2016-11-21 196 views



我们正在运行Jenkins版本。 1.625.3和fastlane最新版本,由于ssh和apple问题而从zipfile提供。见下面的版本。我们缺少什么?


16:42:50 [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. 
16:42:50 Building remotely on myapp-mac-001 in workspace /Users/bob/workspace/myapp-ios 
16:42:50 [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... 
16:42:50 [WS-CLEANUP] Done 
16:42:50 Cloning the remote Git repository 
16:42:50 Cloning repository ssh://server/git/myapp-ios.git 
16:42:50 > /usr/bin/git init /Users/bob/workspace/myapp-ios # timeout=10 
16:42:50 Fetching upstream changes from ssh://server/git/myapp-ios.git 
16:42:50 > /usr/bin/git --version # timeout=10 
16:42:50 using GIT_SSH to set credentials This key can authenticate against source servers 
16:42:50 > /usr/bin/git fetch --tags --progress ssh://server/git/myapp-ios.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* 
16:42:52 > /usr/bin/git config remote.origin.url ssh://server/git/myapp-ios.git # timeout=10 
16:42:52 > /usr/bin/git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 
16:42:52 > /usr/bin/git config remote.origin.url ssh://server/git/myapp-ios.git # timeout=10 
16:42:52 Fetching upstream changes from ssh://server/git/myapp-ios.git 
16:42:52 using GIT_SSH to set credentials This key can authenticate against source servers 
16:42:52 > /usr/bin/git fetch --tags --progress ssh://server/git/myapp-ios.git +refs/heads/feature/*:refs/remotes/origin/feature/* 
16:42:53 Seen branch in repository origin/develop 
16:42:53 Seen branch in repository origin/feature/fastlane_fix 
16:42:53 Seen branch in repository origin/feature/new_structure 
16:42:53 Seen branch in repository origin/master 
16:42:53 Seen 4 remote branches 
16:42:53 Checking out Revision 13a27f98eb9e879ccf31729401160af4217b3520 (origin/feature/new_structure) 
16:42:53 > /usr/bin/git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 
16:42:53 > /usr/bin/git checkout -f 13a27f98eb9e879ccf31729401160af4217b3520 
16:42:53 > /usr/bin/git rev-list 13a27f98eb9e879ccf31729401160af4217b3520 # timeout=10 
16:42:53 Set build name. 
16:42:53 New build name is '#213-origin/feature/new_structure' 
16:42:53 [myapp-ios] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/bw/fw05xx_12gjgrylcs4vcvf4c0000gp/T/hudson1075118741175647034.sh 
16:42:53 + whoami 
16:42:53 bob 
16:42:53 + security list-keychains 
16:42:53  "/Users/bob/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db" 
16:42:53  "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" 
16:42:53 + security default-keychain 
16:42:53  "/Users/bob/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db" 
16:42:53 + security dump-keychain 
16:42:53 + grep match 
16:42:53  0x00000007 <blob>="match_ssh://server/git/myapp-configuration.git" 
16:42:53  "srvr"<blob>="match_ssh://server/git/myapp-configuration.git" 
16:42:53 [myapp-ios] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/bw/fw05xx_12gjgrylcs4vcvf4c0000gp/T/hudson8479113557469598261.sh 
16:42:53 + fastlane ios build app_identifier:com.myapp configuration:debug scheme:myapp verbose 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: Your Fastfile has had smart quotes sanitised. To avoid issues in the future, you should not use TextEdit for editing it. If you are not using TextEdit, you should turn off smart quotes in your editor of choice. 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: ------------------------------------------------- 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version --- 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: ------------------------------------------------- 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: Your fastlane version 1.110.0 matches the minimum requirement of 1.102.0 ✅ 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: ------------------------------ 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: --- Step: default_platform --- 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: ------------------------------ 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: Driving the lane 'ios build' 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: starting build 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: ------------------- 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: --- Step: match --- 
