2015-02-09 67 views

有什么办法,使此代码的工作,而无需使用Box ING:我是否需要在此框?

fn some_func(my_type: MyType, some_str: &str) -> bool { 
    let mut hmac = match my_type { 
    MyType::MyType1 => create_hmac(Sha256::new(), some_str), 
    MyType::MyType2 => create_hmac(Sha384::new(), some_str), 
    MyType::MyType3 => create_hmac(Sha512::new(), some_str), 
    _ => panic!() 

    //some calculations goes HERE, NOT in create_hmac function... 

    //something else.... 

fn create_hmac<D: Digest>(digest: D, some_str: &str) -> Hmac<D> { 
    Hmac::new(digest, some_str.to_string().as_bytes()) 



我一定是盲目的,因为我没有看到任何'Box'有 – 2015-02-09 06:36:56


请创建一个最小的编译例子 – 2015-02-09 07:44:23


@JorgeIsraelPeña,没有盒子在那里。但Box可以用来使它工作。但我不想用它。 – 2015-02-09 08:00:19





struct Sha256; 
struct Sha384; 
struct Sha512; 

trait Digest {} 
impl Digest for Sha256 {} 
impl Digest for Sha384 {} 
impl Digest for Sha512 {} 

struct HMac<D: Digest> { d: D } 

fn main() { 
    let a = 1; 

    // what you're trying to do 
    // (does not work, Sha256, Sha384 and Sha512 are different types) 
    //let _ = match a { 
    // 1 => Sha256, 
    // 2 => Sha384, 
    // 3 => Sha512, 
    // _ => unreachable!() 



fn main() { 
    let a = 1; 

    let _ : Box<Digest> = match a { 
     1 => Box::new(Sha256), 
     2 => Box::new(Sha384), 
     3 => Box::new(Sha512), 
     _ => unreachable!() 

    // to use references we need a pre-existing instance of all ShaXXX 
    let (sha256, sha384, sha512) = (Sha256, Sha384, Sha512); 

    let _ : &Digest = match a { 
     1 => &sha256, //... otherwise the reference wouldn't outlive the match 
     2 => &sha384, 
     3 => &sha512, 
     _ => unreachable!() 



//HMac implements a Mac trait, so we can return a Box<Mac> 
// (I'm assuming you only want to use HMac through its Mac trait) 
fn create_hmac<'a, D: Digest>(digest: D, some_str: &'a str) -> Box<Mac + 'a> { 
    Box::new(Hmac::new(digest, some_str.to_string().as_bytes())) 


let mut hmac: Box<Mac> = match my_type { 
    MyType::MyType1 => create_hmac(Sha256::new(), some_str), 
    MyType::MyType2 => create_hmac(Sha384::new(), some_str), 
    MyType::MyType3 => create_hmac(Sha512::new(), some_str), 
    _ => unreachable!() 

根据您的解决方案,我将如何创建Hmac'Hmac :: new(???,some_str.to_string()。as_bytes())'? – 2015-02-09 11:38:16


什么是'a',为什么它等于1? – 2015-02-09 11:41:09


@AlexanderSupertramp'a'只代表你的'MyType'枚举,以提供一个可编辑的例子。 – 2015-02-09 11:44:16


一次加法和一次澄清保罗的好回答。首先,你可以让你的枚举包含合适的Sha* struct,然后通过适当的委托来实现Digest。这可能没有什么意义在所有情况下,但如果概念那就是你在做什么,这可能是有意义的:

struct Sha256; 
struct Sha384; 
struct Sha512; 

trait Digest { fn digest(&self); } 
impl Digest for Sha256 { fn digest(&self) {println!("256")} } 
impl Digest for Sha384 { fn digest(&self) {println!("384")} } 
impl Digest for Sha512 { fn digest(&self) {println!("512")} } 

enum MyType { 

impl Digest for MyType { 
    fn digest(&self) { 
     use MyType::*; 

     match *self { 
      One(ref sha) => sha.digest(), 
      Two(ref sha) => sha.digest(), 
      Three(ref sha) => sha.digest(), 

fn main() { 
    let a = MyType::Two(Sha384); 



use std::time::duration::Duration; 
use std::old_io::timer::sleep; 

struct Sha256(u8); 
struct Sha384(u8); 
struct Sha512(u8); 

impl Sha256 { fn new() -> Sha256 { sleep(Duration::seconds(1)); Sha256(1) }} 
impl Sha384 { fn new() -> Sha384 { sleep(Duration::seconds(2)); Sha384(2) }} 
impl Sha512 { fn new() -> Sha512 { sleep(Duration::seconds(3)); Sha512(3) }} 

trait Digest {} 
impl Digest for Sha256 {} 
impl Digest for Sha384 {} 
impl Digest for Sha512 {} 

fn main() { 
    let a = 1; 

    let sha256: Sha256; 
    let sha384: Sha384; 
    let sha512: Sha512; 

    let _ : &Digest = match a { 
     1 => { 
      sha256 = Sha256::new(); 
     2 => { 
      sha384 = Sha384::new(); 
     3 => { 
      sha512 = Sha512::new(); 
     _ => unreachable!() 

'let mut hmac = Hmac :: new(* digest,“fdsfds”.to_string()。as_bytes());'===> 1) 2)'error:type crypto :: hmac :: Hmac 不会实现任何类型的密码。方法在名为input的作用域中 – 2015-02-10 14:07:17