
    src/         |  71.43 |  33.33 |  83.33 |  71.43 | 
     FTPTest2.js       |  71.43 |  33.33 |  83.33 |  71.43 | 
All files         |  39.36 |  8.64 |  29.92 |  40.64 | 
<script hangs here...> 







// ... 
    // ... 

这个代码是没有做任何事情。它只是创建并立即丢弃new bound function。它应该是呼叫拒绝:dfd.reject(err)。注意reject的参数是一个Error对象,而不是一个字符串。


  ftp.ls('i_do_not_exist', dfd.rejectOnError(function(err, res) { 
       console.log('Ftp result: err: ', err, ' res: ', res); 
       if (err) { 
        console.error('Error in ls, failing FTP test.'); 
        throw err; 

       console.log('ls succeeded.'); 

       // Got to do a raw quit when success or fail 
       ftp.raw.quit(dfd.callback(function(err, data) { 


此外,OP中链接的“intern-wiki”存储库不是官方文档。我有兴趣了解你是如何登陆的。 correct documentation链接来自旧的维基和主页。


谢谢科林。你绝对正确,非常感谢你。整个'dfd.reject.bind'的情况让我很困惑,神秘的“//确保没有HTTP错误发生。” dfd.reject.bind(dfd);“我从样本代码中挑选出来的东西对我来说根本没有意义。至于FTP套接字,你又是对的,即使ls失败,也会退出调用,然后在其回调中失败的测试效果非常好。该文档链接是谷歌brainfart,我刚刚发布上面的错误链接。 – Neek 2015-03-04 03:23:54