2016-04-04 127 views

我会简单地解释我迄今为止所做的事情 - 首先,我有多个商店,每个商店都有自己的表格,其中包含id,item,qty和价格,并且有一个名为all_items的主表,其中包含从每个商店表中获取的总数量。PHP加入多个表格不能按预期工作



id item qty price 
1 x1 10 12 
2 x2 10 15 
3 x3 5 5 


id item qty price 
1 x1 10 12 
2 x4 6 6 



id item qty price 
1 x3 1 5 
2 x6 5 5 
3 x7 5 12 

all_items - 包含原总数量

id item qty price 
1 x1 20 12 
2 x2 10 15 
3 x3 6 5 
4 x4 6 6 
5 x6 5 5 
6 x7 5 12 


item price S1 S2 S3 
x1 12 10 10 - 
x2 15 10 - - 
x3 5  5 - 5 
x4 6  - 6 - 
x6 5  - - 5 
x7 12 - - 5 

我希望它现在清楚。我已经创建了复选框输入型(每个商店)一个表单,允许用户选择存储他要比较,所以提交表单后 - 一个PHP页面包含以下代码:

$allstore = $_POST['store']; //Collects name from checkbox ticks under form 

function createSelect($allstore) 
    if (empty($allstore)) 
     return ""; 

    $querySelect = ""; 
    $queryJoin = ""; 
    $baseTable = ""; 
    foreach ($allstore as $store => $value) { 
     if (!$querySelect) { 
      $baseTable = "all_items"; 
      $querySelect = "SELECT " . $store . ".item_no, " . $store . ".actual_price, " . $store . ".selling_price, " . $store . ".qty as " . $store; 
     } else { 
      $querySelect .= ", " . $store . ".qty as " . $store; 
      $queryJoin .= " 
      INNER JOIN " . $store . " ON " . $baseTable . ".item_no = " . $store . ".item_no"; 
    $querySelect .= " FROM " . $baseTable; 
    $query = $querySelect . $queryJoin; 

    return $query; 

$allstore = array(); // The below code allows function to know how many stores selected in $allstore 
if (!empty($_POST['store'])) { 
    foreach ($_POST['store'] as $value) { 
     $allstore["s_".$value] = 0; // or 1, it doesn't matter because your function adds all the keys 

var_dump(createSelect($allstore)); // Output SQL 

$query = (createSelect($allstore)); 
$result = mysql_query($query); 
//Rest of the code ..... 

现在,如果你通知$baseTable = "all_items";使整个查询失败。但是,如果我将其值更改为$baseTable = $store;,它将起作用并显示输出,但不会如预期的那样,因为事实证明S1现在是主要的,并且结果将完全不同,因为它仅在S1项上进行中继。





function createSelect($stores) 
    $query = ""; 
    $baseTable = "all_items"; 
    foreach($stores as $i => $store) 
     $query .= "(SELECT {$store}.id AS {$store}_id, {$store}.item AS {$store}_item, {$store}.price AS {$store}_price, {$store}.qty AS {$store}_qty, '{$store}' as Source FROM {$store}) UNION "; 
    $query .= "(SELECT all_items.id AS {$baseTable}_id, {$baseTable}.item AS {$baseTable}_item, {$baseTable}.price AS {$baseTable}_price, {$baseTable}.qty AS {$baseTable}_qty, '{$baseTable}' as Source FROM {$baseTable})"; 
    return $query; 

$result = mysql_query(createSelect($allStore)); 
//Rest of code 
//if my tables are S1, S1, and my $baseTable is bs 
//echo createSelect(array('S1', 'S2'); will output (SELECT S1.id AS S1_id, S1.item AS S1_item, S1.price AS S1_price, S1.qty AS S1_qty, 'S1' as Source FROM S1) UNION (SELECT S2.id AS S2_id, S2.item AS S2_item, S2.price AS S2_price, S2.qty AS S2_qty, 'S2' as Source FROM S2) UNION (SELECT all_items.id AS all_items_id, all_items.item AS all_items_item, all_items.price AS all_items_price, all_items.qty AS all_items_qty, 'all_items' as Source FROM all_items) 

感谢您的回复,根据你的代码,我发现了一个错误mysqli的'-mysql_fetch_assoc()预计参数1是资源,布尔given' –


它似乎无望找到一个解决方案。 –


我在我的最后复制了你的案例,它似乎运作良好。检查列名和表名是否与您已有的名称相对应。如果它不是,请让我知道 – KBJ