2017-05-06 89 views

我在Squarespace上使用Foundry template,我需要将帖子页面上的日期格式从英语更改为葡萄牙语。而不是“5月6日”,我需要“6迈”。在巴西,我们使用模式dd/mm/yyyy。在这种情况下,我只想每天和每月,并翻译所有月份(到:Jan,Fev,Mar,Abr,Mai,Jun,Jul,Ago,Set,Out,Nov,Dez)。在模板上更改日期格式





    (function() { 
     var dates = document.getElementsByClassName("dt-published date-highlight"); 
     var newDate; 
     var i,I; 
     // Create object with 'source' keys on the left, and 'output' values on the right. 
     var months = { 
     // Loop through all dates, replacing months and reordering display. 
     // - Trim extra white space from beginning and end of date. 
     // - Replace multiple consecutive spaces with a single space. 
     // - Split by space into an array. 
     // - Replace month text based on 'months' object key:value pairs. 
     // - Convert array to string, rearranging display order of elements. 
     // - Set new date HTML. 
     for (i=0, I=dates.length; i<I; i++) { 
      newDate = dates[i].innerHTML.trim(); 
      newDate = newDate = newDate.replace(/ +/g, ' '); 
      newDate = newDate.split(" "); 
      newDate[0] = months[newDate[0]]; 
      newDate = newDate[1] + " " + newDate[0]; 
      dates[i].innerHTML = newDate; 