16:42:54 [ 16:42:50]: ------------------- 
16:42:55 Successfully loaded Appfile at path '/Users/bob/workspace/myapp-ios/fastlane/Appfile' 
16:42:55 - app_identifier: 'com.myapp' 
16:42:55 - apple_id: 'mymail' 
16:42:55 - team_id: 'someid' 
16:42:55 ------- 
16:42:55 INFO [2016-11-21  16:42:51.55]: Successfully loaded '/Users/bob/workspace/myapp-ios/fastlane/Matchfile' 
16:42:55 +----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ 
16:42:55 |     Detected Values from './fastlane/Matchfile'     | 
16:42:55 +----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ 
16:42:55 | git_url    | ssh://server/git/myapp-configuration.git | 
16:42:55 | username    | mymail        | 
16:42:55 +----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ 
16:42:55 DEBUG [2016-11-21  16:42:51.55]: Taking value for 'team_id' from environment variable 'FASTLANE_TEAM_ID' 
16:42:55 +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ 
16:42:55 |        Summary for match 0.11.0        | 
16:42:55 +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ 
16:42:55 | app_identifier  | com.myapp         | 
16:42:55 | type     | development            | 
16:42:55 | readonly    | true              | 
16:42:55 | verbose    | true              | 
16:42:55 | git_url    | ssh://server/git/myapp-configuration.git | 
16:42:55 | username    | mymail        | 
16:42:55 | git_branch   | master              | 
16:42:55 | keychain_name   | login.keychain            | 
16:42:55 | team_id    | someid             | 
16:42:55 | force     | false              | 
16:42:55 | skip_confirmation  | false              | 
16:42:55 | shallow_clone   | false              | 
16:42:55 | force_for_new_devices | false              | 
16:42:55 | skip_docs    | false              | 
16:42:55 +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ 
16:42:55 INFO [2016-11-21  16:42:51.55]: Cloning remote git repo... 
16:42:55 INFO [2016-11-21  16:42:51.55]: $ GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git clone 'ssh://server/git/myapp-configuration.git' '/var/folders/bw/fw05xx_12gjgrylcs4vcvf4c0000gp/T/d20161121-19169-opcqhe' 
16:42:55 INFO [2016-11-21  16:42:51.57]: ▸ Cloning into '/var/folders/bw/fw05xx_12gjgrylcs4vcvf4c0000gp/T/d20161121-19169-opcqhe'... 
16:42:55 INFO [2016-11-21  16:42:51.76]: ▸ remote: Counting objects: 1195, done. 
16:42:56 INFO [2016-11-21  16:42:52.09]: ▸ remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1131/1131), done. 
16:42:56 INFO [2016-11-21  16:42:52.31]: ▸ remote: Total 1195 (delta 116), reused 0 (delta 0) 
16:42:56 INFO [2016-11-21  16:42:52.31]: ▸ Receiving objects: 100% (1195/1195), 2.26 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done. 
16:42:56 INFO [2016-11-21  16:42:52.32]: ▸ Resolving deltas: 100% (116/116), done. 
16:42:56 INFO [2016-11-21  16:42:52.34]: ▸ Checking connectivity... done. 
16:42:56 WARN [2016-11-21  16:42:52.41]: Enter the passphrase that should be used to encrypt/decrypt your certificates 
16:42:56 WARN [2016-11-21  16:42:52.41]: This passphrase is specific per repository and will be stored in your local keychain 
16:42:56 WARN [2016-11-21  16:42:52.41]: Make sure to remember the password, as you'll need it when you run match on a different machine 
16:42:56 WARN [2016-11-21  16:42:52.41]: Passphrase for Git Repo: 
16:42:56 ERROR [2016-11-21  16:42:52.41]: Couldn't decrypt the repo, please make sure you enter the right password! 
16:42:56 keychain: "/Users/bob/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db" 



你可以尝试设置ENV['FASTLANE_PASSWORD'](苹果开发者门户网站的密码 - 在你的例子mymail)在中fastfile应该将其提供给您的构建。



我真的不想打印出密码作为环境变量。 – peuhse




真的不想将密码存储在文件中或作为环境变量 – peuhse


您也可以将其存储在钥匙链 – KrauseFx


是的,这就是我们正在尝试的。但是,然后我得到上述错误。在命令上本地运行它可以正常工作。 – peuhse